Introduce Yourself Challenge - SteemUSA Game

in #steemusagame7 years ago (edited)


SteemUSA is running a Challenge for all members, and this is my post for it.

This challenge is week one of a fun game, or whatever you want to label it as, for current members, and those who are not yet members but want to join can also do so, just hop on over to the SteemUSA discord. You do have to live in or be from the USA to join.

To see the Original Post for this Challenge, click here.

It is time to have some fun!


I am not going to lie, I thought really hard about what I wanted to post as an Introduce Yourself post. I mean, I share a lot of stuff here on Steemit, and even though I have been on here since this past July I feel like my readers know me, but, I also realize that my actual Intro post way back when really isn't too easy to find now. So, let's start again...kind of. This will be a bit more fun I think.

About Me:


Additional Fun Facts:

Food I love: Kimchi
Food I hate: Olives

Favorite Song: Mic Drop by BTS
Song that drives me Nuts: Bullet with Butterfly Wings by Smashing Pumpkins

Random Funny Thing:

I had been holding off on posting this but I figured now was as good of a time as any. As most of you know I do a Radio Show every Friday night. I love to just laugh and have fun, play music, and sometimes give away Steem. Well, I have a tendency to mute myself during songs and I often forget to unmute myself. These are a few of those BLOOPER moments that of course were recorded (since I record all my stuff anyways). Well, now I am releasing them here so you can all laugh in amusement at the silliness.
Be warned - I did add some little sound effects throughout for fun. This really isn't a warning, more like an interesting extra tidbit to enjoy.


That's It! Hope you had fun reading & watching it all.

As Usual, Stay Awesome My Fellow Steemians and SteemUSA Members



Note: All Images in additional fun facts section are from Pixabay


Insect/Creature I like: Butterflies
Insect/Creature I hate dislike: Spiders

Hahaha, this is fantastic Jenny, what an excelling post, very Pro!!
I really love how you are obviously rocking your video editing skills, your bloopers had me cracking, hahahaha.
Keep on keeping on, the sky is not your limit, I really don't believe there is one for you!! <3
Thank you for being such an inspiration & for your wonderful support (´ ▽`).。o♥♡

I loooove butterflies too btw, but I also love spiders ;P
I REALLY don't like fish, ever since that day a fish decided to nibble on my toe!
Urgh, fish I tell ya, don't know nothing about personal space, hahaha ;D
Have you seen the one that has teeth like a human, the Pacu fish, groooooossss!!!

I have seen them! They do look gross. They don't freak me out though...only spiders seem to do that. Spiders also I swear have a deal with the universe to freak me out as much as possible because I have had too many "visit" me in the last few years. It was hard enough putting that picture on my post cause it make my skin go on edge. Yay to another butterfly lover! Woohoo 😀

Awwww 💙💜💛❤️💚 Too sweet! Haha, yes i figure the bloopers might crack a few people up too. Thanks for the kind words.

I love kimchi too! I also love butterflies and also don't like that song that drives you nuts as well. ;)
go #steemusa

Oooh! Some things in common, Yay! You rate even better than you already did in my book now because of that. USA!

thanks :) he he, you're pretty tops too, (punny)

Love the puns :)

haha! Nice to get to know you better! You can send all the olives my way! I haven't seen that challenge, but I'm busy with another one that is very time consuming this week! For it I had to write a sort of introduce yourself post about my journey in photography!

It just started the other day! This challenge :) Yes posts can be time consuming (in a good way of course) but that one you are doing sounds quite cool.

It is very intense - much more intense than anything I have done. We had to write the story of our photography journey, then we had to make a video in a crowded and noisy place (outside my comfort zone) describing why we want to be part of the project. (By the way, maybe you know why my snap shot loaded sideways and distorted on dtube. I have no idea how to fix it, because it was ok on my computer. LOL!) Then we have to make posts with 5 out of 8 photography topics. Finally, we have to make a compilation post putting everything together! We had only a week to do it all in, so I am scrambling!

