
Hi igster, excuse me, that I disturb you again, but is white screen at Steemgar.

We are all getting old. Unfortunately, no one can reverse the arrow of time ;)

But perhaps aging can be stopped or reversed, it's likely to happen at some point of time as our technology advances but perhaps it's too late for us. What a thought that is!

I am not sure this should happen, to be honest. I still see it better to leave room for the next generation. This is the only way for new brains to emerge, IMO. I know, this is a bit a drastic opinion, but it is mine ^^

"I still see it better to leave room for the next generation"

Luckily we have the whole universe to expand to, lot's of room for old and new. And we can't really stop that technology once it comes available, people will want to continue living. If there's demand, there's a supply, eventually.

Modern medicine has already greatly improved our life expectancy and it will continue to do so.
I do hope we can settle other planets by that point though or it will get rather crowded! Or have solved the issues that would follow with huge population boost.

High food production, free 3d printed houses, renewable energy used everywhere, high levels of automation.
That would ensure more people wouldn't result in more horrific "rat race" against everyone else after more limited resources.

Maybe...but question is when :)