The Missing FAQ - A Beginners Guide To Using Steemit

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)


Joining a new social media or blogging platform can be a daunting prospect particularly if it introduces concepts which you were previously unfamiliar with.  

If you have just joined Steemit and need to have some quick answers then this guide is for you - at least I hope it is.  I have tried to keep things as simple as possible but this will be a work in progress.  

Steemit is a platform that is constantly evolving and will continue to do so.  I will also try to keep this up to date as long as I can.  

I have deliberately used full link URLs to make copying and pasting easier and to allow for there to be a plain text version of this.  

Obviously if you are reading the plain text version you will need to ignore references to illustrations and the like.  Please share and re-steem this if you find it useful.

There is a kitten photo to reward those who can make it to the end.

QUICK START the TLDR version - I can figure things out and I just want to start posting

Whilst I would recommend reading the rest of this post and the whitepaper ( if you think you already know enough and would like to get started I would suggest you do this at the very least:

1) Create an introduction post with verification.

2) Promote your post by joining the chat and sharing it there.

3) Upvote and comment on other users work on the various feed pages.  

4) Follow users you like.

The Full Guide

Basic Concepts in the Steemit Ecosystem

What is Steemit?

Steemit is best described as a blogging platform with social media features.  You (or other people) can make posts which people can vote and comment on.  Votes grant rewards to posts in the form of Steem Dollars and Steem.  Both authors and curators (people voting) earn rewards using the Steemit currency system which I cover below:

What is STEEM?

Steem is a cryptocurrency like Bitcoin (  It uses a blockchain which is a computer based distributed and public ledger.  If you want to learn more about cryptocurrencies I would recommend reading the Wikipedia page on Bitcoin.  A fixed amount of Steem is produced everyday and this makes up the rewards that are available for posts and curation.

What is a Steem Dollar?

This is a sister currency to Steem that is pegged to the US dollar.  Each SD can be used to purchase approximately 1 US dollar worth of Steem.

What is Steem Power?

This is a special form of Steem.  SP is required to vote on content on the Steemit platform.  The more SP you have the greater the value of your vote.  In order to acquire SP you must either convert Steem to SP by a process called powering up or alternatively earn SP through posting or curation rewards. Unlike Steem, SP is not a "liquid" currency which you can transfer and spend whenever you want.  In order to use it in this way it must be converted back to Steem in a gradual weekly process known as powering down.  This can be initiated from your Steem wallet and happens over a period of 104 weeks.

What are Whales, Dolphins and Minnows?

These are terms that people use to describe Steemit users with different amounts of Steem/SP.  There are no formal definitions.  As the names suggest whales have the largest amount of SP, followed by dolphins in the middle and minnows at the bottom. Where you set the boundaries for each is entirely subjective.  There is a lot of talk about whales because they have the largest voting power and influence on the platform.

Steemd uses a slightly different system which you can see here (

The Basics of Navigation

Your Account Homepage

Diagram 2 - This shows a screenshot of my homepage for illustration

This is your central hub for Steemit. At the top left (A) you will see tabs for the various different feeds such as home, new, hot, trending, promoted and active.  Clicking on them will take you to them.  On the top right (B) is a magnifying glass which lets you search steemit, next to which is the "Submit a Story" button which is used to make a new post.  To the right of this is a symbol of a head which reveals a drop down menu with various quick access options for your account. Finally to the right of this is pictogram of three horizontal lines - this offers links to things like the Steemit Whitepaper.

Directly below all of these you will see your username with your repuation score in brackets. Next, directly below this (C) will be your stats in regards to follower number, post number, and number of people that you follow.  Clicking on either "followers"  or "followed" numbers will take you to a list of each where you can see them and manage them.

Down below these is a black bar with various tabs on it (D).  "Blog" lets you view a list of your posts.  "Comments" shows comments you have made on other people's posts.  "Replies" shows people's replies to any of your posts, comments or otherwise.  Rewards lets you view your author and curation rewards.

The Wallet Page

Diagram 3 - My Wallet Page for Illustration Purposes

This is accessed by clicking on the "Wallet" tab on right side of the black bar on your homepage (E).

This shows you the amount of Steem, Stem Power and Steem Dollars you have along with your estimated account value (M in next diagram).

It also shows your transaction history at the bottom (H).  

