Notice Everyone - A War Is Coming - Pay Attention, Get Involved, And Make A Difference - NOW

in #stewardsofgondor7 years ago (edited)


We were all just put on notice that a war is coming... And its about time!

This will pit good vs. evil... Where will you stand?

It is time to get off the sidelines and get behind the right side and each do our parts...

I know where my followers stand, so let's get out there an support "good"!


A Whale Is Fighting For You

@fulltimegeek is going to be cleaning up the abuse here on steemit. He is bringing back his delegated power and going to fight the evil that exists here with the cheating we all see. This is a battle that we want him to win, so we all need to do our best to support him!

We Will All Sacrifice For The Greater Good

It will mean that I will lose my delegated SP as I have received it indirectly from #stewardsofgondor members (@abh12345 and @coolguy123, plus @inquiringtimes @swelker101). That's ok with me, because I want that SP to go where it will do the best for all of us on steemit anyways. Plus I can give away a "newbie penny" instead of a "newbie nickel" if that's what it takes to defeat this cancer. We need to keep things in their proper perspective, this is a serious fight to win folks!

Get The Word Out And Spread The News

To everone who hears my words, whether you know who fulltimegeek is or not, you should understand that this is a battle that will make the steemit platform fair, and right some of the wrongs. I always had faith that the people in power would do something, and I'm thrilled to know it is @fulltimegeek that is the one who is going to clean it up! So get the word out and resteem his post (below)!

Please go to @fulltimegeek's post and learn what is happening and take the time to let him know you are on his side!

STEEM QUEST #1 | Slay the Cave-troll - Click Here

This is a great day for steemit... This platform just took another massive step forward... While it might take awhile for the outcome to be determined, there is no doubt in my mind who's going to win!

I'm with you @fulltimegeek and I can't wait to find out what I can do to help you!



Whoa! I love this concept and I am totally onboard! Although I don't have much steem power at the moment, I feel I could offer some assistance in the resistance against power hungry steem trolls.

To have whales onboard is of vital important indeed. But the more people see there is a problem, the more we can unify to take back the system. I feel this platform was built for us to come together with ideas and support each other, not to attack one another and take all the power for ourselves.

I believe that in order to take back power it is important for us to form a network based on trust. Trust allows us to work together and encourages others to follow the same path. I have been sharing blogs on how to overcome darkness to step into our divine potential. If we do this collectively then we wouldn't have so much power hungry people trying to hoard it all to themselves. If we had more love and connectedness then we would have no need for greed <3

wow, you said it better than I ever could @meditationmann! I love the way you explained it and I can tell we are completely in sync on this one :)

I'm glad to know you are aware of the problem and its even better to know that you will be there in support! Even moral support is important and I'm happy to know you're on the "good" side!

There are so many systems that we are a part of and corruption spreads deep into many facets of these systems. This is one such example. It seems that if there is an opportunity to take power and hoard all for oneself then there will be those out there that will seek that. But coming together in this way makes us stronger. And knowing people like you @davemccoy makes me hopeful that we can take back any system if we simply join forces and unite 😃

Here's a newbie nickle that I usually just give out at #newbiegames... but for you I am happy to give you one, this was such a great comment!

Thank you so much brother! I'm very grateful for that :)
I was looking into the newbie games but I'm still not exactly sure what it is. Is it like olympics for minnows?

Oh my gosh this sounds like fighting talk! What can we small people do to help the cause? I suppose I must go read @fulltimegeek's post first. Quite exciting!

Yes please do go read it and also the comments too... It is a very very good battle and we can help in other ways... Like one thing you can do is to spread the word about it!!! Resteem it and tell people about it...

And to make it more simplified what the battle is about, there are people that have been "cheating" and not only that but hurting legitamite voices that have tried to fight them.. Fulltimegeek has had enough of it and will be using all his power to attack them head to head. We can help by getting the word out. Our voices matter more than our SP

Forgive me @davemccoy but I really don't fully understand what this epic battle is all about and I actually DID read @fulltimegeeks post...what is the "cheating" troll thing about? And how have they "been hurting legitimate voices that have tried to hurt them?"

It is not very clear to me but because I know you are one of the good guys, and I very much appreciate the advice you took the time to give me, if this is the good side...well, I'm on it! But if I could just understand who or where the orcs and trolls are maybe I'd be a better elvish warrior! 😊

Hi @lilygolightly thanks for asking... I will be happy to explain.

There has been a group of people that have gamed or cheated and set up a whole bunch of accounts and gained a lot of control. They have got so much power that they are sorta in charge because of the way the system works. It has to do with your Reputation and your SP.

Essentially these guys cheat because they essentially just massively upvote their own stuff even though it is something a 4 year old could do. Then when anyone has tried to "flag" it (which is how we are supposed to police ourselves), these individuals used their power to destroy the lessor persons reputation.

