Climbing the first steps🙋🏼‍♀️🆙. Guide Steemit | Part 2

in #steemit6 years ago

Copia de Miniatura - YouTube – Diseño sin título (1).jpg

In the last guide I talked a little about those doubts that you have the first days, and really are many more if there was nobody to explain exactly how everything worked, I also gave some recommendations and thanks to some users who made my start in the Easiest platform In part 2 I will continue a bit with the methodology of before, explaining some things, given tips, I hope it helps them a lot.

Copia de Copia de Portada - YouTube – Diseño sin título.jpg

1. What is a Trail?🚊❗❓

A trail is basically a group that will guide you to grow in steemit, giving advice and giving your votes to your publications, if they meet certain standards of quality, originality among other things. Each trail can have different rules, yes that depends on which one you want to enter.

As to receive, you have to give, you must give a bit of your power of vote (steem power) so that the trail will vote for you, if you are new you must give 100% of this voting power. Do not worry they are not stealing you, just before joining a trail, you must talk to one of the members to clarify all the doubts you have and know the rules well.

At the end of this post I will recommend a Spanish-language trail that I thought was excellent, they are willing to help you and have many interesting projects

2. What is that about Steem Power (SP)? 🤨

When you start on the platform, steemit gives us 15,000SP (steem power), but borrowed, it's like they lend us the capital to start our company and when you get profits you pay your debt, as you go on publishing and you gain SP, steemit charges him for it.

If you go to your profile and visit the coin tab, you can see that in the Steem Power you have a number in green and another one below in parentheses, the green means what you have earned with your effort and the gray that is inside the parenthesis indicates what you have left of the SP that steemit I lend you.

When you vote for a publication and you are starting to give a profit of $ 0,000 to the person you voted for, that's why the SP is said to be your voting power, you will say to me that I care about giving profits to others, Well, the more voting power you have, the more profits you can receive by healing (the curator is everyone who votes).🤗

3. Why should not I vote so much? 🆙👍

It affects your vote, you must be selective, we all have a healing bar that we can see in some pages, I recommend that you do not lose 90%, and to avoid that this happens vote 10 times a day and not so often, then you will learn more about this that is a whole world. If you enter a Trail, the safest thing is that you can not vote on your own because they will take care of it.

4. I lost my password, now what do I do? 🤦‍♀️😟

You who are reading this, have not you lost it ?, then save it in a safe place on your PC, copy it on paper, take a picture, whatever. Steemit has no password recovery, yes if you lost it try to remember it or goodbye steemit account. If you are starting it is not so serious, but avoid this happening to you at some point.



Surely you've heard things like "A whale gave me upvote!" (not me, hopefully), or have seen images of whales here, or if you have already used busy you will see that in your profile it says "Plankton", (unless you have been on the platform for a long time, it will say something else) I'm a plankton! 😒yes , if something like that was my first reaction because a friend in college told me that because of my size, but obviously I'm not that small either.

Se denomina plancton al conjunto de organismos, principalmente microscópicos, que flotan en aguas saladas o dulces, más abundantes hasta los 200 metros de profundidad, aproximadamente. Source

Because of this I started to investigate and discovered that there are not only plankton and whales but there are more, there are, plankton, minow, dolphins, killer whales and finally whales. These names refer to the voting power that the user has, being plankton the one with the lowest voting power and the whale the biggest, so I think that the majority here wants to be voted for by one.

If you are plankton is because you have from 0 to 500 SP approximately, to be a minow you must have from 0 to 500 SP, a dolphin from 5,000 to 50,000 SP, an orca from 50,000 to 500,000 SP and to be a great whale you must have more than 500,000 SP.

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In this part 2 of the tips I will recommend some useful applications and pages to get the most out of steemit.

Busy: busy is the same steemit but with a much more beautiful interface, it helps you a lot with the markdown shows notifications, I really recommend that you try it

Discord: This is something similar to WhatsAap, but you can create groups with chat rooms so it allows a more orderly environment. usually the groups of the trail are in discord yes that the safest thing is that sooner or later you have to use it, the advantage is that you can open it from your browser, download it to your computer or your cell phone if there is no excuse.

Partiko It is an application for mobile that allows you to see your steemit information, your posts, notifications, you can also post from here, if you do you can get a vote from the user partiko although I have noticed that they vote is the content in English.

Steem Now: With this tool you can see the voting power bar that I mentioned before and other things like, your recent votes, what you charged and what you are collecting. In the address you must remove my user and place yours


If you have any questions and you want to consult me, you can do it by writing to mi facebook , or writing to me Discord "roxana#2892".
I hope you have been very useful information, soon I will come with more guide steemit, for when creativity is low or do not know how to get votes. 👋🏼🤩

Dudas de la primera semana🤔. Guia Steemit | Parte1.