Next to each amount for each of your currency types are various drop down menus which are accessed by clicking the disclosure triangles to their right.  For Steem you can "transfer" to another account, "power up" (which converts it to Steem Power). "Buy or sell" allows you to sell it on the internal market.  Finally the "Deposit" option lets you buy Steem using Bitcoins via the Blocktrades service.  There are similar options for Steem Dollars allowing transferring and trading on the internal market and "Convert to Steem" - which converts your SD into Steem internally after a week.

You can also buy Steem or SP using the button (L) which seems to duplicate the functionality mentioned above.

Steem Power only has 2 options - you can "Deposit" using bitcoins in a similar process to that for regular Steem.  "Power down" starts the process of converting your SP to Steem weekly over a period of 104 weeks.

Permissions Page (For security reasons I have not shown this)

This is accessed from the wallet page and is next to your wallet in the tabs (K).  For Steemit you have 4 different keys with both public and private versions.  If you click on the Permissions tab there is an explanation of the role each key serves which I have copied here for your convenience:

Posting: The posting key is used for posting and voting. It should be different from the active and owner keys.

Active: The active key is used to make transfers and place orders in the internal market.

Owner: The owner key is the master key for the account and is required to change the other keys.  The private key or password for the owner key should be kept offline as much as possible.

Memo: The memo key is used to create and read memos.

As stated next to the Owner key for maximum security you should only use it when you have to.  Therefore if you are logging in just to post then you should use your posting key only to do that.  This ensures that if it is stolen or hacked the person who takes it can only post on your account and not actually make any transfers or steal from you.

Password Tab

The final tab on the right (in K). This lets you reset your password and generate a new password.


The Submit Post Window

Diagram 4 - The Posting Page

This is pretty easy to understand and is similar to a basic wordprocessor. You can toggle the view between .html and the text editor depending on which you prefer using the button to the right of the Editing bar (H).

Editing (G)

Before you post make sure you have checked your spelling, grammar, formatting etc.  If you have made a mistake you can edit your post for up to 30 days after posting.  All your edits are recorded on the blockchain so people will be able to see if you have altered your text after the fact.

Tags (I)

You add tags to the bottom of your post to make them easier to find.  You can use up to 5 tags.  The first tag becomes your main tag category.  Once set this cannot be changed.  The other 4 tags can be edited during the standard 30 day period.  If you post contains any graphic content it should be tagged as "NSFW" - failure to do so can result in other users flagging your post.  Note there is currently a bug where using NSFW as your primary tag can hide your post - until this is fixed ensure that you DO NOT make this your primary tag.  Do not engage in tag spamming - using tags which do not fit your post.  This is another way of getting flagged.

Image Credits

It is beyond the scope of this post to discuss the legalities of what kind of images you should use in your posts.  There are a number of posts that discuss this.  It is a good idea to list your image sources and provide credit.  How you do this is up to you.  If you are claiming credit for images then it is usually expected that you have some sort of verification for this.

How do I add images to my posts?

Steemit does not store any images on the blockchain itself.  Instead it stores links to images. In order to do this those images need to be stored and acessible somewhere else - something called hosting.  I can't list all the potential image hosting sites here but some examples include and Steem.img. I always use which is a free service created by one of our very own Steemit users @blueorgy:

What is Promotion?

You can pay SBD to have your post (or someone else's) displayed on the promotion page.  They are ranked according to the amount paid.  It is illustrated in the diagram below as box O.

Posting Rewards

When you make a post on Steemit people are able to reward you by up-voting your post.  The amount earned depends on the amount of SP they have (it is a little more complicated than that but I will cover that later).  The dollar value of your earnings is payed out, half as SD and half as SP.  There are two payout periods one which lasts for the first 24 hrs of the post and the other between 24 hours and 30 days.  You can also now choose to receive 100% of your payouts in SP (J).

The Reward Pool

Since a fixed amount of Steem is prouced every day then the amount available for rewards every day is also fixed.  Depending on how many people vote and curate those rewards are then apportioned to each of the posts.  Although the value of the reward pool in terms of Steem is fixed, the value in terms of Steem Dollars earned by each post will vary because the SD is equivalent to 1 dollar worth of Steem.

Why Do the Earnings for My Post Go Up/Down?

