Do you want to know what your top 20 most rewarded votes were in the past 2 weeks?

in #steempower7 years ago (edited)

A snapshot of your curation rewards for those keen on numbers - open to all!

All you have to do is........ ask me nicely in a comment below!

source - pixabay

Casting over 1000 votes a week and then using the 'Curation Rewards' link in the Wallet to see what's worked and what hasn't, is about as useful the 'Followers/Following' links in my opinion.

No options to sort, no filtering, and depending on how long the post/reply is, about 10 rewards per page. Sheesh.

Luckily, we have @arcange's DataBase to help us get a handle on things. And what started out as a 'Curation Tips' post (which I will do soon), has turned into another gift to you :)

Your top 20 curation reward payouts over the past 2 weeks.

The format will be like this:


It should be pretty self-explanatory, the 'Vote Weight' column is the % you used when casting the vote. If you see a 're-' at the front of the 'Shortened URL', then it is most likely a comment to a post which you cast your vote upon.

I'm not going to stay up all night doing these, but I'll try to do as many as are requested in the next hour or so, and If you ask really nicely, i'll finish the rest in the morning :p

If you can think of another 'snapshot' you'd like to see in the future, add that in the comments below and I'll check on what seems popular.

p.s. Did you notice my best reward in the past two weeks, was a 10% vote on a comment, interesting huh!


Asher @abh12345


Asher, if you still have time I think the Friends of Gondor account would be good to see too... It is an evenly weighted list of the #stewardsofgondor so it will be a good showcase to see how each account performs against each other (in terms of curation at 20 min)

So I nicely ask if you can @friendsofgondor if you have time :)

No problem :)

That's pretty interesting... The 20% votes are a $0.05 upvote and the 22%'rs are $0.06... All done on autovote at 20 min... Maybe the #stewardsofgondor have some undiscovered value after all ;)

Thanks for this too Asher! Good night!

I'm interested in seeing what my curation rewards will be! I'm sure it's probably like .03, but whatever! haha

Only 1 for you i'm afraid - if the value is less than 0.001 then it isn't considered.

If you wish for some tips on how to boost rewards, check out my post from sunday, and join in if you like!

I'm a total newbie so yes I'd love some tips. Thank you for your help!

I would like too if its possible the result for my account @pataty69

I hope that helps boost your rewards :)

Im making some changes for this week lets see the result

Thank you! Love how you share all of these tips with us to make data accessible. Steemit becomes demystified through Asher’s gaze 🔮😉

Would you do mine?

heh :)

Whilst im brushing my teeth!

A stand out top entry there, I hope this helps!

Thank you! Haha brushing your teeth, what a star! I’m really curious to examine my curation game and you are a very helpful guide! 💙

Yes please Asher. This would be very useful information. Thanks in advance!

A couple of stand out rewards there, I hope this helps!

Some surprises, but mostly votes to the writing contests. I wonder if you'll be doing this again next week? I only ask because I don't know how to do it myself and because I added some voting on accounts I think will be good for curation.

Let me know in a week or two (rewards come 7 days after the content is created) and I shall produce a list for you.

The response has been good the so I may do this again in future. And if you can think of another snippet of data which might work as a post I will certainly consider producing it like this.

Owk am asking nicely pls can i see mine too @abh12345

And also possible advice as regards it

As you are just starting out (15 SP), rewards will be tough to gain via curation and you dont have 20 rewarded votes as yet.

I think it's best just to vote for what you like and not worry about the rewards yet. Good luck!

Thank you for prompt reply

I will ask nicely :) ... May I please have th result for my account?


Thank you :)

ps... here is the final list of logo's and taglines... I hope you find something you and your guest judge will like!!! :)

I hope you can see them - might need a magnifying glass?!

We cross-posted (again!) and I have a reply waiting for you on the linked post above. Cheers!

Good engagers will do that lol... thanks for the this l list! I have a powerful set of glasses I can use in this occasion! haha... Cheers!

haha :D

Chrome has a nice maginfer in the top right (CTRL and +) which has done the job for me.

I hope you find some clues as to what is working for you!

thanks :P ... I use Chrome when I want to translate too ;) ... and I am learning, slowly learning! (thanks to many lessons from you)


The rewards are always secondary to what should be voting on, especially when you don't have a load of SP, but this is much easier to present!

