Name Challenged - Revenge is sweet


The Rules:

  • Tell us in your post how you chose the current Steemit username you have, the story behind it.
  • Tell us your real name!
  • If you could change your current Steemit username, which name would you choose and why? If you have a possible usernames list, mention it!* Use the tag #steemitnamechallenge so that I can track all the posts and check them out
  • Nominate 5 people for this challenge

@guiltyparties nominated me.


Patrice was a name close to what a child hood friend called me when she couldn't pronounce my name.


Not too hard to guess from my steemit name: Patricia.

If I could change it?

Hard to say as I haven't thought about it. I can't think of another name I would want.


@sircork @theuxyeti @condra @fingolfin @thebugiq

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I can not do much myself. My SP is to small. But I hope I can get attention of those who can. AND those WHO CARE.
If you are not the one who can do anything about this - would you be so kind to forward this msg to anybody who can. In case, of course, you know them.Dear @patrice please look closer at account @constructor. I know - His blog did not opens ? Sure, he has hided his account by some smart programming tricks. Not sure how, but other sites like is hiding it too. Just look at page html source. This acct is live. Go to and/or,, etc etc and everyone can see what this guy (looks like from ex ussr area) is doing. Creating thousands and thousands of fake accounts, which all gets 15SP from the network. Then starts power-down on all of them immediately, accordingly transferring 1/13 part of that 15SP gift every week to his master account @constructor. Pennies you may think ? Yes. But multiplied by thousands ! At the same time all these fake accounts (all and everyone with near-zero post and zero following) are joined into multi thousand upvoting trails. These trails upvote other group of his fake accounts (harvesters), which put almost real and naturally looking posts , most likely translated from unnamed russian sources (check @blackblockchain, @lizzil, @svetlana47, @wersed, @prosto, @rnb, @slavic, @smartmuzhik, @angel2010, @aptyp, @edgar5510, @galinaak, @grand7212, @vik567, @vikweb2, @angielewis, @clockss, @didus62, @vas89, @freebit18, @koukouvaja, @xeo) . These posts are collecting 1000-1400 upvotes from the upvoting trails. While collecting only 3-5 views, and the author of the post is having only 10-20 followers. Is it real? You may think 15SP upvote is worth only $0.001. Yes. But x1200 such $0.001 upvotes combined are $2.50. Not big reward pool rape? Yes , maybe. Not yet. But can you imagine how much useless SPAM it creates on the net, on the blockchain. ? And this is only the beginning. He started this only 4 weeks ago. What it will look like when we have 100 of such @constructor 's, and each with their 10K or 100k fake upvoters, all upvoting 100's of upvote-harvesters? This is just the beginning. And i think this must be stopped. Before the trend catches power.

What wrong with you @patrice? your bot flagging my post, I am not spammer @patrice!

You paid for a resteem/vote from @gangvote. I appologize you were included as part of their scam. I've removed you.

Hello @patrice . I understand the mistake I made. I will not repeat this mistake. And I'll be a useful user for the community. I want to be removed from the list. Thank you.

Hello, <--mac bot downvoted my post. I think It's because my post had spam link, so I edited my post. Please check my post and retract downvote. Thanks

dear @patrice

I did a big mistake, and now I understand what I did.
please forgive me, I confirmed you that I will never do this again.hope you understand.

I invest 70sbd in self-comment in last 7 days.500 my self-comments are down-vote by your bot.and also now I'm not receiving any payout from them.please help me.if you please take all of your down-vote from my last comment, then I will get back few of my investment.

please, sir, help me... I will not do spam again.

Nice one Patricia, though it doesn't seem that hard to pronounce either way.
Could I participate even though I wasn't nominated?

Sure! :) It's not to hard to pronounce really. But my friend was about 6 and their native language was arabic.

:)okay ill do this @patrice stand by... thanks for the nomination and upvoted

Short, sweet and to the point! Love it! Thanks for sharing.

