SteemWorld Support / 2019-11-25

in #steemworld5 years ago (edited)

<p dir="auto"><center><span><img src="" srcset=" 1x, 2x" /> <h2>[EN] <hr /> <p dir="auto"><span>This post was created by me (<a href="/@steemchiller">@steemchiller) to act as an alternative support initiative for SteemWorld (<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link"> Since I am currently in survival mode, I need to take action now to prevent SteemWorld from dying. <p dir="auto">If the rewards from these daily posts should not be able to pay my monthly costs, there will be no other way than to make SteemWorld only usable by paying a monthly fee. Each user would than pay the fee (maybe 1 SBD) for each used account per month. The downside would be that you than could only switch to accounts for which the fee has been paid. Maybe I would add a bonus for new users with a reputation < 50 or so to make it more fair for new Steemians. <p dir="auto">For costly and not account-related tools like <code>Transfer Search I would use a different approach, maybe by making it possible to buy those features and use it by providing an in the buy process received per-account generated access code. <p dir="auto">There is also a donation button in the top left corner of the site, which can be used to donate a custom amount and to help keeping SteemWorld free. If each user would send me just <code>1 SBD per month, I would be able to continue my development without adding the mentioned restrictions. <h2>[DE] <hr /> <p dir="auto"><span>Dieser Beitrag wurde von mir (<a href="/@steemchiller">@steemchiller) erstellt, um als alternative Unterstützungsinitiative für SteemWorld (<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link"> zu dienen. Da ich mich derzeit im Überlebensmodus befinde, muss ich jetzt Maßnahmen ergreifen, um zu verhindern, dass SteemWorld stirbt. <p dir="auto">Wenn die Belohnungen dieser täglichen Beiträge meine monatlichen Kosten nicht decken können, gibt es keinen anderen Weg, als SteemWorld nur noch durch Zahlung einer monatlichen Gebühr nutzbar zu machen. Jeder Benutzer würde dann die Gebühr (vielleicht 1 SBD) für jedes verwendete Konto pro Monat bezahlen. Der Nachteil wäre, dass du dann nur noch zu Konten wechseln könntest, für welche die Gebühr bezahlt wurde. Vielleicht würde ich einen Bonus für neue Benutzer mit einer Reputation < 50 oder so hinzufügen, um es für neue Steemians fairer zu machen. <p dir="auto">Für teure und nicht kontobezogene Tools wie <code>Transfer Search würde ich einen anderen Ansatz wählen, vielleicht indem ich es möglich mache, diese Features zu kaufen und zu nutzen, indem man einen im Kaufprozess erhaltenen, pro Konto generierten Zugangscode bereitstellt. <p dir="auto">Es gibt auch einen Spendenbutton in der linken oberen Ecke der Website, mit dem du einen benutzerdefinierten Betrag spenden und helfen kannst, damit SteemWorld kostenlos bleibt. Wenn jeder Benutzer mir nur <code>1 SBD pro Monat schicken würde, könnte ich meine Entwicklung, ohne die genannten Einschränkungen hinzufügen zu müssen, problemlos fortsetzen. <p dir="auto"><center><span><img src="" srcset=" 1x, 2x" /> <h2>Recent News <hr /> <h5>New Proxy Info Tool <p dir="auto">There is a new tool available in <code>Tools -> Proxy Info, which can be used to investigate so called 'Witness Proxy Chains' for incoming and outgoing witness proxy votes: <p dir="auto"><span><img src="" srcset=" 1x, 2x" /> <p dir="auto"><center><span><img src="" srcset=" 1x, 2x" /><span><img src="" srcset=" 1x, 2x" />

Hey, @steemchiller:

Asking for financial support is never easy, and when that support is essentially a moving target, it compounds things. I went looking for your proposal a couple of days ago to see how it was doing and couldn't find it. I then saw in a comment that you'd removed it. Can't say that I blame you at all, given some responses by some prominent STEEM users, but I'm frustrated that the SPS can't act as a consistent funding source.

So, at present, we have a funding pool that doesn't really fund. Not very useful in its present state, but maybe after a couple years of that happening someone will wake up and fix it, if there's still a need or anyone around to use it.