For a few reasons.  People may unvote after voting you up.  The Steeem price will vary throughout the day.  The actual value of each vote is calculated using a prediction algorithm which may differ from the actual value which results from the daily rewards being divided by the number of votes.  When the value of Steem goes up, the rewards in terms of Steem Dollars will increase, when it goes down the opposite will happen.

The actual values on posts are only estimates until the time of the final payout when the actual payout will be formalised.

How do I format text in Markdown?

Most people are familiar with .html but not so much with Markdown. You have to use markdown if you want to format your text in responses. This is pretty easy to learn and pickup.  I found the Markdown Cheatsheet here very useful for this purpose.

What is Verification?

Verfication is a process where you give evidence to show that you are the person that you claim to be.  This is to reduce fraud and people impersonating well known figures.

There are a number of ways of doing it. You can post a photo or a video (preferably) which shows you holding up a sheet of paper with your handwritten user name on it. You can also verify by posting a link to your Steemit profile on a website which you are already known for running such as a blog, photography site etc.  For more information this post by @reneenouveau covers it very well:

The Blockchain Remembers So Be Sure Before You Hit Post

Whatever you post on Steemit is on the blockchain forever.  By forever I mean forever.  As long as the blockchain exists then your original text along with whatever changes you made to it will be there. So before you hit POST be sure that you are happy letting your post and the information within it live forever.

How Do I get noticed?

There is no easy answer to this.  As a bare minimum you need to post content that is original, high quality and well formatted.  In addition it seems that having images helps.  Networking via the chat and commenting on other people's posts also helps.  Doing things that help the community and promote Steemit will also get you more attention.  Beyond that a lot of it is down to luck and persistence.  If there were some secret to guaranteeing your posts get a lot of attention I would be using it myself!

Curie, Robin Hood Whale and Steemsquad

It can be difficult to get your content noticed on Steemit as a new user (as mentioned above).  There are various groups on Steemit that have tried to specifically curate content that may otherwise be neglected.  They are called Curie, Robin Hood Whale and Steemsquad.  There are also some older initiatives such as Minnows Unite that aim to do something similar though they don't formally curate in the same way.  I would suggest doing a search and following the appropriate links to find out more.  They also have channels in the chat where you may be able to get further information

Steemprentice - A Mentoring Group

This is a mentoring group for new users started by @sykochica - please see their launch post for more information.

What is RocketChat?

Steemit currently does not have it's own messaging system and this role is fulfilled by the Rocketchat service.

It's basically a place for you to talk to fellow Steemit users and share your posts.  Follow the link here.  Always remember to be polite and curteous.  Don't forget to read the rules of each channel before you post or share work.  Disobeying this could get you permanently muted.

Curation, Commenting and Sharing

Diagram 5 - The Footer at the bottom of every post - with curation options.

Curation Rewards

By voting on a post which becomes successful you can earn curation rewards.  Currently 25% of the earnings from a post go towards the curators who upvote it.

What is Flagging? (see diagram 6 below from one of today's top posts)

The little flag in the top right corner is used to "flag" posts.  There is no specific rule on when to use this, however, the community consensus seems to be that it should be used in cases of abuse.  This includes situations where someone is plagiarising content, impersonating someone else, or trying to claim ownership of other people's work.  Flagging can make people's posts less visible depending on your reputation compared to theirs.  Use it with great caution and if you have any doubts it is probably better not to flag.  Recently flags have started appearing in the drop down menu which shows votes as a minus sign (previously these would only have been visible on the blockchain).

What is Reputation?

Every user has a reputation score next to their name (see box C in Diagram 2).  Every new user starts off with a figure of 25 (the maximum is 100).  Your reputation goes up when users with a higher reputation vote on your content.  Getting flagged by someone with a higher reputation can push your repuation down and make your posts less visible.  This is a mechanism that is designed to help control abuse of the Steemit platform. Users with lower reputation are unable to affect your reputation.

What is Resteeming? (Box Q)

This is like reblogging or sharing posts on other platforms.  Once your reblog a post it will appear in your feed to your followers as if you had posted it yourself.  Use it conservatively and with caution.  It is great to want to share content you like and appreciate with people you follow but you don't want to annoy them by overdoing it.  Also just because you have a deep interest in "The History of Mongolian Carpetry from 1932-1936" doesn't mean your followers feel the same.