I agree... I really try to use my account to reward others since I feel like it was delegated to me for that purpose... Of course it is nice to get a big surprise though, like the few at the top!!! :D

I don't want to see my dismal numbers, but perhaps for our @newbieresteemday account? Only if you have time. Thanks ahead of time! :)

Of course! :)



very cool on #newbieresteemday, that looks like some seriously good curations for the samll vote the account has! Thanks Asher!

ps... glad you did beeyou's too! :)

Thanks Asher, although my dismal SP reward didn't warrant the time to query.

Anyone paying attention would see some of the same posts being upvoted on my account and the @newbieresteemday account. That's because I search for 'newbie' posts when I have some free time on the beeyou account. Then I simply go on the newbieresteemday account to upvote the same posts since I always leave a comment. It also doesn't hurt that I then reach out to members of our Newbie Resteem team that are also curie curators, and 'bring to their attention' some fabulous posts from our newbies. ;)

That's my secret to curating. I know utopian and sndbox are other methods, but who has time to be everywhere? Now, if only I can keep my voting power from dropping so low! It's steadily creeping up since I've been trying to go MIA. Slowly.

May I also add that (5) of the posts you queried on my account received curie votes? Not too shabby for a few minutes here and there spent searching. If only everyone else would do the same to help support our newbies.

Edit: (although some were not newbies, but they were darn good posts). If only I could have upvoted from the newbieresteemday account.

Last comment on this one, hehe. That is why curie has my witness vote. I'm slowly going through the list. :)

Very well done, you'll be a curie curator in no time with that record in so little time!

I plan to write out a more detailed post on the other methods, which are easier than beating curie to the punch - but surely not as satisfying :D

Ok, last comment of the day - 1:42 am, again!

Have a good day over there!

ohhh don't be chicken, I think you will surprise yourself with your own records... You have steered me in the right direction, so my guess is they are better than you think ;)

Asher gave me my scores anyway, hehe. We need to build up our @newbieresteemday account so we can reap more of the SP rewards, and of course, help more newbies.

absolutely... we are doing pretty good with that account (thanks to the ABC's of Curation! Maybe we can get @coolguy123 and the ABC's together and come up with some ideas ;)

Don't forget silent D who has been a tremendous support on the account. Especially when the B factor goes MIA.

shsss.. the D is silent ;)

But always backs up the B factor as she deserves some rest every once in ahwhile!!!

Frankly, I think I am not good at getting ideas ;). That's why I tried to contribute with other ways I felt comfortable.Thanks for pulling me along with ABC's @davemccoy.

But, yes, if you insist, I can join hands with the ladies to see how else I can contribute.

Wow you're really good at curation @abh12345. Most of mine are 0.001 and some days I don't get any at all. Considering all the upvoting I'm doing I'm obviously pretty rubbish at it.

I even tried to apply some of your tips but to no avail! 😢

Mind you I've really drop my vote weight recently, as I'm doing so many upvotes so that wouldn't help.

Vested STEEM Power counts for a lot - You are doing well at 200 SP to get upwards of 0.001...

I have on record as delegating you 75 SP, but i only see 25 in your wallet... hmm! Lets see if we can fix that.....

You did delegate me 75 SP but, for some reason, when I delegated 50 SP out it took it off your delegation record. I did question it but was told that some services did that.
So it looks like I've only got 25 SP from you when you look in my wallet but it is actually 75 SP. If you look elsewhere, can't remember where off hand, you can see it is 75 SP.
But, feel free to pretend I never told you that! 😁 😁 😁I'm so tempted to keep my mouth shut @abh12345. I'm sooooo bad!!!! But I can't do so. 😊

Happy to hear I'm not doing too badly with curation after all. Thanks for checking and thanks for the encouragement! 😍


I should have checked that. Yes I see 50 SP out of your account.

Oh well, you should see 50 SP in your account as I just upped it to 100 haha :D

Aw. Thank you @abh12345. That's very kind of you.

I'm going to experiment with upping my vote weight again tomorrow.
Fun, fun, fun! 😊

Thats a nice thing to do Asher! :)

Okay, I want to submit to the truth? I want to know if my vote at 28 min is giving results, please show me?

Quite similar to @gillianpearce and so with 57 SP you are doing pretty well indeed!

Okay, this is great news!

Hello asher! I would be very happy and grateful to see mine as well.
Thanks a lot!

No problem :)

Okay, am gonna do this in a very nice way. Please, I will love to know which of my votes are coming back home with some pizza. Thank you very much.

I don't know if that's nice enough but I can give you some chocolate if you want.