Whatever you decide to do about funding, I will do my best to support. I find myself weighing my own options as to what I will be doing on STEEM moving forward, though I will probably continue on as I have until I can see what Communities will look like and how that might help.

Otherwise, my contributions to this grand experiment may have to wane even further for other priorities.

I wish you well. Thank you for all you've done and continue to do with steemworld to provide us with so many data points and more.

Yo, thanks for continuos effort of trying to get funded. I love your persistence. I was wondering how many people actually use your website? There are so many cool tools for Steem but even the best stop continued work due to the lack of funding (not good tbh but that's sad facts).

So the question is, can you provide some data on the usage of your website so that people can get an idea if your future development efforts make any sense?

It's not that a tool is bad or something, it's just how many are actually using it. SteemProposals, for instance, has only 50-70 daily users, even though that's a default website where people check the proposals. SteemPeak, Busy, Actifit less than 500, at least according to

I understand that you're trying to replace a traditional income with funds from proposals but I think it's kind of tricky now. Even though the budget is not too small, there are only a few people with enough SP that can help to pass return proposal threshold. I personally observe the whole situation and don't really like it as well, so I'm actively looking the ways on improving the whole process.

In any case, despite how much I love Steem Proposal System to help more people to get compensated for their work, I highly advise you to start working on some team that will actually pay you a salary. Then, you can actually have a financial relief and continue building SteemWorld if that's your baby.

Hope that helps in a way.

I love your persistence.

Thanks, I just love Steem and I won't go away.

I was wondering how many people actually use your website? There are so many cool tools for Steem but even the best stop continued work due to the lack of funding (not good tbh but that's sad facts).

I don't run own statistics, but according to SteemWorld had ~ 180,000 unique visits in October. Hard to say, how many users that in reality are, but I think enough to keep me alive. I'm no business guy and I don't really want to be one, but I will always do my best to keep SteemWorld running.

I understand that you're trying to replace a traditional income with funds from proposals but I think it's kind of tricky now.

I removed my SPS proposal, because that way of funding does not work for me. I need at least to some degree a constant income, which is hard to achieve with the SPS, especially for a 'non-business' guy like me. I prefer to stay in background and just build awesome tools.


Love is the way of hope to human kind. You has been nominated for the Monthly Janasilver LOVE Award.






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<center><br /><br /> <p dir="auto"><code>BEER<span> Hey <a href="/@steemchiller">@steemchiller, here is a little bit of <span> from <a href="/@barmbo">@barmbo for you. Enjoy it!

Tub Cat frequently uses Steem World to check his curation earnings and to review the activity of unwashed humans. The website is very useful for these purposes.

I have the same issue. It is always hard for me to ask for funds for my work. I guess that's just something not everybody is comfortable with.

I'm sorry to hear that you removed your proposal tbh. But I'm pretty much sure there's a lot of stuff to be done in other Steem projects that can actually pay for the work. I think you're a good guy, just ask around. I'm pretty much sure people need some help. Vote for c0ff33a as Witness Lucky you @steemchiller here is your COFFEEA, view all your tokens at

You should have done that a long time ago...

It probably won't be 70 SBD per day, but I hope it is enough to survive until BTC and STEEM start going up again (approx. Q1 2020)

I do not earn a lot of steem, but I will on every Sunday in conjunction with my FOG donation, send 1 steem to you via a wallet transfer, I know it is not much, but I do hope it helps some. I hope you do get enough support via donations to help with the cost, and to keep the program as free as possible. I have been a very long time user of steemworld, and have always thought highly of the program thank you for your efforts in the continuing building of it's capabilities.

I absolutely love the ease with which I can claim all those tiny token rewards. It used to take me thirty minutes to an hour to get them via the steemengine page, and it always required one or two page reloads.

... muss ich jetzt Maßnahmen ergreifen, um zu verhindern, dass SteemWorld stirbt.

Außergewöhnliche Situationen, erfordern halt manchmal außergewöhnliche Maßnahmen.
Das gilt auch für die Nutzer der SteemWorld! 😎



Since a cople of weeks I spent from my Blogs 5 % of the rewards go automatically to @steemchiller.