One quick note: if two people have a disagreement the one with the higher reputation wins. That is how it is structured. So if me and you fought, I would win since my reputation is 55 and yours is 40. You can't hurt me by yourself, but I could hurt you. Of course I would never do that, and neither do most people here. But there is a group that does exactly that and they have got too much power so nobody can challenge them. This has led them to take a large % of the rewards every day. And they do it day after day because no one will challenge them. All of us get cheated because this group has gained all this power by essentially cheating the system to get there.

Finally someone has woken up and is going to do something about it. His name is @fulltimegeek. He is the one who started the #stewardsofgondor. To give you some background on what he did, he got so powerful that he wasn't comfortable with all his power. So he decided to delegate most all of it away to others who he felt would do a good job and help others. In that way he didn't carry his weight so heavy that he could be the sole decider of things.

But today he is coming back. He has had enough of the evil group and is going to attack them with his own power. He is taking back his delegated power from his "stewards" and he will once again have the ability to have lots of control over the situation. He will also have an army of people that will help him (like me, even though I am small) because he has earned respect from many for his selflessness and giving.

So that is why I am pointing this out because you should understand what he is doing. The whole system is beautifully designed but there is no one person in charge. So people have to get together to make changes or the place will fall apart. I have been aware of this problem for most of my time here. But not until today did we find someone that is willing to risk it all in the fight.

Does that explain it to you? Do you have any more questions, I'm happy to answer them!

Note: I upvoted myself to get the answer higher because I felt it was important.

Now I'm fully understand the whole scenarios, I'm aware this too even before but I'm just a minnow. Hope everything will be fine and help out those newbies losing hope in this platform. Thanks for clearing all my doubts with your detailed explanation. I like your post and resteem it. @davemccoy

thank you very much for letting me know I explained it right. :) I want people to understand because this is a really good thing that fulltimegeek is doing for us all... I hope you have a wonderful day @tessalonica and thank you for your nice comment again :D

Thank you @davemccoy that is a fullsome and clear explanation and now the sense has been restored to what looked on the surface a confusing mess of info!

I think the reason that most of us joined steemit was because the platform is decentralised, uncensored, and the sheer quality of most posts reflects the intelligent and talented efforts of a community building a HUGE, and educational, resource of information for the future. There are always people out there (and in here) who see an eye for the main chance, who simply self promote, self aggrandise, and are willing to exploit any opportunity to make a quick buck...sad but true as we are witness to here!

You, and the stewards, appear to have enough axes, swords and muscle to positively affect this situation but if by my pen I can assist, give me a shout, or blow the Horn of Gondor😊

I'm glad I could explain it to you so that it was more clear. I understood the first time I didn't do a great job at it, so I tried to be much more detailed. Yes they are a good group and and I don't have any axes, swords, or muscles... my weapon is the harmonica because I'm as new as most of you... ;)

I will borrow that horn of Gondor and blow it loud though when the time comes :D

Awesome explanation 💖

Thank you very much @yogajill :) ... It is great to know that I helped! ANd love the pretty heart!!! Where did you get that??? ;)

I steemit from my phone, so it is an emoji i think they are called! There's a bunch to choose from. It's super cool that they work here!!! 🎉You're welcome! Thanks for your reply @davemccoy 😁

Well, if I might interpret, it sounds like they're going after haejin, who has been called out for months now for posting analytics for individual cryptos which amount to a chart and a few words (so low quality), then self-upvoting and receiving an even greater upvote from a whale that also delegates him STEEM. He can post up to 10 times a day or more (so considered spamming), and has a large following of smaller accounts that are either his own (I don't know if that's the case but they do tend to exclusively vote for him, just like the whale), hoping to make something in curation or actually follow his advice. If you got down into the comment section you will see someone has posted his avatar from his account.

You hit the nail head on... and in so many less words than me! Thank you :)

You get a newbie nickel for that my friend!!! (and good to see you glen!)

I am generally the one who takes the longer route, so not sure what happened with my explanation, but I guess I can do it when it's called upon. :) I appreciate the nickel.

Ah. I see. Thanks for the explanation @glenalbrethsen. It all sounds a bit scary to me.

I'm not keen on the language of battle personally and am a bit disappointed to see it here to be honest. I find it all a bit divisive. 😢

Yeah, it is a bit scary, and pretty divisive.

I understand why people feel it should be done. I know there was a cease and desist that lasted for about a day, so diplomacy, if that's what you want to call it, didn't work out.

I think it should be handled, I just don't like the way it's going down as a call to arms. There's something about taking things into your own hands, even on a platform where there really isn't a governing body, that just doesn't feel very good.

And if this is the only way change takes place on Steemit, what will the next mob go after? These kinds of things only seem to escalate, or cause the rest of us to look over our shoulders and wonder who's next.

My feelings exactly @glenalbrethsen. I don't know what the answer is either and, like you, I think it should be handled, but battle never ends well. And, it seems to go against the ethos of the platform. It reminds me of fighting wars in the name of religion. If Steemit is to be a leader in decentralised community then can't we come up with a better way than this to handle such things?