Thats nice topic to choose and makes fun on herewith us on steemit community @patrice My current steemit name is @taurus007 and its final name because of its my horoscope star name thats why i choose it. My name @sohailawan

@sircork @theuxyeti @condra @fingolfin @thebugiq

Hi @patrice this is @hangin i was a victim of a hacker who stole my account and my monies and then starting posting a lot of garbage on my account i am a member of @thealliance family group on Discord and you can check with them. I just got my account back today after 2 weeks i would appreciate if you can remove the flags on my account so i can proceed doing my work for the Steemit community.

Thank you
Angelo Mariconte

i want to bring witness to my d 0 w/(h) e (a)d

I found no other way to contact you, so I'll just write this as a reply to this post: Hey @patrice I guess your @mack-bot is barking the wrong way as you would say it. It seems like your bot started downvoting my posts some days ago and your flag report is giving this weird a0b Group. Could you explain to me what that should mean and remove me from the list please.

please helo me and guide me which mistake i made, so i can avoid that next timewhy @mack-bot and @@@spaminator are downvoting my every post?.

I've removed you from the list while I investigate.

please i need ur help , why gerinomo is after me, m posting real content and he is downvoting me without amy reason, even he don't reply. my repo is gone from 42 to 36. i will be really thnkfull to you, if you help me, i am new to steemit.

hello! @patrice i need you help! my account was hacked and I wrote comments on other users' posts that gave me negative votes and flags, the steemcleaners team told me that you could help me!!

How can you hold a challenge but your bot downvotes others who do the same?

This is basically spam just like your bot calls other peoples posts. If i had the power id downvote you but my current level. Is so weak it wouldnt matter.

I will not do same mistake again. please stop flagging me. I understood my mistake. I will not do spam comment.Hi @patrice. Unfortunately I did a mistake. I did some spam comments and now your bot @mack-bot flagging me. I understood my mistake and I will not do this again. please release me for now. #Edit

hello @patrice. Maybe you didn't seen my previous comment. I did some spam comment and now your bot @mack-bot flagging me. I understood my mistake. Please stop flagging me. I will not do this again.

dear @patrice

I did a big mistake, and now I understand what I did.
please forgive me, I confirmed you that I will never do this again.hope you understand.

I invest 70sbd in self-comment in last 7 days.500 my self-comments are down-vote by your bot.and also now I'm not receiving any payout from them.please help me.if you please take all of your down-vote from my last comment, then I will get back few of my investment.

please, sir, help me... I will not do spam again.

I don't know much about steemIt. Kindly tell me what is my mistake. I will try to avoid this.Hey @patrice. @mac-bot flagging me. I don't know what is my mistake. Would you tell me what I did.

sorry for my bad english. Hope you can understand.Hi @patrice, Your bot @mac-bot flagging me. I don't know what is my mistake. Please let me know. I will solve my mistake and I will not do this again.

Stop comment farming under your own posts to hide it. It's spamming the blockchain and hiding it doesn't give the community the chance to flag it if they don't agree with what you are doing.

Sorry for that. I will not do this again. Please stop flagging me.

I've removed your name. It takes about 10 minutes for the bot to update. I'll check back in on your comments in the future.


Thank you so much. Don't worry. I will not do this again.

dear @patrice

I did a big mistake, and now I understand what I did.
please forgive me, I confirmed you that I will never do this again.hope you understand.

I invest 70sbd in self-comment in last 7 days.500 my self-comments are down-vote by your bot.and also now I'm not receiving any payout from them.please help me.if you please take all of your down-vote from my last comment, then I will get back few of my investment.

please, sir, help me... I will not do spam again.

"Sorry my language,It not my mother language."Sir, @mack-bot and @spaminator are downvote my all post.It's very regrettable.Please remove them blacklist from me.Please forgive me and guid me .I can avoid that next time.

Hi Patrice,
also to you this question. I bought steem for 7k$ ( ). This was an investment. I believe every good idea needs finance and people contributing their time. Im shocked why a significant part would see people contributing their time as noble or correct and investors are seen as "rewardpoolrapers". Steemit with 10% inflation is obviously a bad investment if there is no return.

