They are between us

in #story7 years ago

hospital.jpgThe Hospital
Frank was a successful young man with extensive experience in business and started making his family. He always traveled in his own vehicle to do business with his company. One day on one of those business trips he met Sandra, a pretty blonde, who took the breath away from any man, but, as ambitious as she was beautiful, she was aggressive in moments of fury and was capable of committing any madness. Sandra brought many discussions to Frank with his partner, who with the sixth feminine sense, sensed the deception. One day Frank decides to finish with Sandra. Sandra finds herself - using one of her business trips as a stall - He tells Sandra his decision, who shouts at him and tells him many curses, after the strong encounter with his lover, he returns home.

On the road Francisco could not get rid of the image of Sandra full of anger saying: You told me you were going to leave and leave me ... after I fell in love with you ... you are going to pay me ... remember that I know a lot about You and I can harm your family ... you're going to pay for it ... I'm going to kill you or I'll make you suffer for you. Suddenly he saw two lights of a vehicle in the back approaching at high speed, then he felt a great roar, he reacted in time and moved the steering wheel very agile, he took many turns until the car stopped spinning, it was a puzzled while thinking how he could see survived and who was the driver of that car that almost caused him death, suddenly he realizes that his car was blowing smoke in the front, got off and seeing the car status almost I was crying, I was on a dark road in the middle of the night; not a soul passed. After waiting a while, he decided to push the vehicle to a place where he could ask for help, then a few minutes, he got with a large building, entered the building.

In the main entrance there was a large corridor with many doors, at the beginning of that corridor there was an office with large windows of glass through which you could see into the interior of the office, with a sign that read: RECEPTION. He took the audacity to enter, inside the office was a desk with yellow folders identified with numbers, at the back of the desk was a door that had a sign that said: BATHROOMS. ONLY FOR EMPLOYEE USE. When he turned around he came across a woman who dressed like a nurse, she was tall, straight hair, her hair was pulled back, with a pale complexion, on her face there was a tiredness from day to day, she also noticed that she was wearing a yellow folder like those on the desk and said: How can I help you sir? -The woman told him - Good evening, I'm Francisco - He answered while stretching his hand as a sign of presentation - I had an accident ... Well, rather they hit me and left the car made nothing, and as it is a lonely road I decided walk to seek help, until I saw this building and wanted to know. If you can offer me a place to stay until tomorrow.

The woman looked at him carefully, then said: Well ... First this is a psychiatric hospital, I'm Blanca the nurse - Stretching your hand to Francisco- I'm the only nurse here, I can not offer you a room because the rooms are only for sick, and I also think that all the rooms are occupied, but, let me talk to the doctor; which by the way: is the only one, to see if he can enable you a room. She went behind the desk placed the yellow folder on the desk along with the others and took a phone that was on the desk; Then she picked up the receiver and dialed a number, after a moment the nurse said: Halo! It's me Blanca, I'm calling to see if he can come to the reception for a moment.

Francisco asked for the bathroom, when he was there he washes his face, but when he put his hands on his face, he felt the presence of someone else in the bathroom, as he removed his hands from his face, he looked in the mirror and was amazed to see a woman behind him; who wore a long black skirt and a blouse of the same color, the woman was standing like a statue, he looked at it carefully, but, he was petrified when he saw that the woman had no feet - The woman was floating - she was approaching little by little until he was face to face with Francisco, then he opened his hand and took her face and said: You had a purpose that you did not fulfill ... You must understand, at that moment he heard the voice of Blanca and the woman disappeared instantly.

Francisco left the bathroom in terror and stumbled upon Blanca, when he was going to tell her what had happened, a man of medium height, with graying hair, interrupted saying, showing a smile: I am Dr. Juan Salazar, and Blanca explained everything about you, You're lucky I'll give you a room until I get help, follow me to show you the room.

On the way to the room the doctor told Francisco: This is a building made up of four floors, you can walk freely through all of them except the fourth floor, because there we treat the most difficult mental cases and we do not want accidents to happen because there are aggressive patients and sometimes we escape, we also have a dining room with three meals and an entertainment room for patients, you can use it whenever you want - You tell me as if I was going to stay for a long time - Francisco said - Sometimes you get to have plans for a short time, however at the end of life life takes you a little longer and then one more, and when you realize years have passed, and your plans have changed a bit - Said the doctor with Philosophical tone - That is why you have plans and not purposes - Francisco said, the doctor looked at him and answered - We are supposed to come to fulfill purposes, either with your environment: family, friends, with the beggar, or with oneself, for that we psychologists are to be a kind of guide to understand that purpose. At that moment they stopped in front of a door and the doctor said: This is the room that I found empty, I hope you feel comfortable, any problem look for Blanca in the reception - Then they retired -.