Seems to me there are many incredibly innovative and creative people here, surely there must be a better way. 😍

I understand your points and would normally agree with you. But I would point out that @fulltimegeek isn't inciting a mob, he is just taking his power back. He was so powerful that he was is the same position. He didn't like that he had that much power, so he delegated almost it all away to the stewardsofgondor so they could use it to build the community.

Unfortunately the one who you speak to has no interest is anyone else, his sole aim is to take as much as possible out of the system for himself and his buddies. There is only one way to stop him because he failed to listen to anyones pleas to stop. And that is that fulltimegeek take him on by bringing back the power that he has delegated out.

So in my opinion, this isn't a case of mob rules... In fact I would argue that most people that are aware of the situation will be cheering one person losing so much influence. There will be no war if the bad guy quits the practices you mentioned, but if no one stops him then he will keep getting stronger each day.

I am personally pumped because I have seen people quit in frustration about how hard it is to survive here. The people at the bottom have no control against some of these whales. Here we have one that has not only tried to help everyone by delegating out his own SP in the past, he is now bringing it back in to stop the guy from taking even more. He has already said that he will only take him down to the 60s where he can be managed by others.

I know that it seems unfair that one person can do this, but since that is the way that the platform is structured it is what it is. I would rather have fulltimegeek use his power to stop the bad guy, than have him sit and watch as we get an even lessor pie as time goes on.

he did a great job of explaining it... And I agree with you that war is not something that I like to see at all... Unfortunately I don't see any other way since the guy Glen referenced will not stop unless someone stops him. He will continue to take a greater share and greater share until there is nothing left for anyone else and we all leave.

The system was designed with certain rules and this is all part of the process.

I feel exactly the same @lilygolightly. Read the other post but I don't understand the language of it at all! 😊

Same here--I feel so out of the loop! But I know @davemccoy is one of the "good guys" so I'm going to go ahead and assume that this is a righteous cause.

that's a good assumption Mallory! And thanks for the confidence! :)

I answered it above, more detailed but it has to do with fixing the platform so that a group of cheaters are not using the rules to take money from all of us by using the power they received. I explained more to gillian above and since this thread is already getting long, here is a link to my comment. Feel free to ask me more questions because this is a major battle and very important for this platform. And good to see you interested :D

Phew! Thank heavens @gillianpearce I ain't the only one! I felt a bit like the boy in the Emperor's New Clothes story...going hang on, folks...what the actual heck is everyone talking about??? 😄

And if there is a loop @malloryblythe its all a bit of a tangled mess and I can't work out who as hold of the end...or maybe thats the beginning??? Totally agree @davemccoy = good guy, looks like @fulltimegeek is too but goodness me, ladies I think I understood Tolkein's Silmarillion better than this!

As Boromir said "They have a cave troll" and maybe that, ladies, is all we need to know? ⭐️😊💚

it is the beginning... you will find out all about it soon!!! And you have the players right lol :)... I don't know why I can't link my comment here but I do have an answer to you somewhere inside this thread... I think I got it to you directly, but if not let me know... I will help you understand this, no worries!!! ;)

run and hide

haha... that's the spirit @louisbettong!!! ;)

That's exactly what I'm going to do for now @louisbettong! Don't want to get squished, I'm only just starting out! :)

By the way, I love biltong, I am going to try and make some soon, need to make a box to dry it first. ;)

I love biltong too, especially wet with lots of fat! Not hard to make your own, get good quality beef, and some good spices. Enjoy!

I would not assume you are losing your delegations automatically if not being delegated to by FulltimeGeek himself. You cannot delegate power that has bee delegated to you, so any delegations you have come directly from the delegator's vested shares.

I for one am not removing the delegations I have outstanding during this time. That said, I control the Master key of one of the two accounts I am delegating to, so that is not a hard stance to take. But I am guessing not every Steward is rushing to remove their delegations. We've lived the prosperity, we can survive a little drought.

(Obviously I can't speak for your delegators here, each will have to do their own assessment of what they can and cannot afford to leave intact).

Battle on!

Thank you very much for the explanation @mikepm74 and I appreciate you telling me that to make me feel more comfortable... But just so you know, I think all of us that have been blessed with a gift from you wonderful SOG members, have learned the true value of that gift. It was far more valuable to us as a statement of respect for what we were doing than as a way to earn money or accumulate more power.

So I think that it will be almost universal that the delegees of the SOG members would support giving it back with no hesitation. The relationship with the SOG members is worth far more than anything else. I'm not in your club, but I am so appreciative of what you do and what @fulltimegeek has created, and I'm sure everyone else would feel the same way. I'm telling you this because if it helps to fight the battles, I'm sure we all would support you in any way we can!

Thanks again for the great effort to make me feel good... And I'm with you and the SOG 100% in what you are doing!!! Please tell me how we can help you (the minnows/newbies) and we will be part of your fighting force!