I've said it before - I don't believe all self voting is abuse but what you're doing is hiding under old posts and nested comments. If you want to self-vote get out and make posts and reply to commenters on your blog or reply to others blogs where the community can decide if your contribution to the community is valuable.

What if everyone decided to just self vote spam? Why would anyone want to invest in STEEM/SBD if becomes known as nothing but a place to spam and scam. In the short term you may see some return on your investment. In the long term your 5.8k STEEM would be worthless when everyone bails and the blockchain is bloated with spam.

There's lots of ways for investors to earn returns since delegations and vote selling has become available. I don't have time to read and upvote quality content. I grow my investment by selling my votes to smartsteems "whitelisted" users that produce original content. There are good projects always looking to rent SP. We're slowly getting the bid bot & vote bot owners on board to reduce the amount of bad content being upvoted.

Steem's unique characteristic is ► The Community!

I still like Steemit a lot.
I still like the opportunity to make money with creativity.
I still like helping others, building community and working on something.
I still am a content creator as well.

You haven't been involved in the community for months but then come back to spam & self-vote. Heck even a few months ago had you been involved you would have seen a return on your investment.

I don't know what has changed since you wrote that but what you are doing is not helping build a community but giving others examples of how to destroy it with spam and devalue STEEM/SBD if others follow your example.

I'm just at a loss as how, as an investor, you find this attractive? Why would you buy STEEM/SBD if this was allowed to run rampant? Where is the incentive to invest and increase the value of STEEM/SBD if everyone just fills their own pockets and we don't bring content creators and potential investors to the platform?

Quote " If you want to self-vote get out and make posts and reply to commenters on your blog or reply to others blogs where the community can decide if your contribution to the community is valuable"

I do exactly this and you still downvote every selfvote from me per bot! Like this one.

You haven't said you would stop or find alternatives to get a return on your investment. You've basically said you'll do whatever you want to do. If you agree to stop I'll remove you.

i could focus on posts and comment them and then selfvote. you can lieve with that?

Sounds good. I've removed you for now. I'll check up on your account later.

Poor guy was just rewarding himself everytime he got the alphabets right.

sure i hid the selfvoting for 2 reasons. First a lot of people disagree with it or find it abusive and if i do it publicly it would be spam. My opinions is that an investment is a contribution by itself and selfvoting therefore is justified even without any further engagement. Thats a point which usually works in all markets, for example Startup companies or in stocks. Many, even quite intelligent people don't seem to understand that money equals in a way engagement. Imagine i pay someone 10$/hour to build up a blog here. That would be 700hours of work to build up something. Its just two different ways in my eyes.

But anyway, i like your idea to delegate steempower a lot. I unfortunately didnt had the time to continue my blog. So selfvoting seemed to be the easiest solution. I will look into smartsteem. I wasn't aware of that. It seems to be a very good solution for almost all selfvoters. So thanks for that, i also might find time to get back into engaging with the community.

About your last point:
I agree, Community is a major plus for steem/sbd . But its not at all black and white. You want the investors to bring money into the system. The more the better. You definitely want content creators and developers, otherwise i would agree with you, steemit would be nothing than a ponzi. I believe content creators who didnt bring money into steem lack understanding of the investors perspective aka #rewardpoolrape . Both need their fair share.

If you leave a relevant comment on someone's post and self vote you'll rarely get flagged for it though you'll get some flack if you don't upvote the post. Same goes for posts. Even if you just took a picture with your phone and posted it. It's original content and most won't bat an eye at it. Some will even upvote it.

There's a lot of different viewpoints on how to encourage investors that are not active in the community. While bid/vote bots brought their share of headaches along with the vote sellers - it has so far been the best solution.

I've removed you from mack-bot for now and will check back.