Not bad, in line with Gillians who has a bit less SP than you.

Hope this helps!

Alright, a little chocolate on the way to your account. Quite an impressive work you are doing here. Maybe that will help with a coffee while you pick the data.

Coffee sounds like a good idea right now, thanks!

It's day 2 of being active here for me and I'm just starting to figure out what Steemit curation means... LOL. So I doubt I'd have hardly anything show up yet. Thanks for sharing and all you do to help people navigate the complexities of Steemit, at least complexities from a newbie's point of view. All the best

No problem :)

The rewards will show 7 days after the post/comment was made. I'll do the same thing again at some point in the future.

Cheers you too!

Thanks, @abh12345 Now I understand why my wallet has remained unchanged thus far... ;-)

Great service to offer Asher! You are educating all of us!
Yesterday I did try to guess how your score works in league 2. But I could not figure it out :(
I will not ask you to dig up my curations, because it would be not worth the hassle.
Just wanted to stop by and show you my gratitude!
Unfortunately I can not upvote the post, cause I'm running (again) out of voting power. 475 SP left to go before I do have the much needed slider :)

Thank you! Glad you think it is of use - I'd like to do more like this :)

I couldn't resist having, a look at yours and seeing as you have at least 20 to report:

If you wish to slide your vote now, you can use the eSteem mobile app, and I think there are options on too.

Thanks again!

I can’t wait to read your tips posts! I’ve much been thinking a lot about how to get better at curation. I’d love to see a snapshot of my top 20 posts if you have time :) thank you for doing this!

As a side question ... if I use bots to upvote my posts, does that benefit the people who upvoted before the bot came along? I’m compiling data now to see when the bots are profitable for me. And judging by my husband’s curation rewards, it looks like it helps him too ... would there be any downsides to my followers if I use bots? Just not sure if their voting power skews the rewards?

Sure :)

if I use bots to upvote my posts, does that benefit the people who upvoted before the bot came along?

Yes for sure. When I was using them i'd give people a chance to vote first, so to not impact their curation negatively.

would there be any downsides to my followers if I use bots?

They may not agree with the principle?

The best time to use a bot for $ is 1 minute after the post is created. I don't like to see it but there are users planning their submission around the bid windows for bots, so that the vote will come when the article is minutes old. - I don't vote on this content for that reason.

Hope this helps!

Thank you so much! This is really interesting! In your tips post, would you mind explaining when and why we should change our voting percentage?

Regarding bots, I feel bad for my followers that the rewards on my posts are so low. I was thinking that upvoting with bots a few days after I post will help. From what I've seen so far, the bots really won't help my rewards at all.

Is there another way to help followers who are upvoting my posts?

Changing the % is mainly to reserve your Voting Power.

For now, you'll need to give full votes to gain rewards, but in future, you can change the % say for comments - it's nice to upvote the best comments on your blog I think.

The bots will boost your rewards a little at times, but mostly they are not profitable and the money you pay is for 'advertising'.

Followers who are upvoting with commenting should comment so you can vote them :)

Thats exactly what I'm looking for Asher! I won't trouble you with doing mine as I know you have a lot on (though if you have spare moment I wouldn't mind a quick snapshot 🙂),but would you be able to share the query, I can ask my other half to help me, as he's done some other queries for me in the past. Does this need a paid subscrption to arcange's DB? Thanks

If you are familiar with MongoDB, you can use @furions SteemData (although I'm not sure what tables he has in relation to @arcange's paid service, which is what I use).

you researches are great all time... sir can i have mine? i know you can be busy if you are free then otherwise i don't need it. thank you sir.☺

Only 3 for you so far, need a little more SP to start gaining rewards i think:

can you give tips me with that... how can i gain more rewards? thanks in advance sir. :)

Hey, I'd love to find out. I know I haven't done a great job of curation so far, but I'd like to know where I'm doing something right.

8 of the 20 from comments :)

Right on! Thanks, Asher!

I'm late to the game... past midnight here. Good one.

Fashionably late :)

I see at least 3 in there from utopian? Anyway, I hope this is of use :)

It's mainly from steemstem. I guess they tagged utopian too. Good job here. Thanks a lot.

ahh right, sounds like a good focus area for you, and perhaps somewhere I should look also.


That wouldn't be a bad idea.

I will be waiting for your post, to see the query that can be used. Never tried to find out :)

A good selection of authors there in that you have almost all unique, nice!