And battle on yourself too :D

Although it's a kind of tricky situation after FTG's undelegation of Steem, but whatever we have delegated for a good cause(Mine is very small), I thought it should continue as long the delgatees reach certain SP of their own and doesn't go back to the situation of out of bandwidth again.Well said @mikepm74, I totally agree with you.

it's not an ego inflated flag war it's about justice and defending this platform so we can all reap the benefits and live long and prosper on here. Therefore, even though I am non-confrontational and passive by nature I stand in defiance of greed, dishonesty and manipulation of my beloved collective.
giphy.gifI may not be anyone significant on here but I know where I stand and that's behind the #stewardsofgondor and @fulltimegeek - there aren't many things in life or on Steemit worth fighting about and I'm relatively laid back when it comes to freedom of speech, decentralization and monetary matters but MOST of us came here looking for something different than the capitalistic greed we see in the real world, MOST of us believe in honest work for honest pay and each of us wants to be recognized appropriately for the work we do. I know what this "battle" is about and

Awesome and beautiful said... @amariespeaks ... I love every word and glad to have your interpretation on this board!!! You can help many in your life with that attitude, so I'm glad to be your teammate always! :)

thank you @davemccoy ! you've rallied the troops and I can't just stand by - here's to hoping change it coming :)

I am counting on you for sure @amariespeaks and while we aren't on the frontlines we can certainly help in many ways! This is something that a great writer such as yourself might just want to memorialize! ;)

I wholeheartedly agree @amariespeaks! I’m not an activist by nature and believe everyone has a voice on this platform. It wouldn’t matter one bit to me who is flagging whom on here because it doesn’t impact me directly. Yes, the reward pool affects everyone but my share of the reward pool is minute compared to everyone, so wage on.

I did find it offensive when a fundraising post I upvoted on to help someone who fell on hard times and needed a laptop got flagged. It was flagged simply because the person who wrote the post was on the flagger’s sh**list. You make so much already and not only are you not giving back to the community, you destroy someone else’s chance of trying to better their life?!

As you can tell, I’m not passionate about many things on here to write or question the way it works. I am very affected when someone touches upon OUR community or the good intentions of others.

Wow... even when you aren't here, your ghost is awesome!!! Seriously I think you might have superhero powers! ;)

hmmmm... unless you are really on steemit all day and just "told" me you had to work... hmmmm :D

Lol, you got a chuckle out of me. I checked discord briefly, responded to amariespeaks about the new member to the curation team, and checked your post since it is on my blog. I have to say, my day was quite productive. I even found time to make a contest post. Perhaps I should stay away from discord every day? 😛

I am so happy I chose to resteem and NOT create a post on this movement. That’s a whole lot of commenting you did! I couldn’t have explained it all. For sure you made it to 1st place again.

I thought that at first too... but then I realized that @coolguy123 was out there and he has been on fire! He has many more friends that can talk than I do... And this battle has given him some amazing things to talk about so I'm biting my fingernails now!! ;) lol

and as far as you staying away from discord... no no no... please please no! (I'd never know what was happening)

So, I am not a competitor to you :)Don't worry Dave, my comments will not be as big as yours and my comments are limited in number, So your 1st position will not be disturbed by me (although not sure about @goldendawne's plans :) )

Hi @coolguy123! I don't think any of us can compete against Dave when it comes to commenting.

I couldn't agree more @beeyou

Right there beside you sister! Thanks for fighting the good fight! :D

Glad to have you here @meditationmann !! <3

Epic stuff @davemccoy.

Spread the word my man! I know you know how, so let's just get this done! Its a fight that many have been hoping for (eventhough they might even know it) ... This is huge!

You have my full support.

I had absoutley no doubt whatsoever on that one! The angels are always on the good side! ;)

I think that is a call to action Coach! And if so, thanks for joining in this fight!!! Its a big deal and I hope we all fan out and give this support!

Thanks for responding sir. @davemccoy. I need to fully understand the fight before taking part of a fight. I understand that some troll is grabbing a big part about f the awards and they do this by upvoting there own spam posts and downvoting others who try to found money or share money as @simplemoney did earlier. What more is it that I have not understood yet? How will the rest of us small guys earn more in the future with a win in this war?

Good questions @everydaycoach! 😊

I replied to him below if you want to see it gillian!

Coach you have the issues broadly framed right. There are some details, like fulltimegeek once had more power than all of them, and he delegated it out to #stewardsofgondor with the only condition that they use it to support the community. He realized that his power could corrupt the system and destroy it. So he gave it away to others to use wisely.

He is now bringing that back in to fight this guy because there is no other way to stop this guy. He has more power than anyone else and can continue with his raping ways. Many have been clamoring for someone to "do" something. Well fulltimegeek is the one that is doing something. Finally.