In addition, a large part of the German community has decided to donate voluntarily every month. The Steemian @muelli

takes care of it and becomes 1. every month a Steemchiller Day proclaim and remind all users to let something come. Greetings Michael

Translated with (free version)

Here is my full upvote! Keep it as is.

Grateful & supported 100% on behalf of my curation trail. For some reason, the almost weekly "would I like to support?" pop ups have stopped happening. Not sure why, but I was always happy to upvote decently when the pop up came. Maybe others are missing that reminder too? Please bring it back. I use steemworld every day and really appreciate the tool. Yes, I would pay to use it.

Encouraging hugs from Thailand.

Understandable. I seldom use it my connection is too slow to show me more as a white screen. I understand many , if it is a great help to them to do whatever they do with it you should ask money for it. Steem-engine is not free either. I wish you a good Saturday.

Steemworld is the best tool!
I think I'll able to pay 1 SBD for the fee....

Each user would than pay the fee (maybe 1 SBD) for each used account per month.

If you move to this model, you would probably gain more participation if you accept Steem instead of only SBD. I can't remember the last time I was paid in SBD (not that I post regularly) and would be easier to transfer the Steem that is already in the wallet than needing to go exchange it for SBD.

I don't know the costs associated with running your program (which isn't even examining the time you are putting in for coding), but you might consider implementing a way for users to donate for others who either don't post a lot, or they do and receive little support. I see a lot of accounts out here that are lucky to make 1 SBD in a month and hate the thought of them losing access to your tool.

Thank you for the service you provide the community, and hopeful we can all come together in some way that rewards you for this service.

ich habe heute auch was gesendet und möchte das in zukunft auch weiterhin machen--denn ich finde steemworld sehr gut --danke dafür-


We are very happy to be able to use steemworld with all the tools it provides today and will be open to all members.
Donation can be there, it will always be something that gives.

extra modules / payment modules

But it can depend on payment modules for the development of new tools that must be subscribed to For example an editor that makes it easier and easier to use, many struggle with the simplified editor in steemit. not many people can htm. an editor who can place pictures text correctly and smmanan to make the blog look good, an editor with several options.

Jag misses a folder alternative where all my blogs are located to be able to in when I want to show one of the old blogs to someone for it is not easy to find again. nice with a folder that can be leafed in

You could put in an auto vote so the user can give votes to the ones he tends to vote on as it is in the old one on Steemvoter
It has certainly thought of some and sure others as tips that could be that payment part

But be with you no matter what you do, but nice about the part that is day can be for everyone
Think more coming tips that may be in the payment modules

Maybe you can develop a program for our SPUD (@streetstyle) campaign that runs every 1st. of the month, we can talk about it and what it can cos

Be happy to pay per month.

Posted using Partiko Android

Love Steemword and would be willing to pay per month ( with a price of around 1 SBD ). Keep it up!

Help is on the way brother, we love what you’re doing and will support every idea that can improve it. We love STEEMWORLD!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Do not count on donations and as a non-American project, don't expect much support either. The daily post will draw in haters and steem Gestapo.
Start a subscription model and you'll find out exactly if your project is viable or not. If not just kill it and save your time sooner than later.
For me personally is a very useful tool and I wouldn't mind paying 3SBD per month.

Ich denke, dass wir es so schaffen können unser Steemworld am Leben zu erhalten! Wenn viele ihr Autovote oder was auch immer beauftragen und alle Sonderabgaben bereitstellen, kannste dich weiter beim Ausbau deines Projektes austoben!!




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I would be happy to pay every month. Hope you get funds and sponsorship.

Mach doch öfter mal nen Kostendeckungspost. Du bekommst mit Sicherheit auch dann genauso viel Unterstützung wie sonst auch!!