Can I share on Other Social Media?

Yes you can use the share button (R) to share on Facebook, Twitter or Linkedin.

What is My Voting Power Percentage? (See Diagram 7 below)

This is like an "energy bar" in a computer game that gets depleted every time you vote.  You start off with 100% and then every time you vote your power and hence the value of your vote goes down.  This makes the value of the payout from your vote go down.  Think of it as a control measure to stop you up-voting everything you see.  Currently the only way I know of seeing voting power on the desktop is to use Steemd ( I believe the mobile client (eSteem) does show it though.

Voting Slider (Diagram 8)

Note that after you reach a certain level of Steem Power you can also use a slider to adjust the weight of your vote - you will start to see this once your SP reaches above about 300. The lower the weight of your vote the lower the payout and also the lower the depletion of your voting power percentage.

What is Following?

Clicking on the Follow button makes that user's posts automatically appear in your Home feed.  It is similar to the way feeds work on social media sites.

Who should I follow?

Anyone you like.  That is your choice.  If you would like platform updates then there is an official account for them here:

Is there a github page for Steemit?


Is there an Etiquette Guide for Steemit?

Well funny you would ask that because I wrote one myself lol:

The Technical Stuff, Mining, Witnesses etc.

How is Steem Produced?

Steem is produced by mining using a special version of Delegated Proof of Stake (DPOS) that incorporates proof of work such as that used by conventional mining (e.g. Bitcoin).  The exact specifics of this are beyond this article but can be found in the whitepaper (

How much Steem is produced?

80 Steem are produced per minute by mining.  40 are allocated for miners and the other 40 are used for content and curation rewards.  This is not the total however due to the way interest and other control factors work a total of 800 Steem are actually produced per minute.  For a full breakdown of this please look at p35 onwards of the whitepaper.

What is a witness?

The top 19 witnesses basically run the Steemit network.  They are responsible for storing all the information on the blockchain and keeping it going with blocks being verified in a regular manner every 3s.  Witnesses are elected by other users and earn rewards in the form of SP for their work.

Again I would refer you to the whitepaper in relation to this to get the full details.  I would also suggest these helpful articles by @pfunk and @someguy123 for an alternative explanation.

How do I vote for Witnesses?

Use this page:

Can I mine Steem?

Yes.  There is a great guide here for ubuntu/linux from user @joseph

I am also aware of a windows guide by @cryptos (though I have not used it myself):


Are there any Apps for Steem?

Yes there are a lot.  To find them please visit Steemtools :

Are there any Steemit Podcasts?

Yes, these are the ones I know of.  Apologies to those that I may have missed:

Are there any Steem Radio Stations?


Are there any links for Steemit on other Social Media?

Facebook Groups: 

Official Steemit FB page and Twitter:

Is there a Mobile Steem App?

Yes it's called eSteem and you can find it here:

What are your favourite Steem Apps?'s Steemd :'s SteemWatch:

These allow you to analyse Steemit and the blockchain in a variety of ways.  Please check them out.

Conclusions and Apologies

This is a long post by necessity.  I apologise in advance for any typos, errors and omissions.  If you spot any please let me know.

How you can help

Please let me know of any mistakes as noted above.  Also let me know if you think there are any important things that I have missed.  Please resteem this and share it if you think your followers would find it useful.  If you would like to reuse this feel free but please link back to the original post and credit me. I am also happy for the Steemit team to use this post as they please with the same proviso.

Thank you for reading.  All the best - @thecryptofiend completed on 28th September 2016.

Your Reward for Getting to the End

The Obligatory Kitten Photo:

Image Credits: All images are stock photos from my Istockphoto account or screenshots taken from my own account.

If you like my work and aren't already, please follow me and check out my blog (I mainly discuss photography but I do other topics like this too) -  @thecryptofiend 

There are 8 pages

Just got my account verified yesterday, still learning about this platform. You just helped a lot with that. Thank you sooo much!!

Same here. Just got approved. So far I am finding great information to help move me along. This is extremely helpful and I will be reading and re-reading this until it is embedded in my little grey cells. Thanks Big Bunches.

Thanks for these great infos! Looking forward to test the platform and the system! Q: There is a language limitation to English? Thank you very much!

I've just joined and you are the first user I've followed. This article is really well written and informative, like your others, and I appreciate the time you've put into creating this guide. Thanks a lot.