He is not looking to bankrupt the guy, just bring him into an area where he can be managed. He has already said the goal is to bring him down to 60 REP. By doing this then the bad guy will have to worry about every one else and follow what is considered by the community as good ethics.

But the only one that can do that is someone like fulltimegeek. It has gotten so out of hand that the guy had to be stopped.. I don't know the exact figures but I have heard he is north of 25% of the total reward pool all by himself... What fulltimegeek is doing and people have been asking for is to make him accountable again to the community at large.

One last thing for you to know. If someone with a lower Reputation level flags you it doesnt hurt you. The way they built this is that the guy with the highest Rep would be the guy that earned it. Well the bad guy gamed the system and that definitely isn't true. Now he is in a position of doing what he wants with impunity.

I think fulltimegeek is amazing for doing this because all the other whales were scared to take the bad guy on.

          Message received, message left. We may not as redfish, be able to do a lot, however we can stand by and try to help those caught in the collateral damage fallout, so that the fighters do not need to take time to heal the minor injuries.

Exactly @bashadow... This is something that we can all do something about in ways that many don't expect... This is where you're true talent shines, in finding ways to support an effort... If you get any ideas or hear of anything we can do, please bring it to my attention!!!

A very interesting and moving piece! How can us smaller members get involved for the greater good of Steemit? Count me on board if I can help.

Here is some of my content on crypto. Possibly my writing style could be of assistance? Just throwing ideas out here. Thank you @davemccoy for sharing this!

Thank you for the offer and I will take you up on that when I find out myself... I think the only thing we can do is get the message out and offer support and encouragement. If there is more that I don't know I will be happy to work with you! I love someone who jumps right on it, and I'd be happy to work side by side!

You're welcome and thank you for your interest in helping! And I will check out your article, you do some great stuff for sure ;)

@davemccoy I will be thinking hard on how I can possibly be of some help with this. I'm also open to work with you on any projects you have going currently, just let me know. I'm eager to do what I can just to help the community grow :) I believe I could be an asset to some of the things in motion on here. Pairing up with guys such as you @cryptkeeper17 and @markkennard would make the possibilities of accomplishment nearly limitless. Let's make some great things happen!

Awesome Lucky! I see that you are doing some cool things and yes you have picked two awesome guys to work with! Both will give you the shirt of their back and I think you will fit right in!

As far as doing any new projects or programs will definitely include you for sure... We have several exciting new things coming soon and I think you could be a great asset as you described!!! I will be in touch and thank you so much for reaching out! That is very cool on your side and I love it when people "raise their hands" without being prompted to do so!!! I"ll be in touch, and thank you :)

AS always Dave, it is a pleasure to speak with you and work with you. I'm looking forward to when the day comes that you can call on me for some help of some form. Until then, thank you for every opportunity you have given me and please continue to check out my work. I hope you have a blessed day my friend!

I have my eyes on you... and I will call on you tomorrow... I left you a message right before this, so get me the answer at the bottom and I think I have a great idea for you! (I didn't even need to sleep on it) ;)

Hey Dave, i just sent you a quick reply to that. I actually started the process, being im drafting up the contest now. I also switched it up, im being generous and actually sponsoring 1 Steemian per day for a week, for a total of 7 lucky guys and gals.

Finally! I can't wait to see how this plays out.

I agree.. its long overdue... Many don't know the backstory but this is a long time coming!

I knew this was going to happen. A lot of talk about this. It was just a matter of time. What is needed for support? Im wondering to see if I have what it takes (?)

Hey foxy, I agree 100% with you it was bound to happen. The guy just kept getting bigger and bigger and defied anyone to stop him. Fulltimegeek is one of the few that can. Thank goodness in my opinion!

As to what you or I can do, I'm really not sure what we can do... I know it can't be anything that would require our SP because none of us have enough to matter. I think the main thing is to show support by spreading the word and giving encouragement to the guys doing the real battling. It takes courage for him to do what he is doing, or others would've done so a long time ago!

I will let you know if I find out how we can help and fyi, I'm sure if it is possible for you to do, you will definitely have what it takes! :D

Ya I don't have much of anything for SP, my account is too little for that. I definitely talk about this and I resteemed it to help get the word out. And yes, please keep me posted on how to help, I will do what I can for the greater good ^_^

I was thinking about pumping some of my crypto coins in here to help out, I will wait for this battle to start for now.

I think we should be aware of what is happening and see where we can actually make a difference. I have no idea yet, but I do think it is an important battle that will shape the future of this platfrom... You're always awesome my brother and hope your pizza was good. ;)

The pizza was superb yum yum, we can chat on discord and formulate a plan later. :-)

It was awe-inspiring to see the #newbieresteemday initiative march on without the delegation, and I am sure it will continue on regardless of what happens after the @fulltimegeek decides to do afterwards. And I think he will have the support of the people here who will help in whatever way they can to help champion a worthwhile cause.