Thank you for pulling that. So you run a sql query, I guess, if you can pass it. Or if its going to be your post then I will notice for sure.

it will be interesting to analyse for sure :D

9 comments in there :)

Me, me, me 🙋

Is there a way to turns this into an automated function? Sounds very useful

I am using a SQL query if that's what you mean? :)

Thanks for doing this.

I meant, can we get this output without having to distrupt you each time

Yes if you can access the blockchain, or have access to a copy of it on SQL.

The query is somewhere in these comments :)

Unfortunately, IT and software code are not my area of expertise. I learnt a while back to stick to what I know and ask for help in other areas :)

Hello, please me and your wonderful statistics. Good luck to you:)!

No problem :D

Thanks for sharing! A link to your post was included in the wiki article about Curation. Thanks and good luck again!

i am not into that much curation as have no power but thanks for doing this :)

Just one so far, keep going! :D

you're really good curation @abh12345.

nice your post.

Thank you Gill... I mean @munirahayati :D

I am fine person 😁😁no problem @abh12345

you should get your top 20 @munirahayati... Its eye opening ;)

I suspect that this is gillianp's comment with a touch of editing, call me cynical if you like!

lol... funny! I didn't think of that :D

How can i get the top 20 @davemccoy ???

Hey @munirahayati, just ask @abh12345 to rank you and see how you are already doing.. He will get you your top 20 highest curations... Then you can learn from him how to improve it by joining his league of curation. It is not hard to do, but it starts with you asking him to rank you. :)

😊thanks for information @davemccroy

How can i get the top 20 @davemccoy?? 😊

Your list is showing no results @munirahayati

You need a little more SP I think.

I feel sad for not having a list.
I realize that my SP is a bit, I'm trying to improve my SP's reputation by posting interesting things in steemit. Thanks for the suggestion. @abh12345

My pleasure, good luck :D

Can I still send in a request?
I'm not doing very good, curation-wise. Maybe it can help me to find out where I go wrong/right.

Special requests from friends are allowed :)

thanks for nice information!

knowledge is the power here that's an exciting line and which will be true forever

Your list is empty @starboye, and you have enough SP to be picking up some small rewards? A change of tactic is in order?

hahah i need to start seriously lol

i always find me bandwidth getting over
i am finding your post helpfuladvise me for increasing my steem power @abh12345

You have Some Steem Dollars that you could by STEEM Power with?

Here is a good guide:

672141CE-83CD-4C7C-8B8F-FA7E11B654C8.jpegGreat ur work 😉, I like that , so good luck my dear friend @abh12345

This is a unique statistic, for sure. And one that should be really helpful. I would appreciate learning this about my own curation practices! Thanks for continuing your offer, too. I saw the post earlier and figured I missed the chance to ask. Thanks!

No worries, i'll do them until payout I guess!

I hope this is useful!

It's pretty obvious I've got some autovotes that are paying off! There is only one post in that list that is not an autovote. I use autovotes to support people even when I am not actively voting. They are folks that I have connected with over time. I've enjoyed getting to know them as people and I'm glad to be able to support them. It's satisfying to see that they are getting enough rewards that my curation is worth something to me, too.

It will be interesting to see if I can beat this with manually-curated upvotes during a week when I'm not so busy with work. Very interesting! Thanks a bunch!

Good that you've spotted this! :)

You can check individual rewards for curation here, which i use sometimes too:

I've got a fair number of autos running, for the same reasons as you. It's impossible to get round everyone and a small everyday vote is a good thing - the ones I get help me a bunch.


I do check that. It seems to regularly run slightly higher than what I see in your report. That's all I was using before I ran into your project -- which I appreciate!

I have learned something really interesting from your latest curation report. I see someone that regularly upvotes comments for everyone in my posts. That's a lot of comments over the course of a week. And their curation/SP ratio is over 2.0. Very interesting. I think it's not so clear how curation rewards work for comments in Hard Fork 19 -- for upvoters, for commenters, and for the authors of the original posts.

Comments are a secret goldmine for curation :)

They work as posts do - voting at 1 minute is generally bad for the curator, and voting after a big vote the same.

But, if you visit post authors with a good amount of SP, who like to post, wait, and reward good comments, hitting those comments first rewards very well - better than a large post for small account holders.

Very interesting! Thanks for explaining that. I can see how folks are playing the odds in their approach to comments, too, now. I can use your information to help people that come to my posts, for sure! Thanks!