Aceh and Shari'a Law Punishment [Bilingual]

in #steempress6 years ago

Aceh is the one of province in Indonesia that applies the Shari'ah Criminal Law or regulated in Qanun Jinayat. Any people in Aceh or immigrants proven to violate the Islamic Shari'ah will be arrested by Wilayatul Hisbah or the Shari'a Police. If the violation is done lightly, then the penalty will be given only limited warning or given a warning letter. But, if the violated action is included in the weight category, then the caning punishment will be applied.

[Photo by @zamzamiali with Nikon D3300]

Qanun Jinayat and other rules in Aceh, as regions that have specialities compared to other regions in Indonesia, are made by involving the legislative and executive. In addition, the rules are also studied in depth and also listen to the opinions of all parties through the selection of community aspirations.

The drafting and drafting team also consulted with the central government such as the Ministry of Religious Affairs, the Supreme Court, the Attorney General's Office and the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights. However, there are some that are rejected by them. Hehehe.

[Photo by @zamzamiali with Nikon D3300]

The application of caning punishment, behind all controversy from outsiders who call it a human rights violation, is a special gift for the people of Aceh who have longed for the full implementation of Islamic Shari'a in the area that is nicknamed Serambi Mecca.

As a native of Aceh, I also feel that with the introduction of caning law, Aceh will be more easily known as an 'Very Islamic Area'. Qanun Jinayat as a legal umbrella of caning, arrange several serious crimes such as adultery, sexual relations of the same sex, romance in public places, rape, liquor and sexual harassment. The whip punishment varies up to 100 lashes.

[Photo by @zamzamiali with Nikon D3300]

The enactment of caning in Aceh, carried out in the afternoon after the Friday prayer service and must be witnessed by the inhabitants, who usually witness the whipping punishment in unison. It aims to give shame to the transgressors of the Shari'a in the hope of not repeating any sinful deeds ever committed.

Well, on Friday, July 13, 2018, I managed to capture some moments when the caning sentence was done at Baiturrahim Mosque, Ulee Lheu, Banda Aceh City. There were 15 people whipped in the grounds of the historic mosque that lies on the beach and escaped the tsunami in 2004. There was a case involving liquor, there was a case involving fondling and there was also a male partner who was caught and proven to have same-sex relations (gay). The punishment of a given whip varies from 13 to 87 lashes.

[Photo by @zamzamiali with Nikon D3300]



Aceh adalah satu-satunya provinsi di Indonesia yang menerapkan Hukum Pidana Syari’ah atau yang diatur di dalam Qanun Jinayat. Setiap penduduk di Aceh atau pendatang yang terbukti melanggar Syari’at Islam akan ditangkap oleh Wilayatul Hisbah atau Polisi Syari’at. Jika pelanggaran yang dilakukan tergolong ringan, maka hukuman yang akan diberikan hanya sebatas teguran atau diberikan surat peringatan. Tapi, jika perbuatan yang dilanggar termasuk kedalam kategori berat, maka hukuman cambuk akan diterapkan.

[Photo by @zamzamiali with Nikon D3300]

Qanun Jinayat dan aturan lainnya di Aceh, sebagai daerah yang memiliki kekhususan dibandingkan daerah lain di Indonesia, dibuat dengan melibatkan pihak legislatif dan eksekutif. Selain itu, aturan yang dibuat juga dikaji secara mendalam serta ikut mendengarkan pendapat semua pihak lewat penjaringan aspirasi masyarakat.

Tim perumus dan penyusun juga melakukan konsultasi dengan pemerintah pusat seperti Kementerian Agama, Mahkamah Agung, Kejaksaan Agung serta Kementerian Dalam Negeri, Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia. Namun, ada beberapa yang ditolak oleh mereka. Hehehe.

[Photo by @zamzamiali with Nikon D3300]

Penerapan hukuman cambuk, dibalik segala kontroversi dari pihak luar yang menyebutnya sebagai pelanggaran hak asasi manusia, adalah anugerah tersendiri bagi rakyat Aceh yang telah mendambakan penerapan Syariat Islam secara menyeluruh di daerah yang berjuluk Serambi Mekah ini.

[Photo by @zamzamiali with Nikon D3300]

Sebagai penduduk asli Aceh, saya juga merasa dengan adanya penerapan hukum cambuk, Aceh akan lebih mudah dikenal sebagai daerah yang ‘Islami banget’. Qanun Jinayat sebagai payung hukum pemberlakuan hukuman cambuk, mengatur beberapa tindak pidana berat seperti zina, hubungan seksual sesame jenis, bermesraan di tempat umum, pemerkosaan, minuman keras dan pelecehan seksual. Hukuman cambuk bervariasi hingga 100 kali.

[Photo by @zamzamiali with Nikon D3300]

Pemberlakuan hukuman cambuk di Aceh, dilaksanakan pada siang hari setelah ibadah salat jum’at dan harus disaksikan oleh penduduk, yang biasanya menyaksikan hukuman cambuk secara beramai-ramai. Hal ini bertujuan untuk memberikan rasa malu kepada para pelanggar syariat dengan harapan tidak mengulangi lagi perbuatan berdosa yang pernah dilakukannya.

[Photo by @zamzamiali with Nikon D3300]

Nah, pada Jum’at, 13 Juli 2018 kemarin, saya berhasil mengabadikan beberapa momen saat hukuman cambuk dilakukan di Masjid Baiturrahim, Ulee Lheu, Kota Banda Aceh. Ada 15 orang yang dicambuk di halaman masjid bersejarah yang terletak di bibir pantai dan luput dari terjangan tsunami pada tahun 2004.

[Photo by @zamzamiali with Nikon D3300]

Ada yang terlibat kasus minuman keras, ada yang terlibat kasus bercumbu dan ada juga pasangan laki-laki yang tertangkap dan terbukti melakukan hubungan sesama jenis (gay). Hukuman cambuk yang diberikan bervariasi, mulai dari 13 kali hingga 87 kali cambukan.

[Photo by @zamzamiali with Nikon D3300]


Best Regards,


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