(Steemit Special Video!!) Like a BOSS! 12-Year Old Kid Totally Owns Corrupt Bankers & Politicians

in #steemvideo7 years ago

Children must be taught HOW to think, not WHAT to think. The last thing we need is another cardboard cutout or in-the-box thinker.

Prior to 2012, I was apolitical. I wouldn't have been able to tell you the first thing about what was going on in the political arena. If you were to begin a discussion with me, back then, about fiat currency, I wouldn't have even know what you were talking about.

But then this guy named Ron Paul came into view like a tug boat cutting through the fog on a brisk November morning.

He had these books, "End the Fed" and "The Revolution, a Manifesto." I tore through those books like a rabid, binge-eating bimbo. Bam! I was sold on the concept of voluntaryism and mutual, consensual exchange and I wondered why the hell something so simple had eluded me for so long?!?

But it wasn't just me that was awakened to the concepts of self-government and sound money. I was fortunate to have had my entire family respond positively to the message of TRUE liberty.

My girls (I have 3) started taking popular songs and changing the words so that they could proclaim the message of freedom to anybody who would listen! The whole family was excited about this new shift in our lives - shift from the darkness of authoritarian control, to the light of self-ownership, mutual respect and peace.

The video you're about to see is a compilation of video snippets my, then 12-year old, son put together during the 2012 presidential race where the Lamestream media tried their best to suppress Ron Paul's message of liberty at every turn.

Before you watch this video, I just want to say that I GREATLY appreciate all of you who fight for individual liberty every single day! I've learned so much from many of you and look forward to continuing this path with you all through this decentralized platform!

If you enjoy this consider upvoting, resteeming and sharing with the community. Peace!

I'm Brian, the owner and creator of the YouTube Channel HighImpactFlix and the HighImpactFlix Facebook page. My aim is to create useful, relevant, exciting and engaging content that will inform and IMPACT those who take the time to view it. Bottom line: I strive to make it worth your while to check out my videos!

Thanks for watching/reading. If you enjoyed this or, if it impacted you in any positive way, consider sharing and commenting. And, if you want, Upvote and alt text It's MUCH appreciated! Revenue generated goes back into creating even more "in-your-face" content. Peace!


Like yourself I was apolitical for a long time. My husband was the conspiracy theory guy and prepper. Now that I have kids and the world has gone completely insane..........being prepared doesn't sound so crazy anymore. We pay out the ass to send our kids to private school just to they can read when they graduate!
Never stop learning.
Question everything.
Now I'm on this cryptocurrency journey to see where it will take me. Hopefully to more freedom.

Great Post.


And what an amazing journey it is, huh? So many things to learn, so many things to do and so many cool people to meet. Life is VERY exciting! Thank you for the comment!

I'm following you now! You do a great job and put a lot of work into your videos!

Thank you @brianphobos I really appreciate that!

Upvoted, re$teemed & following!

Excellent content,realy enjoy your input. Plz continue your work.

You have done a FINE job raising your children! Your son probably owns more knowledge of political corruption than 80% of the sleeping wanderers in this Country. Great post!!!!

Crazy I never knew that was you're kid , I watched him on you tube long before i came across you're videos , although at that time banking was a huge issue so i was doing a lot of studying in banking and political corruption .
I believe the best way to stop this corruption is to train our kids to know better in the future , so good on you for being a good parent and worrying about their future .

I know many things of our life are controlled by others but our thinking is purely ours...our ideas our ideology can never controlled by others..

I wish I could say I agree. I'll put a video out here on Steemit which shows that our thinking isn't entirely ours (it should be) but we are HEAVILY influenced by others and the level of mental manipulation going on with today's technology makes it MUCH easier for people to be steered in the direction the money masters want them to go.

i like post. i will watch your vidio