I know you are a serious Steem app developer, which is something I generally support. I therefore believe that you deserve an explanation why I am downvoting this and why I will likely continue to downvote these posts (though I don't automate voting currently, so it will generally depend on whether I happen to see one when I have downvote power available)

  1. I believe SPS is the primary intended and appropriate vehicle for ongoing project funding post HF21. If SPS voters do not decide to fund your project, to me it indicates a strong signal that your project in its present form is not deemed worthy of funding by the consensus of Steem stakeholders. The ability to, without broad consensus approval, nevertheless extract an income stream of rewards by posts and self-upvotes, potentially bought votes, friend votes, etc. is more of an exploit than a benefit, in my view, and makes this an appropriate use of downvotes.
  2. When I downvoted, the post had a pending payout of about $50, or $25 after curation. Your web site is no doubt useful to some in the community and from what I have seen is definitely quality work, but funding it from rewards contributes only, at best, in a very limited and indirect way to Steem's urgent priorities of growth, onboarding, maintaining and growing the value of the Steem token, etc. In Steem's current precarious financial state, $750/month is a high cost for the platform/community budget to subsidize one of several dashboard/explorer type web sites. The stated plan to make such posts daily is excessive, at least at this reward level. Occasional developer posts which report on noteworthy releases or milestones, as others have done, is less problematic than the stated plan here of routine daily posts.
  3. I wish you the best and I hope you can find a sustainable business model. Perhaps that could include a small user fee as you suggest, on-site advertisements, etc., or even possibly (hopefully temporarily) disabling some of the most resource-intensive features so the hosting cost can be reduced during this challenging period.

It is truly unfortunate that Steem is in the state that it is, in terms of price and therefore available resources (and further, at constant imminent risk of additional highly catastrophic price declines), but that only makes it even more critical that every single payout, particularly larger ones, be highly scrutinized to ensure they are extremely beneficial uses of very limited resources.

Thanks for your explanation! I see it as a very exemplary action that you take the time to explain your intentions.

<blockquote> <p dir="auto">When I downvoted, the post had a pending payout of about $50, or $25 after curation. <p dir="auto">That's okay for me. I don't want to become rich with these posts and I have no control over the incoming votes. Fact is that the community likes to support me and instead of earning nothing from one day to the other, because of a few big players controlling the SPS, I now earn something for my work again. I never intended to sell as much as comes in and I will only sell what is needed to keep me running. The rest will be powered up. <p dir="auto">The majority on Steem is here to earn something and I think it's a dangerous new way of thinking to prevent as many people as possible from earning STEEM with the goal to prevent as many as possible from selling. If people don't earn enough (in $ terms), they will start powering down their collected shares instead. We can't fight against the peoples love for Steem. I understand that people like you invested their life into this and it must hurt to wake up day after day and see the millions shrinking more and more over such a long period of time, but maybe we are too much in our heads and too much focused on failing instead of winning. <p dir="auto">What's the point of onboarding new people, if they are not allowed to sell their earnings? We are fighting against inflation, which is built into Steem to reward people and at the same time to increase their shares. If people don't earn enough, they can't keep their shares. Securing a huge part of the pool only for investors who don't intend to sell is a way more dangerous solution in my opinion, because it has the potential to hurt Steem's reputation massively. <p dir="auto">As I stated a few weeks ago, I think we need a real (maybe inbuilt) burn mechanism. For example, the SPS Fund could partially be used for this. We now have over 158K SBD in there. One may think that it's good to have those funds available for future developments, but I think we need them now the most. To be honest, If I could, I would burn at least 50% of the fund today to support the price of STEEM. <p dir="auto"><code>allow_curation_rewards is set to <code>false. Did you consider also burning the curation part? I then would vote them regularly and encourage others to do so.<span>Another temporary solution could be to create (real) <a href="/@burnpost">@burnpost's, in which the option <blockquote> <p dir="auto">I wish you the best and I hope you can find a sustainable business model. Perhaps that could include a small user fee as you suggest, on-site advertisements, etc., or even possibly (hopefully temporarily) disabling some of the most resource-intensive features so the hosting cost can be reduced during this challenging period. <p dir="auto">I plan to add Paypal for direct donations in the coming days. This would be one way to circumvent selling my rewards. I'm not sure, if ads would work in my case. Their scripts would need to run outside the SteemWorld DOM, then it would be a possible solution. I will investigate further possibilities.

What's the point of onboarding new people, if they are not allowed to sell their earnings?