You are correct @plushzilla! That is exactly the truth. Our value lies not in our wallets, but in our hearts and minds. I also agree that when people fully understand what the fight is about, then they will be happy that @fulltimegeek had the courage to step forward and fight for all of our futures here!

OMG! This made my day! I wasn't able to sleep because of upsetting events. You know I have been really down the past days because of all the abuses from large scale ones to individuals who are there to put you down. It isn't the community I found and sadly more people are just motivated by greed. This certainly gives me hope for the long run and I'm glad to be in this team!

I was thinking of you immediately when I saw this.. I am so glad you were able to witness someone that is standing up for exactly the things that bothered you!!! I told you that this platform has some amazing checks and balances, and I'm so excited that you will see them happen in real time @wanderlass!!! :)

Hopeful that justice will prevail! I have always wondered where they were and now I can see that they just needed time to prepare for the war! And I hope this will motivate people to do the right things instead of inflicting pain to their fellow Steemians.

yes I agree @wanderlass... if you haven't heard the story of @fulltimegeek you need to research it... You will fall in love with the way he is... He was so powerful that he realzied it wasn't fair and he was afraid he could be corrupted if he held all that power. So he literally gave it all away to people that he called "stewards of gondor"... His feeling was that if he gave it to others that could be trusted to build the community it would be better for everyone and no one would have too much control. He is an amazing guy to figure this out and to give away all the financial benefits that came from that power.

That is how the stewards of gondor was started and it has grown and grown as his stewards passed on the process of giving back to the community. I was fortunate to meet @abh12345 @goldendawne and @coolguy123 and they have all been so giving and caring it shows what a great idea @fulltimegeek had.

I think that you are a perfect example of someone who has tons of potential that can get discouraged from time to time when you witness some of the bad things you've seen. What is hard sometimes is to describe to you my faith in something, because everyone sees things at different times and different ways. I knew that because I had met the 3 SOG members about the organization, and I knew that there are powerful people here that want to see it done "right".. When I didn't know, but now I do.. It is now.

You are at a point in time that you will remember for the rest of your days here. These guys are really the good guys and I hope you take the time to research them! You will be really excited about your future here again and I think that will help put everything in your life in perspective.

You asked the other day if you were wasting your time, and I want to let you know that you are definitely not! Get to know these people and all those little worries will go away and you will see something amazing that you are already a part of (and just didn't know it) ... I have your back! ;)

I'm so happy for you that you made it to this day, because what you were struggling with was bothering me. It should never affect your health and now hopefully you will know now that you don't have to stress and push against what you felt was an unfair battle. This place is truly fair because we will get what we deserve, and in my eyes that is anything you can dream of!!!

#stewardsofgondor is a good place to start :)

I haven't researched about @fulltimegeek but with his Steem Quest and what you said here I am already in awe and I admire him for all these. Only a few powerful people would act to prevent corruption before it's even there. We need more whales with a good heart like him. <3

I have learned a bit about #stewardsofgondor when you introduced our dear @goldendawne to us and right there I know that this team is one that I have my respect for. The name itself sounds awesome too because I love LOTR! And I see @coolguy123 and @abh12345 very supportive of newbies. They could have supported other projects by bigger fishes but they chose to help those in need here - we, planktons.

whale warriors -including dolphins and minnows but it just sounded better with whale ;)It is a challenging time for me and it has even gotten to me emotionally. Maybe I'm too sensitive and I get in trouble with other people because I can easily recognize if something is off, and they wouldn't understand me. Also, when I found Steemit I found hope (and I won't get into my life story why) and this means a lot to me now. I'm in for the long term, and glad to see this progress! Thank you @fulltimegeek and other

You are amazing @wanderlass... I have saved this to respond to you all day long. I'm so happy today because I see this comment and now a few minutes ago I saw your post to @fulltimegeek. I know what you were struggling with and I honestly felt helpless to help you. It was bothering me because I care about you and I know you will succeed if you can keep your spirits up.

This turn of events has led to you being able to see with your own eyes and that is better than anything I could ever say. You now "get it" and I am very relieved because I think you have the makings of a wonderful person for the rest of your life!

You have a heart of gold and I'm very proud of you. Thanks for taking the time to learn about what the #stewardsofgondor is all about.

Please don't worry about me too much. You have other greater responsibilities here. And thanks again for believing in me even during these times. Thanks for saying I have a heart of gold but to be honest, people who see me in real life I think would disagree because they see more of my weirdness and my different way of thinking or behaving, rather than my heart. But I do try to be good and not add to the pain in this world. So thanks for seeing that. I think everyone would agree that you're the one with a heart of gold :)

Thank you again for remembering me in your comments Dave, each and every credit I get is because of the love from @fulltimegeek and thanks for giving an opportunity to remember him :) Long live #stewardsofgondor

Hi @coolguy123 it's nice to meet another newbieresteemday teammate and a steward of gondor. I'm happy to connect with good and great people here. @davemccoy is great at connecting good people :)

Hey, thank you @wanderlass.