Thanks for the intro. Great Post

He really help us, new users get the ball rolling on Steemit. I can predict that Steemit will be popular by the end of this year!

Great post indeed. But it gets the question HOW will average person understand all this?
Or even bother to read the entire article?
Also, the security settings are ridicilously simplified and there is no 2FA, this needs to be added as soon as possible!

Nice,very descriptive to new comer,useful,covered much of chronology and functional flow chart of steam it,
wonderful~simple language for easy understanding

really helpful. thanks.

So much to learn about this platform! I love it. Thanks for your hard work, I look forward to following you. The potential for Steemit is enormous imho.

You're welcome. I agree.

thank you!!this is very good post!!

Thanks, very useful information!

Hi there, would you like to translate this guide to Spanish?. If you want, i can do that keeping the corresponding credits... i know i can do better than google translate XD.
@thecryptofiend This could be something really useful... there's no FAQ or anything like this in Spanish...

You misspelled Steem as Steam at one point ;)
But it's kool, the kitten picture makes up for it.

Damn! Can't change it now either:)

Grate Post Man keep it up. love it

One typo I noticed:

If you post contains any graphic content it
should be...

I believe you intended to use the singular second-person possessive pronoun your. Hopefully this is useful as you maintain this (very informative) beginner's guide.

Now off to get better acquainted with this network at !

Thank you, again.

Unfortunately I can't change it now! Well spotted though:)

Hey, please realy don´t have posibilites of recover the pasword? ??

I'm not sure about that. On the password page it says no but there does appear to be a recovery function if your account is stolen (I'm not sure if it is active anymore or how it would work).

Many many thanks for such a detail guide.

Bro thanks for your great information, it's really helpful, I nothing know when I enter how to start when I read your blog post it's really help me, thanks again

You're welcome:)

Bro how to use best keywords

There is no way to be sure. Check to see what is popular and use the appropriate keywords out of those for your post but be careful, if you use in appropriate words you might get flagged.

Bro how to grow faster

Eat plenty of protein.

This made my day ! And I didn't even had the coffee.

Thanks for the info thecryptofiend, everything about steemit seems so fantastic. I just started today and I am glad I read your guide. Hope we can make it big. cheers!

Thanks me too:)

Thank you so much for this post. This post is so useful. Thanks Once Again! @thecryptofiend

I just got my account verified today, I did nothing but just read your posts. They're really helpful! I've known nothing about steemit before I joined, now I have a basic concept about it. I really appreciate it. Thank you so much!!

You're welcome!

thank you for the wonderful article.Everything has been explained to the point.Very useful for newbies like me...

You're welcome:)

Thanks for the great guide! I noticed small error, an hyperlink error under the steem.img portion of the guide. One link goes to

Thanks. Unfortunately I can't change it now!

I have just joined today. The information is a little overwhelming, but I will get the hang of it. Thanks!

Thank you for very well-organized introduction.

BTW, can you give me a permission to translate this into Korean and post? -with all the references and your original images, if you let me.

If you kindly letting me to, in return I will give you whole script written in Korean via e-mail or sth. and you are free to upload it, since I respect your original work!

Sure the only problem is there are some bits of it that are out of date. The information on is more up to date but it is broken up into different sections.

Cool. I will fill the gaps myself if there are any. Thanks!

thank you for your breakdown of the bullet points ~ its a bit overwhelming to a novice and your thoughts and ideas certainly make it a bit less intimidating !

Glad you found it useful.

Hi thecryptofiend,
A question on Tags - I note that Tagging is an important element. However I noticed that a lot of Tags used are not on the "Topic" list. Do we tag according to the 'Topic" list or can we make up Tags (who controls the Topic list). For example I noticed some post with "children" in the tag line, but there is no topic list called "children" only "childhood".
Many Thanks

No problem. You can use any tag you like - the list just shows the most popular tags on that day - and they tend to vary depending on what is popular at the time and what stories are in the news.

I've just seen a post with 18 tags! I thought the number of tags is limited to 5.

It is now. In the early days you could have more.

Thanks for the intro info.
There seems to a lot of stuff for a newcommer to digest. Looking forward to be a part of the community :)

Thanks for the intro. I had 2 kittens (loki and eris) who looked just like these.