<p dir="auto">I've never been in favor of that, in fact I'm not even in favor of entire power up/illiquid Steem concept for the most part. I do recognize some value in the security aspect, but my view is that people who own stake should be allowed to sell it and restrictions just discourage people from holding it. <p dir="auto">However, I do feel that we need to mindful of balance between the <em>amount that is paid out and the magnitude of the Steem-growing benefits that are being achieved. For example, onboarding itself is a benefit, to the extent that the users are active, retained, etc., but it also doesn't have unlimited value per user, and no platform pays an unlimited cost to recruit new users (or it quickly goes out of business). The numbers have to make sense. <blockquote> <p dir="auto">For example, the SPS Fund could partially be used for this. We now have over 158K SBD in there. One may think that it's good to have those funds available for future developments, but I think we need them now the most. To be honest, If I could, I would burn at least 50% of the fund today to support the price of STEEM. <p dir="auto">The DAO fund isn't circulating so it probably doesn't affect the price much. There is a small effect due to overhang (the possibility that it could be paid out and then sold in the future), but with only 160K SBD in there now this is really small. <p dir="auto">If the amount sitting in the DAO becomes large then I would also support burning some of it to reduce the overhang effect. <blockquote> <p dir="auto"><span>[<a href="/@burnpost">@burnpost curation rewards] <p dir="auto">Maybe we can experiment with that. My feeling up to this point has been that voting should be neutral in terms of the opportunity for curation rewards and the amount allocated to each payout be determined by these unbiased voter preferences (in fact I question the merits of the <code>allow_curation_rewards option existing at all). In addition there is the in-built mechanism which reduces curation rewards on fast votes (and burnpost definitely gets a good chunk before five minutes). But it is in fact true that <em>some voters might be more likely to vote with curation rewards disabled.

We need to mindful of balance between the amount that is paid out and the magnitude of the Steem-growing benefits that are being achieved.

I agree. For me it's the same as acquiring a famous celebrity to join Steem. Then this celebrity gets massive support from the community.

But this famous celebrity isn't recruiting members and cashing out his earnings. I don't know if I make sense.

Makes perfect sense.

I agree with this. As much as we want to see Steemworld continue operating, seeing Steem stumble in price will cost a lot to support this. $50 ($25 after curation) will earn around 50+ steem per post, which means more than 1500 Steems to be sold per month to cover the costs. That'll be okay if the funding comes from SPS, which unfortunately is not deemed worthy of funding by the consensus of Steem stakeholders, or there are more projects worthy of funding than this.

I suggest pay-to-usepay-to-use feature will be beneficial to all, the only ones who use will pay not the expense of the community or the reward pool. feature, in which @arcange do in his Steem SQL. It has been successful and doesn't require funding anymore. I think the

Good points but your numbers are off a bit. It is actually about 6000 STEEM per month.

Oh I meant the $25 after curation he receives. Should be around 25+ Steem and 25+ SP in rewards. So I'm estimating that he will receive around 50+ Steem per post. Which will be around 1500 per month.?

Each STEEM is worth about $0.12 currently so $25 turns into about 208 STEEM.

My $5 post got around 6 Steem + 6 SP in author rewards. :O Does the payout follow market price correctly?

Steemnow in fact is giving $0.20 per Steem price. I believe it's because of broken SBD peg and debt ratio.

My $5 post got around 6 Steem + 6 SP in author rewards.

I can't explain that. Maybe it got downvoted near the end?

Steemnow in fact is giving $0.20 per Steem price

That is possible. I don't recall if made that adjustment to the display or not. At $0.20, a $25 payout would be 125 STEEM.

Downvotes are a destructive way of life, weather or not you like the way other people acting.

To critisize @steemchiller for the way of funding its work to the benefit of the community is not indicated with sight on the devasting mistakes of steem HF20 and HF21

The value of steem is down, because steemit has some kind of socialism character.

Abolish inflation of steem and abolish downvote destruction of the community. Abolish the preference of rewards of the whales and witness and market will propably turn again.

The price of steem is turning to the south, because there are no equal rights and authors and users are leaving the plattform, because content and smal accounts of users are the victims of devatsing HF21 decesions.

Proof your perception in front of downvotes, try to love the engagement of people like @steemchiller who could propably earn hundreds of thousands of dollars per year in den IT industry...

Make it a STEEM donation so I can send you 1 every month to support this project. Not much but it will help move forward. I'm sure the community will follow through.