When you check out @smartsteem I encourage you to choose to upvote whitelisted accounts:

Thanks for removing the bot. If i will bring content again, it will be high quality. For now i delegated my steem to smartsteem in general, i might look into the specific user selection later. Well, thanks for the inspiration. All the best!:)

The Complete Steemit Etiquette Guide (Revision 2.0) which was very helpful, later I concluded that most of the people dont check the FAQ page.hey @patrice I was looking for info regarding @smartsteem, I started to use it, I like it although I have always thought if is ethical or not to invest or send your sbd for upvotes from people. When I started on steemit (not to long ago) one of the first things I did was to read this:

Anyways, I bump into this post for the challenge, but I see most of the conversation has nothing to do with it, still very interesting!

Keep up the good work! =)
Oh! and btw... I totally agree, self up-voting multiple times your comments is kind of selfish!

i face to a is,
Mackbot gave me an upvote. But I do not know whether it's good or bad. I believe @ sufiak153 is a good account no spam. And if it is a mistake then please correct the mistake.My dear @patrice,

Hi @spaminator, @patrice, @mack-bot, @prowler. I am representer of those accounts you called 'blockgirls'. I don't acknowledge that an automated resteem with human-like accounts and a variable comment is SPAM. I think this service was more a advertisement for quality posts. But i understand, that the blockchain and crypto world have to follow the same principals than those in the real world: A few with many power, dictating what's wrong and right. There are no official guidlines of steem (that i am aware of) that would disallow my service on the blockchain. But i can live with that kind of 'non-free speech' and i can also live with the fact that it seems you are about to make the rules. It's okay and although i might sound a little bit pissed of, i try to not judge on you. You guys are doing a really good job on steem and the fight on phishing - thank you for that. I've stopped my scripts doing all those automated comments and i hope you will stop downvoting on this comments of this account, if they are not SPAM related from up to now? Thank you for your continuous hard work. If we would be able to end this game in this way, i wouldn't be pissed of and i wouln't shared any details or code which i used. Kind regards.

Why r you down voting on my friend

@patrice your @mack-bot is flagging my posts. I am not spamming. It's my original work. Please recheck and correct it and tell me what actually has happened.

Hy @patrice I am shocked yo see that you added me in @mack-boot , I dnt know on what reasons or basis u have done this ,but I ensure you that it will b happened by mistakenly, or may be I am unknown to the policy of steemit,please help me out and tell me my mistake so that I will not commit this mistake any more thank you !

Hy @patrice I am shocked yo see that you added me in @mack-boot , I dnt know on what reasons or basis u have done this ,but I ensure you that it will b happened by mistakenly, or may be I am unknown to the policy of steemit,please help me out and tell me my mistake so that I will not commit this mistake any more thank you !

first post@patrice, I wrote my , this comment first too. Why the @mack-bot flagged me, please fix mistake.

what is spam? I write it myself, it's pure my writing. the picture I took with my own smartphone. Why?? @patrice ?? @mack-bot ???

Stop reposting the same posts. Reposting the same content over and over is spam. If you agree to stop I'll remove you.

Well, I voted this post... ;-) And I'll follow you... and vote you as witness, oh yeah

why you downvoting my posts?
I think you made an error check it please.
Thank udear @patrice

I will stop to the same content, please remove me

Please remove me @patrice . I will stop to posting the same content

I promise to stop posting the same content, and i will delete all the same content, please remove me @patrice

I promise to stop posting the same content, and i will delete all the same content, please remove me @patrice

Please remove me @patrice . I will stop posting the same content.

Please remove me @patrice . I will stop posting the same content.

Please remove me @patrice . I will stop posting the same content.

I will fix it, please remove me from list. I will fix it, i stop posting the same content, please remove me @patrice

Why you flagged me @patrice ?? What am I wrong? Please show me to fix it

I will fix it, please remove me from list. I will fix it, i stop posting the same content, please remove me @patrice

I made a mistake, I promise to fix it. Please remove my account from your list @patrice

I already know the error I did, I do not know if it can not post the same content. I promise to no longer post the same content. Please remove me from your list @patrice

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