Hahaha html skillz!
I like Stephen King too, but the ONLY book-to-film that has ever impressed me because it was so close to the books was Dean Koontz's Odd Thomas - the Bodachs were EXACTLY as I'd pictured them in my head.
You're right to keep that book safe! A modern classic and valuable to boot!
Is there somewhere you can point me to learn more html? Hyperlinks etc to link my other posts into a new post etc?
I usually search for what I need in the internal search facility (the magnifying glass icon at the top of the page) ;)
The link thing is easy. Use square brackets [] around the title of your link - for example [Wiki]
Then right after (no spaces) you enclose the live link in round brackets (link address)
So it would look like this
Fantastic it's way easier than I expected! I see code and special characters and panic but there's really no need!
Nope, no need to panic. And if you do what I do, get to know one command at a time before moving onto the next, they'll become second-nature and you'll not have to go looking for them :)