in #steemng7 years ago

Have you ever thought how the world most successful people started? Or did you think that they just woke up one morning and became successful.
Success is not a measure of the amount of money you have stashed in your bank account, it doesn't really account to how successful one is.

My Dad will always tell me then top always find something to do with the little money I that i should trust banks that they are thieves , robbing us off from the bank, that instead I should find something I can trade with and invest in.
During my Industrial training back then in school, i had to save up some amount of money, aiming to produce customized wrist bands that I can sell in school and make extra cash. Making vital investment is a key to being successful in life. Ok!! you think that if Bill Gate had his money stashed in the bank Microsoft will emerge from heavens gate and come into existence or you think if Jack Ma has kept his money in the bank Alibaba will just kink out from the great wall of @China and come into being.. One thing we should all know is that every great person on planet earth is/was an INVESTOR so don't think that being wealth or being successful is by magic. Take Aliko Dangote for example, a Nigerian, will i say the most successful business man in the heart of @Nigeria and @Africa. The happy part is that no body is born into this world with the word success roundabout his or her neck. Success is a choice, its an individual decision , that you a successful tomorrow depends on the amount of work you put in today to @INVEST.

So investment should be a necessity in everyone's life because that's where the future lies...

Have you asked yourself this question as a young lad " what did i really want in life?" " what kinda life do i really want for myself ". The problem with most young lads is "saving" most of us hardly save not to talk of owning an investment.

For you to be able to save up and invest,

1) You must cut your spending:
Cut the way you spend money that should have been save up for other things, set priorities in wants. You must not spend all the money you have in one day. That expensive vacation you want to embark on with your family can be done in a lesser expensive place. "You cant grow money by spending, you grow money by saving and investing".


That money you want to spend on clothing and jewelries can be saved up and used for something more important. For the ladies, don't shop your life out, even if your husband makes the whole money, save for the rainy day.

2)Increase your source of income:
Don't depend wholly on a single source of income, try as much as possible to spread your wings, diversify and create other sources of income
The problem we have is that most white cola jobs doesn't give time for other jobs, but in as much as your working for someone, you should have investment at the back of your mind. Have this drive that one day you are going to own something bigger than what you are doing now. Don't limit yourself to that salary, don't limit yourself to that peanut that you are being paid. like they say, salary is just a means companies use in making you forget your dreams and aspiration but you can say no to that by owning an investment outside that your job. One thing I always say to myself is that one day and I know that, I will write my name in the skies....



Was opportune meet a man that has a petrol station, we got talking about life, business and its pros and cons. i asked the man how did you build this petrol station, what motivated you? He said to me that the irony there is that he never had building a petrol station in mind, that when he started building the petrol station, that he is not sure if he had up to #5,000 in his pocket , that he overheard the word petrol station from a group of people that he didn't even know what it meant. He also told me that what he did then was that any little amount he gets from the business he is doing, he comes down to his site and use it to mold blocks and buy cements and other materials till he finished it up. As am writing this now, this man has up to 7 petrol stations to his name.
Have in mind that "everything big starts small".

3)Learn to say NO and mean it:
Most times we find it difficult to say NO to certain group of people, family or friends. If you must save and invest, you must lean how to use the word NO than YES when necessary.... People might come up to u to borrow which you know too well that they wont pay you back when the time is due, and maybe you might have proportioned this cash for something more important and seeing that they are family or close friends that you can't deny that help, you just give it out.. That's not the way to build an empire buddy.


Say NO in a more polite way, knowing fully well that you need that cash for something more important, even when you are faced with the challenges of buy things learn not to exceed your expenditure, let NO one push you into collecting extra cash from that savings, be it your spouse, your siblings even your parents.

4)Dont cut corners.
Genuity pays and ingenuity pays too. don't rob Peter to pay Paul, even if its going to take you 5 years or more to achieve it, its worth it than cutting corners. Good things takes time and patience to mature likewise good investments. Don't be the type that always follow short cuts to achieve your goals, follow that long road that's where the success is.
Takes risks if you have to but calculated risks, explore other avenue, go out and meet people; the world is too big for you to cage yourself in one place, if you must succeed always take your chances.

Finally, trust no one but your very self. The one person that wants you to succeed in this life is just yourself and your parents. Don't hope that Uncle A will do this for you or Uncle B will do that for you, its just you and you alone in this world. So the high time u realize that the better chances you have in owning up your responsibility success single handedly achieved gladdens the heart