When you open the Tool you will find the donate buttom


Greetings Michael
Tthe Daily Text Interpretation in german and english

Nice idea! I hope you keep it Close Sourced, after the largest part of the community showed - through the SPS - that they don't see enough value in your work. They sure don't deserve to have this excellent program for a mere $50 or $60. 😒

Please keep it running and we'll be here to support you!

Ich würde das Umstellen auf Gebühren natürlich schade finden, aber als ultimo ratio wäre das wie schon öfter erwähnt absolut verständlich. Drücke dir die Daumen, dass es auch so geht, und natürlich lasse ich dir meine 2 Cent (100% vote) gerne da.

Hey @steemchiller Lade dir doch bitte @esteem auf dein Smartphone oder Pc damit man dich auch zusätzlich mit eSTEEM bonuspunkte fördern kann. Diese bonuspunkte kannst Du als Boost für deine Post verwenden.

Und es lohnt sich 150 Punkte sind schon mal 30 Cent Wert und die bekommt jeder Nutzer recht schnell zusammen.

Gruß vom @bitandi

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0.10281938 TRDO0.06854625 TRDO curation in 3 Days from Post Created Date!Congratulations @bitandi, you successfuly trended the post shared by! will receive & @bitandi will get

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<center><br /><br /> <p dir="auto"><code>BEER<span> Hey <a href="/">, here is a little bit of <span> from <a href="/@muelli">@muelli for you. Enjoy it!

Hope you’ll get lots of support very soon!
The crypto mood is too bearish at the moment! Too much bad news about China!

But the halfing is coming! Be patient!

Congratulations! You received a personal award!

Happy Birthday! - You are on the Steem blockchain for 1 year!

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Vote for @Steemitboard as a witness to get one more award and increased upvotes!


0.07271775 TRDO0.04847850 TRDO curation in 3 Days from Post Created Date!Congratulations @fullcoverbetting, you successfuly trended the post shared by! will receive & @fullcoverbetting will get

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The site keeps getting better and better. Always happy to support. I hope you get a new proposal going soon. Compared to quite a few, this one is definitely worthy. Don't worry about the others at top, eventually, they will give this one a chance again.

I hope you will get enough funding for your project. I like the tools you have in your website

<center><br /><br /> <p dir="auto"><code>BEER<span> Hey <a href="/">, here is a little bit of <span> from <a href="/@bitandi">@bitandi for you. Enjoy it! Vote for c0ff33a as Witness Lucky you here is your COFFEEA, view all your tokens at Vote for c0ff33a as Witness Lucky you here is your COFFEEA, view all your tokens at

<center><br /><br /> <p dir="auto"><code>BEER<span> Hey <a href="/">, here is a little bit of <span> from <a href="/@kirstin">@kirstin for you. Enjoy it!



0.08957588 TRDO0.05971725 TRDO curation in 3 Days from Post Created Date!Congratulations @barmbo, you successfuly trended the post shared by! will receive & @barmbo will get

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<center><br /><br /> <p dir="auto"><code>BEER<span> Hey <a href="/">, here is a little bit of <span> from <a href="/@barmbo">@barmbo for you. Enjoy it!

Yes is like

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Forgive my posting in an old post, but I wanted to ask you a question or two without making it public for all to see (I doubt many will come this far back to check comments to you).

I have created a new concept for a 'platform' but it rewards with digital coins AND with hard currencies of your choice. Those who join, they do not buy a coin, they buy a share in a hard asset, with a choice of the country it is in. A digital coin would also be needed but it is not the most important part of the concept.

I have created a number of businesses (from a bunkering company for supplying ships with fuel in the area around Cyprus - Shell bought me out) and a public company of over Euro 40 million, back in the mid 90s. So, I am not just a dreamer and on this idea I already have a number of business people interested. However, I do not have any programming knowledge and know very little about these platforms (only what I have learnt here in Steemit).

I need to get some information for working out what the costs would and whether I could use the STEEM blockchain (I need a blockchain so as to ensure that there is constant evidence of the investments by those signing up.

Any ideas on how I could go about this? If you can give some advice, I w ould rather give you my proton email addy - and maybe you could open such an email account on a temp basis, as I am not comfortable with discussing it in detail here in public.