Yes, it's been wonderful to be in touch with members of #newbieresteemday. At this point of time, we have come to an end with #stewardsofgondor (SOG), but hopefully, SOG members will be in touch and I will be happy to be any activities the SOG's feel I can be of help. #newbieresteemday is already on the rise and is in safe hands of ABC's along with @davemccoy and other people like you, so I am happy to continue with my little support of SP delegation and being part of curation trail to help the newbies although my voting weight has gone down because of the undelegation of SP from #fulltimegeek.

I will accept that compliment with pleasure @wanderlass! I do know great people and you and @coolguy123 are 2 of my favorites for sure!

Btw, he's also involved in helping us with #newbieresteemday so you can connect with him there too!

And you definitely pay it forward and eventhough I haven't tagged him in most of my mention of him today, I will tag @fulltimegeek here so that he knows how deep his "love" spread!

ps... I see @wanderlass commented to you and she is another awesome one to get to know, she is very smart and of the highest quality and you will like her very much! She's been my teammate since we started and she will be a good steward one day too ;)

I got that, I couldn't reply to those messages yesterday, but I am on all those now. Thanks for everything. Have a good day :)

This seems soooo interestinggggg! I am nothing but a small plankton lost in this sea of whales he can I possibly help? I guess I need to read the post of sir fulltimegeek then. I'm off to spaaartaaaa!

We are all in this position... I don't know that we can help directly. But I do think we can certainly use our voices and our words of encouragement to those that are fighting for us. I will let you know @jysui and yes its a great idea to understand the issue... I also think you should read this thread again as I explain above just who @fulltimegeek is. and lol... have fun in spaaaaartaaaaa!!!! ;)

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This is really serious, @fulltimegeek's page is showing 504 error gateway time out at the moment. I really wish i can help @davemccoy.

I got that too last night... I don't know what happened Grace... its all fixed now though... And you are helping, just by wanting to help!!! ;)

Keep it up and you are awesome!

Awesome man, it's not even 24 hours I think after @fulltimegeek announced his intention to fight the trolls and here you are with this post.

I don't know for how many hours you sleep, because all I can see in your posts (infact wherever you comment ) those big replies from you and the ideas which flow in those comments.

I am with him no matter the delegation stays or not, because not just him, the people he made as SOG's have played a bigger role in me growing as a Steemian and among all the payback we had, I will rate this joining him in his fight will be a bigger payback to him.Great work and yes, I think not just #stewradsofgondors, but Steemians outside that group will also be with @fulltimegeek for the this act because everyone feels that will bring something good to this platform.

I will stop now, otherwise you will think that we are cheating other people in the curation leagues because of these comments ;) just kidding.

hahaha... I was missing you for awhile I think you must've slept in late! :D

I agree completely with you and think everyone will be behind FTG. I think they have already started before FTG even gets his power back. I am so glad that he is doing this and he once again shows his natural leadership. It is needed and no one else could do it, so he steps in and risks himself to make the community better!

It is a brilliant plan and the funny thing is everyone will see that he has MORE power than before he delegated it all away. That is a strong statement that will deter others in the future too!

I'm with you on doing what needs to be done and if you lose your delegaton, we are perfectly fine with us losing ours. You have started something that will last long past any value to the SP! Our trail account will continue and we will feel like we are also contributing to the fight too!

I know you are more plugged in than me, so if you hear of anything for us little guys to do, please let me know!!! :D

I on behalf of you in good side ...try to mankind is my ambition...

so support me..@davemccoy @upvoted @resteemit

Thank you very much @lafzaia :) Its nice to meet you and love your enthusiasm!

I am resteeming.....and I think this will give many hope!!

I agree with you completely @luanne! It gives me hope for sure! The best thing we can do right now is spread the message. I also want to point out that we need to let the actual fighting be done by those with the right amount of power! Our job is to educate and inspire, and also to give moral support! :)

Minnows should avoid the whale wars. Seriously you do not want to be in the cross fire. If you want to help pick your battles wisely. And check the persons rep before you flag. If they have a higher rep than you it will not hurt them but could hurt you if they retaliate. I only say something cause you are newer to the site and can be hurt bad.

I appreciate the advice @tecnosgirl and agree with you about getting involved "directly". I'm glad you pointed that out because I don't want to see our minnows get hurt either. What I should've said is that we can help support the main message of @fulltimegeek by using our voices through resteems or just general moral support to the people that are fighting this battle.

I agree completely though that "flagging" others from our level will do nothing good and can also cause harm. I should've been clearer and now I'm debating how to refine my point or to just let it go.

I'm with you on saving the minnows, and I'm appreciative for you pointing out this issue! :)

You bring value to the platform so I do not want to see you get hurt. It is okay to help but make sure their rep and vp is less than yours.

:) that is so nice of you to say @tecnosgirl! First to say that I add value here is amazing, but even better is you are trying to protect me :D ... thank you!!!!

