
in #steemit12347 years ago

10 Charitable Worship On Fasting Month (Ramadan) As per Sunnah Rasul SAW
10 Prayers Sunnah The Fasting Month of Ramadan Exemplified by Rasul SAW - The month of Ramadan for Muslims around the world is a month full of blessings, wisdom and forgiveness, because the various deeds can be a multiplicity of rewards. Even in previous posts have been told how the sleep of people who fasted in Ramadan is a reward.
Therefore, it is a waste if on the occasion of this Ramadan we are not vying to collect as much rewards. The age of a person is only Allah SWT who know it, while we still meet the month of Ramadan month of a thousand months, very fortunate for Muslims who want to run the sunna for the sake of chasing the reward.
Our great prophet, Muhammad SAW has exemplified to the sunna-sunna practice that can be done in the holy month of Ramadan. So what else are we waiting for? Here are some sunna worship according to the Sunnah of Rasul SAW.
"O ye who believe, are obliged upon you to fast as before you so that you may be cautious." [QS. Al-Baqarah (2): 183]
The following are the recommended practices during the fasting month of Ramadan according to the Sunnah of the Prophet:

  1. Hasten Breaking Fast
    When it comes time to break the fast, let hasten hurts, because in it there is much good. Prophet Muhammad SAW said:
    لا يزال الناس بخير ما عجلوا الفطر - رواه الشيخان
    "Men will always be in goodness as long as they hasten to break their fast." (Narrated by al-Bukhari and Muslim)
  2. Eating Sahur
    تسحروا فإن فى السحر بركة - الشيخان -
    "Eat sahurlah because indeed there is a blessing in the sahur." (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)
  3. Reading the Qur'an (recitations)
    The verses of the Qur'an were first revealed in Ramadan. So no wonder if Rasulullah SAW often and more to read the Qur'an in the month of Ramadan than in other months.
    Imam Az-Zuhri said, "When Ramadan comes, then our main activity besides fasting is reading the Qur'an." Read it with good tajwid and tadabburi, understand, and accept the contents. God willing, we will be a blessed human being.
    Make a target for yourself. If in the other months we are reading the Qur'an in a month, then for example in Ramadhan we can set the target twice a time. Better yet if coupled with memorizing one juz or a certain letter. It can also be a superior program with the family.
  4. Providing Fast Food Fasting (Ith'amu ath-tha'am)
    من فطر صائما فله مثل أجره ولا ينقص من اجر الصائم شيئ - صحيح النسائى و الترمذى
    "Whoever gives the fasting meal to the fasting, then to him the reward as the fasting man, without reducing the reward of the fasting one" (Shohih Nasa'i and Tirmidhi)
    This noble worship charity you can use with neighbors or orphans who live around your house. Giving these foods is just one example that we can apply in terms of sharing the provision to others. It also needs to be familiarized, so that after the end of Ramadan, this is not extinct.
  5. Da'wah
    Do not waste this moment of Ramadan. Throughout the month of Ramadan we have a chance to preach because of course Ramadan atmosphere is very felt everywhere and everyone is ready to receive advice.
    ولتكن منكم أمة يدعون إلى الخير ويأمرون بالمعروف وينهون عن المنكر وأولئك هم المفلحون
    "And let there be among you a group of people calling for righteousness, enjoining the maqruf and preventing from evil; They are the lucky ones "(TQS Al-Imran [3]: 104)
    But make sure if you give advice should have the argument. In accordance with the words of the Messenger of Allah: "Whoever shows goodness, for him reward as the people who practice it without reducing the reward of people who practice it at all."
  6. Tawawih Prayer (Qiyamul Ramadhan)
    The typical sunna worship in the month of Ramadan is tarawih prayer (qiyamul ramadhan). And the most important thing to remember is tarawain prayer can be done at home though.
    Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) once worried for fear that tarawih prayer is considered to be obligatory prayer because more and more days that join prayers in congregation in the mosque so that he finally perform his own tarawih prayer at home.
  7. I'tikaf
    This is the amaliyah ramadhan that always done Rasulullah saw. I'tikaf is silent in the mosque with the intention of beribada to Allah swt. Abu Sa'id Al-khudri narrated that the Messenger of Allah. Once beri'ikik at the beginning of Ramadan, mid-Ramadan, and most often in the last 10 days of Ramadan.
    He said, this worship is considered heavy by most Muslims, so few who practice it. This is commented on by Imam Az-Zuhri, "It is strange that the Muslims, they abandon the 'mystic' when the Messenger of Allah has not abandoned him since he came to Madina until he died."
  8. Lailatul Qadar
    There is a month of Ramadan there is one special night: lailatul qadar, a blessed night. That night was worth a thousand months. Messenger of Allah. Very guarded for bida reach lailatul qadar. So, he told us to look for him in the odd nights on the last 10 days of Ramadan.
    Why? Because, "Whoever prays on the night of the qadar prayers by faith and ihtissab, then Allah will forgive his past sins." As the Prophet said. Which is narrated by Bukhari and Muslim. In fact, to get that blessed night, the Messenger of Allah. Taught us a prayer, "Allahumma innaka 'afuwun tuhibbul' afwa fa'fu 'annii." O Allah, You are the Owner of the Ampunan and You are the Giver of Pardon. Please forgive me.
  9. Umrah
    If you have enough sustenance, go umrah in the month of Ramadan. Because, reward doubled. Rasulullah SAW. Said to Ummu Sinan, an Ansar woman, that when Ramadan comes, let her do Umrah, because its value is equivalent to Hajj with Rasulullah SAW. (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)
  10. Repent
    During the month of Ramadan, Allah SWT open the door of forgiveness for all his servants. Therefore, the month of Ramadan is a golden opportunity for us to repent back to our nature.
  11. Zakat Fitrah
    Zakat fitrah must be paid before the day of Ramadan ends by Muslims, both men-women, adults and children. The goal is to purify the people who perform the fast and to help the poor.
    Those are some of the noble worship practices taught by our great Prophet of the Prophet (s) in the month of Ramadan. Hopefully we can do all the deeds of worship with sincere intentions and hope ridho ONLY from Allah SWT. Amiin.
    Source: http://duniaislam.kangismet.net/, http://sunnahrasulsaw.wordpress.com/, http://www.pesantrenvirtual.com/