Can anyone describe Steemy.
How does one Steemit?
Due to mental illness I cannot regularly post on steemit.
Should I just stop steeming? steemitting?
If you think I should stop steemitting,
please suggest another venue for my Art...?
Stay Steemy!
You are steemy do it when you can!
Thank you. Sorry about my binge-steeming...I go back to a mental health facility soon....just want the steemit community to know that I am still doing the best I can do...
I am having a difficult time with the creative process since the facility I go to has a no technology kind of vibe....
I have thousands of pieces of art, but haven't been able to put it all together.
I also need to get used to multiple platforms of technolo....... my art is hard to put together right now...thank you for being patient...while I am being a patient...
Steemit as much as you can...just stay Steemy
Its great to see your work on here again!