And I note your points and will do my best to keep my head down ;)

ps... did you see they already have started? ftg has some good respect out there!

I been busy unpacking and have not been around much today. But when I sit down I am sure I have lots of drama to catch up on.

cool.. the drama can wait for the unpacking for sure! I have a feeling this is going to last awhile! Thanks again for watching our backs! It was great advice and I've been careful all day :D

Ok I'm in, A fair system is better for everyone involved.

Agreed @moonunit... couldn't agree more! Its about time and will be a gamechanger!

Would it be an idea to get people to delegate some of their SP to assist the fight? I wouldn't have any real issue with doing that. I don't have much but would gladly give some during the many battles ahead.

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Hi sir, I believe that good intentions will always prevail... No matter how hard to fight in this battle , I know that good people with a good heart will prosper..)Thanks for sharing sir:)

Hi Regine! thank you so much for letting me know your thoughts... It is good to know how awesome the people are here and you are certainly one of them!!! I'm so glad I met you and I hope we keep staying in touch :)

If you believe this post is spam or abuse, please report it to our DiscordYou got a 3.94% upvote from @ipromote courtesy of @davemccoy! #abuse channel.

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I read through all of these comments and as you know, am offering my support here as well. I too am a pacifist, and agree with everything @amariespeaks and @beeyou said; there comes a time where you need to either speak up or stand up to wrongs, and although based on our size, we unable to do much, we can certainly provide our moral support to @fulltimegeek. He is going to try and fix a big problem and hopefully make this platform better than it is, and based on his selfless history here, I believe that we can fully trust that he has everyone's best interests at heart. It will certainly be interesting to see how this all plays out; I am an eternal optimist and have to believe that good will triumph over evil.

I agree @lynncoyle1 :) good will prevail! :)

Great idea, I really like it a lot and the same support in these cases of good or bad, which is just what is needed.

I don't wanna stress on this war, so it's better that I do this, ...


ps....incase you need my help I had 10 platoon❤💘💖💝💟

I'm never one to surrender Dave. So long as you promise to be careful where you point that friendly fire. I'm happy to throw my beret into the ring :)
Warning to the trolls, These colours don't run!!

Somehow I knew that Professor ;) ... And I have a plan cooking for next week! Don't worry about crossfire either, I won't even be carrying a knife. We will use our best asset to send a message of support, and that won't require any weapons. But our power is mightier than it seems... Keep an eye open over the weekend ... and if you are on discord connect to me: davemccoy#2479

If not on discord, let me know and I'll get you setup! ;)

Ah yes discord Ive heard of this & logged into it on January 10th I was having a chat with some lady in a newbie group about what witnesses to vote for & mid chat got disconnected somehow & couldn't get back in. They sent me an e-mail to change my password & I done that so went to log back in & it said user already registered so I thought well yes that would be me. It asked to enter password so I did & basically kept me going around in circles without getting in so I'm on there registered as professorhobo but couldn't get back in at all.

I'm in Dave it let me straight in this time so you have a pending request until then I'm a wumpus :)

Any initiative @davemccoy is supporting on Steemit has my support! He genuinely CARES!! How rare and refreshing!

I don't know you or your work here, @fulltimegeek. For this I apologize but I will be definitely looking at your "stuff"! Any initiative that makes Steemit "healthier" should be supported! Thank you for assuming the responsibility of doing your part!

Upvoting and Resteeming!

I like the idea.

As long as it's not like some other holy roller that likes to target minnow followers instead of the upvote bot upmewhale; you can get my support. I used hotopic and minnowsupport once, and bernie burns me with rewardpoolrape all the time to settle some personal problem. Work with bernie; I'm out! Do not upvote my comment!!

I don't know anything about bernie... I do know of fulltimegeek... He is going after the abusers at the top.. he is not after minnows...

He is pulling in his power to his legions of followers and taking on the guys in the 70s that screw the system every day with impunity.

So don't worry about him being a holy roller... He's laser focused on one group (and I'm sure you know who they are).

I hope you pay attention, then you will see the truth @onnovocks! ;)

Well, you follow bernie. That's ok, I did too. OK, follow and full support until bernie kills me. With ya on this one bud!

I follow 13,000 people... lol... I promise, I don't know where he stands on things (I do know he is in the fray, but that's about it)... what I care about is Fulltimegeek and him slaying the guys at the top that are flagging anyone who challanges them! Fulltimegeek started #stewardsofgondor, you should check it out... they are the most awesome people I've ever met!

And glad you're with me on this,, now can I give you a newbie nickel as a sign of respect?

Bernie is one of the trolls, he takes up the banner to fight against reward pool rape, but is just as guilty. He downvotes people for no good reason, is a shit posting spammer, and is abusive towards members of the steemit community.

No support from me. Interacting with whales is bad for the platform anyway, and if Bernie is involved in this war, I'm not on the same side as him. Sorry.