in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

We've done it once, and we can do it again - BIGGER.
For an explanation of what this project is about, please refer to >>THIS POST<<.

100% of the material used to produce this video
will be content provided by the Steemit community.
Steemit crowdsourcing at its finest.

Our goal is between 100-200 clips
So keep 'em coming!

Upload your video to Vimeo, Youtube, Google Drive, Dropbox, or whatever your preferred file sharing method, and either reply to the comments with your link over on >>THIS POST<<. post, or email the link to

For the time being, I'd like to stick to only 1 clip per person in the final product. Feel free to submit as many as you'd like for yourself, just be aware that ultimately only 1 will be chosen.

HINT: You can use your 1 second to show us
what Steemit means to you.

Before editing can begin, we need the right music.

I know there are tons of musicians on this platform, and I'm looking at ALL OF YOU!! If you have any musical offerings, please feel free to reply to >>THIS POST<< with your link, or email the link to

Animated Steemit Logo

Logo used in TIYM 1

The logo will go at the end of the video. I've been looking around to see what I can find as far as high-quality animated logos, and while there aren't very many what I've found has been impressive.

Just as with music, if any of you would like to take a stab at an animated Steemit logo, by all means go for it and reply with your link to >>THIS POST<< with your link, or email the link to

Filming Tips

Even though everybody gets 1 second, make sure your clip is at least 5-10 seconds in length. Always better to overshoot than to come up short. And, as always, please keep your submissions clean.

For those of you using your phones, keep in mind that while it's not a big deal when shooting photos, when shooting video the best practice is to shoot horizontally, not vertically. That is to say, shoot in landscape, not portrait. While vertical video submissions won't necessarily be disqualified, horizontal is preferred.

Use the highest quality video setting you can. SD is acceptable, but HD (720p or 1080p) is preferred, and 4K is just you being an overachiever. ;-)
As far as frame rates (if that's a question for anyone), filming at 24 fps or higher is preferred.

I'm incredibly excited to get started on this. I can't wait to see what footage you guys submit. This is going to be so much fun!
Please keep all submissions of any kind to the comments section of >>THIS POST<<.

Questions, however, are free to be asked anywhere!

Even if you're not contributing, don't forget to...
so as many Steemians as possible can see it!


Awesome, I will be sending a clip soon!

Did you film this video?

I built it with biteable, yes.

No, I mean did you use your camera to film any part of this video?
I'm looking for original content for this particular project.

No I did not film, I fill up the texts only.

Gotcha. Looks good, but unfortunately it's probably not what we're looking for for this particular video. But hey, if you've got any footage - or can shoot any footage - with your phone or whatever camera you might have, by all means shoot me a link!

You can accelerate this one too !!

I will participate for real. Yeah

I really enjoyed this initiative last time!
I'll create another video at some point soon and submit it in the hope of having it included in the video this time around too =)

just few minutes ago I posted this one

What an awesome project! Following now.