Francisco entered the room, it was equipped with two small beds separated by a small table. He sat on one of them and let himself fall to the mattress, when at last he closed his eyes, I heard screams coming from the corridor, they got closer and closer, when they got closer they got stronger, suddenly a silence. Francisco got up from the bed and slowly approached the door when he was near, the door began to move resoundingly as if hit by several people, he did not know what to do if hiding or throwing himself out the window - Total was in a hospital, Francisco thought - then the door stopped moving strongly, Francisco's breathing was starting to be faster, as well as the beating of his heart, but, curiosity killed him and he continued to approach the door, he stretched his hand to take the handle, when it moved alone, ZAS! it was opened strongly, the screams were heard inside the room, they were very loud and deafening, he closed his eyes and tried to cover his ears with his hands; then the screams stopped, Francisco opened his eyes and withdrew his hands from his ears, he almost died of a heart attack when he was surrounded by people without faces, people pulled him by the arms leading him to the window, he struggled with people until he managed to escape them, he left the room very scared with all his clothes torn, I look around, ran down the hall to find a staircase, looked back, even people were behind him. He went down the stairs, but he felt that he was going down many stairs to be only two floors and he stopped the rest of the stairs, he was very tired and could hardly breathe, he asked himself: I do not understand why it took me so long to go down the stairs? if only they are two floors. As he looked towards the end of the stairs, fear took over him because he saw that the people were there, Francisco changed his mind instead of going down, he decided to go up. He went up the stairs to the room, ran down the corridor on the fourth floor, turned back and the ghosts were not there, but when he turned his gaze to the front, he stopped in amazement when he saw a woman staring at him with a menacing look. the same woman in the bathroom, the woman disappeared, but, reappeared on the roof she walked backwards, approached him and said: You must Understand ... You must understand where you come from ... So that they can choose where you should go ... They will say when you leave ... there you will find clues and point to a door that had the number 62 large; Then the woman disappeared.

Francisco approached the door, stretched his hand towards the door, had not touched it when it opened, it was a very small room with white walls, the floor was also white, in one of the corners there was a woman crying, the woman turned her back to Francisco, he approached her, put a hand on her shoulder, the woman turned, looked at him surprised, then hugged him and in tears he said: Francisco, are you? Did you come for me? They were right, they said you would come for me. Francisco was surprised he recognized that woman - Sandra, what are you doing here ?, these ... In the ... floor of the mentally ill, how did you get here? - She replied: No, I know how I get here, I just know - He paused a moment to think what I was going to say - I only know that I love you. Francisco noticed that he was hiding something and said: I arrived a few minutes ago and very strange things have happened, it is better that we get out of here. They left the room.

Already on the ground floor, they met Blanca and the doctor. Blanca said: What are you doing with that patient? Where do you think you are going? - Francisco did not answer and kept walking with Sandra dragging him - Suddenly two tall men, corpulent, they stood in the way, he said: I get out of here and I take it, this is not a good place. Blanca looked at him and said: You do not even know where you are, you do not know why the things that happened here - Then I order the men - Take the patient and take her to his room, then come for him, we must enter it want it or not. One of the men took Sandra from Francisco without much effort, she began to kick to shout very loudly: Do not believe what they say, run away from here, then come back for me. The other man went to Francisco, he eluded him and ran to the reception office and closed the front door, the doctor said: Francisco, calm down ... Let us help you. Francisco looked around and saw the phone that was on the desk, when he went to pick up the receiver, I noticed that next to the phone were two yellow folders one of them had written: Sandra Paola Martínez Ramos, patient No. 17. 980. 345, he opened the folder and the leaflet, the folder was a file that contained Sandra's whole life from the day of birth, all well described in detail, and at the end said: Date of death February 23, 2005, Francisco remembered that that was the date of that day and said: They are going to kill us, I must do something. At the door, Blanca was still beating her and trying to enter and saying: Francisco open the door! - With command voice -. Francisco replied: Leave me alone, witch! I'm going to call the police! Francisco marked the police number, nobody answered him, he marked several times and nothing, then he decided to call his wife, after a few seconds a voice was heard on the other side of the handset: Halo! Who do you want ?; Francisco said: Hello! My love, it's me Francisco, listen to me well - in that the woman interrupted him and answered him - Which Francisco? - I'm Francisco my love, do not you recognize my voice? - Francisco said - Then she answered a little annoyed - Do not play that way because he's already two months dead - And cut the call - Francisco was petrified. Blanca managed to open the door and entered with Dr. Juan Salazar, with one of the men, who took him by the arm and took him out of the office.

Francisco did not know how to react, what he said: This is a nightmare, yes! it's just a nightmare, at any time I'll wake up - with a confused tone - when he suddenly saw the woman who came out in the bathroom and in the room. This made some reaction in him and he struggled until he managed to escape, ran at full speed towards the exit, when he left he thought of Sandra, he looked towards the building, but, he stopped running when he saw the name of the building that said big: THE PURGATORY, then felt a squeeze in his right arm, it was Blanca had managed to reach him and grab him by the arm, Dr. Juan Salazar gave him an injection and said: If this is the place where people arrive and are condemned, where decides if it goes to hell or to heaven, it also helps to understand people who are dead who do not accept that they have died ... And that is our purpose to be the guides for the rest in peace of souls. Some manage to escape and wander among the living, and they are called scares, but they think they have a life among them alive, but they are only dead among the living and the souls that rest, are among us. Then they took Francisco inside.

The next day Francisco was taken to the entertainment room, he showed a lost look. In the living room there was a television set off but, Francisco could see that: he was driving his black corolla year 2005, when a green Great Cherokee van, hit him in the back that made him lose control of the car, which went towards the railing of the road, falling into a ravine, the car gave many laps, the icing inside the car circling inside the vehicle, until the car stopped spinning and was found inside the vehicle lifeless. In the van Sandra was full of rage, I collide, she also lost control and collided head-on with a woman.


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