Hi, @rcebike. Even though this article has been upvoted by @steemstem, I want to point out one thing:
All images are used under the CC0 Creative Commons, Free for commercial use. No attribution required.
You wrote the sentence above at the end of your article. I think you need permission from the original author if you want to use your second image (it was taken from a journal and I think that's not CCO creative common, and your third image was marked (CC BY-SA 2.0) which requires attribution.
Nevertheless, it is a decent article. Great job.
Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license to all articles and other works they publish. From the PLoS website:Hi @chloroform thanks for the reply. You are correct for paid subscription Journals like Cell, Science and Nature where you need the Journal and Author's permission, but the PLoS Journals are Open Access and all PLOS journals applies the
Originally I was using pixabay.com images that have the CCO licence so I changed it to Creative Commons licensing as it encompasses the various licences. I fixed the attribution for the images.