The freedom of joy

in #steemitbloggers6 years ago (edited)

This one is a prelude to my helicopter story...


How attached we are to our beliefs.

When they come up we bump right along with them and sometimes it is only a bigger force that can knock us out of them and how upset we get when that happens; and that resolution to not be affected only holds out for so long but then bam, we’re right in the thick of it again emotionalising as if it meant all the world; and sometimes they’re not even ours, just some leftover scars from some war long over.

Attachment to our conceptualised beliefs causes pain and takes us away from what we really want to be feeling.

The freedom of joy comes with the price of letting go of all this, cutting the cords to all that attachment.

And no, not easy; it’s a path of surrendering to a higher power and letting go of all the things that keep us from it.

Anyway, ten times the height of a tall tree is a thousand feet and that seems to be the height that helicopters fly.

How high would my bird fly if I set it free?

Image from Pixabay


I think those cords are mostly in our heads. Sometimes you have to overcome those thoughts and cut them yourself.

You could be right

Thank you for wisdom @wales

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Always a pleasure

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I agree.

We seldom realize, for example that our most private thoughts and emotions are not actually our own. For we think in terms of languages and images which we did not invent, but which were given to us by our society. - Alan W. Watts

I think this suits your post rather well. The ideal state of being would be free from any attachments or preconceived ideas.

It's so hard to get rid of the junk in the mind though. Sometimes when I get in the flow I can feel something opening up that is free and I try to express from that expression, but so often the junk steps back in

I know, it is! That reminds me that I have to start meditating again. Without practice not much is going to change

Are you a premie then?

Higher than clouds. Higher than doubt.
Thanks for sharing!

Glad you liked it