Wow! That is a lot to do. Hmm..snap shot wise with dtube I would not be sure. I don't often use dtube unfortunately. Hope you had fun doing your post though.

Excellent post Jenny!💗🌸🌺

Thank you! :)

Oh, this was a delightful little walk down memory lane! You are so super-duper awesome, to be able to laugh at yourself and your human foibles! We should all take a lesson from you! You definitely run one of the best, positive-vibe, feel-good podcasts on Discord! 😊

Awwww. That is so sweet of you to say. Super Hug. I have learned very much to be able to laugh at myself. It is often funny, so why not? haha. Thank you again for your super sweet words and your constant support. You are amazing.

Haha! Spiders... I am SO irrationally phobic that is makes no sense. I consider my best personal proof of a past life. There is nothing in this life that ever happened that could explain why I am so freaked out by them. I am much better than when I was younger, but I can hardly stand to even step on them. And walking into their webs is just as bad as finding one of them!
Thanks for all you do, including hosting this!

I am not going to lie though I could totally see myself going through a web and freaking out. That has certainly happened. I have way too many instances here in Florida that have freaked me out. From the 3 different wolf spiders jumping out of gosh knows where and in front of my bathroom door while I was in there. I swear they keep getting bigger and keep finding me and it's driving me nuts. I have made many posts about these crazy buggers.

Oh, yeah! I moved to Arkansas, best friend talked me into it. I had a job, a house, all moved down when we went for a drive and there was a TARANTULA walking across the road. I pulled to a screeching stop (OK, no screeching, it was a dirt road but you know... ) and gave her the evilest evil eye I could muster. She just laughed at me... "Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention them, huh?"
Little snot. Proof I am a gracious human as she is still my best friend... lol!

I totally love real home made proper Korean Kimchi, you know the kind that smells... well... foul, but tastes like heaven. I can't stand the store bought rubbish.

I had to watch "Mic drop" by BTS, as I had never heard of it before. (I'm very out of the popular music loop, regardless if it's US or S. Korean) Can't say that I understood much of it, but it did have some sweet drops. I also had to look up the T.S.P. song, but once I heard like five seconds of it I remembered which one it was. I would be a happy man if I never had to listen to it again. :) Thanks for sharing a bit more about yourself.

Making kimchi is one of my must dos, but I haven't yet. I do however get some from a Korean store where this older lady makes it and she is from Korea, and a Korean restaurant nearby uses it, so I know it is the good stuff. Plus, it's the best kimchi I've ever had. I pretty much always have a big jar of it on hand at any given time.

I adore that you listened to both the songs and so cool you get why Mic Drop is great. Haha, yes the pumpkins song I just can't stand. Thanks for reading and even trying some new stuff out in the process 😀

Jeez k pop lover... Nice to have you around and welcome to the steemit platform express yourself with that tacos..haha cheers

Definitely a K-pop lover, I mean heck, it's even a part of my name. Not new though, I've been here since July but am enjoying this platform thoroughly.

yup definitely true...I can see that through your reputation level is far better than mine haha and you have it all ... hope I can sing and you be the judge....but not in korean song lol....thanks and lowering myself giving you a hat off...

Haha you are funny. No worries I love K-pop and still wouldn't even dare to try singing it.

OMG! You are worse than I thought with the muting! LOL I love it! I almost never miss this show, just in case you play some smut, you know? Yes! You make us laugh every single time!

If you have missed Jenny, you need to make your way over on Friday nights. She gives everyone a great time and soon, you will become addicted to her!

I know I am!

Upped and Steemed Tip!

HAHA...oh my gosh! I know right?! I did not realize how bad I was until I decided to do a blooper reel for fun and had to watch all the footage. Oh my, and these were back to back shows. I will admit though, since I found it out the mutes have been drastically reduced. Haha oh my.

Noooo! Don't take the fun away! LOL

HAHA! Knowing me, it will come back or something else will transpire without me knowing lol

Beautifully done and as always serious but a bit of fun, you definitely have an infectious laugh.

Hmm. Too serious you say? Looks like I have to turn up the meter. Glad you like my laugh though 😀

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