Some experts say that 'it is possible that with the increase in the use of technology for teaching in schools, learners will come home absolutely sick of television and will choose to read a book, instead of fixing their curious eyes on the TV.'
Wishful thinking! A recent survey reveals that the average child watches between 22 and 30 hours of Television a week and that over 80% of parents don't control what their offspring watch. Teachers say that this report confirms why children are falling asleep in class. This is not because of the quality of the lessons but because of what occupies them the night before.
Uncontrolled TV watching
According to a 17-year study reported in the Science Journal, adolescents who watch more than an hour of television a day are more likely to commit aggressive and violent acts as adults, than those who watched less than an hour a day. The study tracked down more than 700 adolescents into adulthood. Girls, as well as boys, displayed an increase in aggression which was confirmed by psychologists and social scientists as more evidence of TV's harmful effects.
Reading is so important
Thanks to Thomas Edison
In the meantime, dutiful parents who try to get their kids to bed early, or to read a book, are failing miserably in their efforts. Parents just don't seem to to have the authority to make children switch the TV off and do their homework. How sad and how unsurprising. For the past hundred years, parents have been losing control. More and more, the so-called experts have been taken the role of the parents over: teachers, psychologist, nutritionists, sports coaches, social workers and more. The idea that 'mother knows best' is rubbished - and kids go their own way.
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Is this the way things should stay? Shouldn't parents take control again, no matter how hard they work? They should and must have the final say. With technology, the cell phone, blocking devices on TV's and computers, and the like, parents should be able to call the shots. Until they do, the 'experts' will continue to dream up reasons for an illiterate generation.
When TV broadcasting began in the United States, fears about the negative influence of TV have been voiced almost since 1946. "The implications for parents is that unfettered access to television is not good for your child," Cantor said. "It has these negative effects - which affect them personally in terms of feeling more hostile. And it looks like it affects other people too, through an expression of that hostility in aggressive behavior towards others"
"The implications for parents is that unfettered access to television is not good for your child," Cantor said. "It has these negative effects--which affect them personally in terms of feeling more hostile. And it looks like it affects other people too--through the expression of that hostility in aggressive behavior towards others."
follow me @frieda
Excelente información, sabia que la televisión es una fuente de información negativa para los niños, pero no sabia que llevaba tanto tiempo causando estos efectos. Gracias por tu publicación @frieda.
Algunos niños pasan absolutamente horas frente al televisor. Cuando abren los ojos por la mañana, lo primero que hacen es encender el televisor. Depende de los padres regular el tiempo pasado frente a la televisión. ¡Gracias por tu comentario y leer mi publicación!
Nice sharing, loved reading it a lot.
Thank you very much for reading and nice comment!
If only it were so. I think it's the media that have taken on the role of the parents, not the experts.
Don't know if I agree about hostility though. I think violence has been a part of our arts since time immemorial, might even be the principal part of our arts. Take Shakespeare for example. Modern TV is child-stuff compared to the atrocities this guy dreamed up, and they teach him in all English schools in the world and he's one of humanity's best writers. So it's kinda silly to me when people say that, for example, Tarantino's movies are too bloody. Do they even know what kids read in schools?!
What worries me is not violence (according to Steven Pinker, violence has been going down steadily), but loose mores and ethics, especially regarding sex. It's the way we view other people that's wrong. The way people in Wall Street think it's okay to play with people's livelihoods and even call it dumb-money. That's what's most corrosive about TV and pop culture, I think, not the violence. The violence, if anything, has a cathartic effect, like ancient Greek tragedy.
I personally raised 5 children. The eldest daughter was born when we permitted television in South Africa in 1974. What you say about declining mores and ethics is true. However, this is not only assisted by the media but the effect on family life, family relationships and the destruction of the importance of belonging to a family, support groups and acceptable norms is the main reason behind the collapse of western civilization that we have become accustomed to since the industrial revolution. it was the belief in the goodness of the western world, Christian homes and the human faculty of opposing evil that won wars in the 20th Century. The Cold war with its physical walls and psychological barriers continue to erode the good humans are searching for. Unlike the ancient tragedies you refer to, modern man-made tragedies eg genocide are immediately reported worldwide. This global exposure plays into the hands of the mad people who perpetuate this behavior. The focus is on me, myself and I and increasing the wealth of the perpetrators of these heinous deeds. Belief in a God who is omnipotent is on the wane - to the degeneration of our world that we have fought for and developed into the 21st century.
Children prefer television no study If it is the transfer of television broadcasts to the real world or the school world by creating activities enjoyed by the child in school and do not make the school a bleak and brutal place like that we can fight against television
It is unsafe for children to play in the streets and they are therefore forced to spend most of their time indoors and what better way to spend it in front of the television. Which of cause interfere with their schoolwork.
Good blog thanks for sharing important blog
Thank you for reading and for the reply!
There is certainly a negative correlation between TV viewing and school achievement. The scores of students who watch TV for more than six hours a day are significantly low; there is also evidence of a strong relationship between TV viewing time and school achievement On the other hand, the relation of this relationship is that the increase in the time taken to watch television is inevitably at the expense of the time spent reading the books. The length of the viewing period means shortening the reading time and thus the low rate of achievement tests. Go for more From time watching television they were less efficient in the overall academic achievement compared with their peers who spent less time viewing
This is what makes parents puzzled
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