Fantastic. You should post some photos!

Very thorough, thanks for your contribution.

You're welcome:)

This post is very helpful, thank you!

You're welcome!

Thank you for helping us understand Steemit and what to look for!

You're welcome:)

Thank you! I cannot wait for Steemit to be a very popular social media platform! It changes the whole ballgame of managing and getting the word out to everyone! It is also about being a strong community as well! Not only that but also being courteous to others based on the social media etiquettes.

Get paid to make comments? Count me in!

Hi - Newbie here trying to digest all this.
It would be helpful for me if you clarified whether the 'generated password' was the same as any of the 'keys' you talked about. Is this account password the : 'The private key or password for the owner key (?) should be kept offline as much as possible.' ? I have authorized my first two posts and soon this one with my account password - did I do the right thing? Also, what is 'WIF' that appears in the login window? gah! Thanks, WOE

The main password is your owner key - it let's you do anything so it is best to only use the key that you need and avoid using the OK. Posting lets you post and vote. Active lets you do transactions - memo let's you send messages but it isn't really used yet. Only the Owner Key (Main password) allows you to change the other keys and also change the master password itself. Not sure what WIF stands for perhaps someone else can clarify that.

Thank you so much for taking the time to put all of these helpful pieces together! Steemit is an exciting platform and I'm really looking forward to using it.

Thanks for the info. As a newbie your post is the perfect introduction to getting started on Steemit.

I would like to ask a question - what happens to the images on the post if the image hosting sites for what ever reasons goes down and is no longer available?

It doesn't matter because Steemit keeps a copy of them all stored to guard against that.

Are you sure? I don't think they do. Steemit doesn't provide any server space for files, which is the reason we need the external links in the first place. Would be kind of strange if they still stored the images and videos. I believe Steemit only saves the links, so if the image hosting site dies, so will the images in Steemit posts.

Yes I know they do.

Browsing through the older posts, I saw a post that has embedded a video except that it is blank (I assume it was hosted on Youtube and was taken down). Is this because the post was an old post in the early days of Steemit and that is no longer the case?

I don't know. The link may have stopped working if the video went offline but it is hard to say without checking the actual video.

A very thorough introduction to everything Steemit. Thanks for all of the helpful links as well. I will be making my first post very soon and am so excited to be a part of this growing community.

useful and more importantly not too long. Good for those of us still trying to get our heads around cryptocurrencies & related concepts in general.

Thanks glad you like it. The Steemithelp site is more up to date though.

WOW! This is amazing. Thanks a bunch for the break down on how things work with Steemit. I like it alot.

You're welcome. Steemithelp has more up to date info. It is linked on my profile.

🍁 I just did a new post 🍁

Add a new entry daily to the draw 😜

That is the post to read for any newcomer!
Thank you for taking the time to create it in a comprehensive, but concise form.

Would be great if you could share more about the challenges ahead of the platform, and what can the community bring to overcome these.

Thank you.

Thanks for the info, being New to all this can be daunting but you have cleared things up, I can see straight up that there is so much potential with STEEMIT.
Creating something unique with something like a Facebook & YouTube and get rewarded would be a significant change and quite revolutionary.
Like so many new concepts it takes time and has teething problems and there is always room for improvements. Keep up the good work , Im on board for the long haul.

Cheers Julz

You're welcome - yes I absolutely agree!

Very helpful. Thank you for this.

Totally new concept to me, shall check the updates and thanks keeping to the point with the information shared.

Good introduction info ! Seems the verification process is also very important in this network. I´ll complete that step

Thanks, yes verification definitely helps.

Thanks for the detailed post, it has helped to answer some challenging questions I had.

Thanks for the post. Much help for a newbie like me. Many thanks.

You're welcome. Steemithelp is more up to date though :

Thanks for the Intro. Cant wait to see how this works out.

Welcome. There is some more up to date material here:

Thanks for the post, a lot of GREAT content and instruction!!

Wow! That's a lot of information to take in. Thank you for taking the time to put it all out there. I will be referencing this often.

This post is a necessity for beginners, well structured and articulated, It was indeed helpful. I appreciate.

Great article for new users!!!

Great info and tips for the beginers like me :) thanks

You're welcome!

Welcome to steemit buddy!
When you are ready create a post and use thr tag #introduceyourself

There are 8 pages