The REAL Reason Why Steemit Is Thriving & Why WE Get To Bank; A Tribute To The Success Of Steemit!

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Ahhhhhhhh Yes!

Its great to be back!

It feels so good to be back here and feel the thriving energy and enthusiasm for life with all you fellow Steemians!

In my “Hey Im Back” post yesterday, I said I would give a basic recap of my last 8 months traveling and then write an in-depth article on the facets people were most interested in...and while I am still going to do that, I find my self WANTING to just write about how awesome Steemit is! hahahhahahahaha

(speaking to people about steemit at a Steemit Meetup organized in Dallas, sporting epic steemit gear available on PeerHub or by custom order)

One thing I have learned in life is that it is best to do what we feel most inspired by, most motivated to, and what comes easiest (as long as that does not compromise ideals, which I am an extremist in living to). 

So here I am writing now about HOW GREAT IT IS TO BE HERE ON STEEMIT! 

(This photo is from a Steemit meet up I did at a festival, sporting epic steemit gear available on PeerHub or by custom order)

Ever since I first heard about Steemit, I knew the potential was revolutionary. I wrote about it extensively, talked about it, hosted meet ups about it, and made lots of posts. I have seen the ups and downs, not just in the $ value of Steem but also in how happy people are with Steemit. 

It is obvious the attitude of most (not all) Steemians is based on the value of $steem and thus the earnings of their posts. Can't really blame people for that much and it doesn’t surprise me either. 

With that being said, the greatest success I have had in my life has had nothing to do with making money, but striving to live by my ideals of improving this earth for not just humans but all of life itself. 

I have taken that same approach with Steemit. I was sure to post about important topics and put real focus on my posts even when they were not making much $. I also always believed in Steemit and tried to rally everyone to the revolutionary potential of Steemit even when moral and $steem value was low. I helped educate people who had never heard of Steemit or even cryptocurrency. Even when people would try and convince me it was a ponzi scheme or the such, I would reply with “it's paying out usable currency, all the code is on the blockchain, and we can make it into whatever we want…..BAM”. 

I didn’t do this to make money (though I am very grateful for that!). In fact, almost all proceeds from Steemit I have donated to @gardenofeden because I can’t think of any organization that does more with a few $ than The GOE. 

I have been so enthusiastic about Steemit because of its potential, and because that potential fits into my ideals for shaping a better world.

(Giving away free food, just some of the tens of thousands of free meals we feed every year.)

I have also noticed that many of the most valuable and influential people in this community are also the people who have believed in and dedicated themselves to improving Steemit. They are also people who have given away tickets to SteemFest or donated steem to exceptionally noble causes such as @gardenofeden or @curie @robinhoodwhales etc. 

These people are what kept Steemit going when moral and $steem value was low. They were the ones who picked people up when they were down and who kept focusing on improving rather than complaining. They are the ones who kept talking about the potential benefits, not just what's wrong. 

It's sad to think of all the SP and maybe Steem that is sitting in accounts that are being unused. Or all the people that made some bucks when the payouts were high then cashed out and didn’t return. These people are depleting the value of steem, while the people I mention earlier are the ones adding value. 

These core people are what has made Steemit what it is today. These are the people who we can ALL now THANK for the new found high payouts and thriving economy!

Steemit is also an investment, and like most investments panic sells or escape runs don’t work out to well. So rather than complain every time the value drops, or get scared it's going to fail every time something goes the way u don’t like, REMEMBER what it is that you are working for and double down and refocus. Steemit is still in its beta stages, and we are still experimenting and tweaking. Just remember that WE are the power, and the way we interact, cast our vote, and even the way we feel about this community will shape it to some degree. 

(Playing the didgeridoo on stage at a festival sporting epic steemit gear available on PeerHub or by custom order)

So I guess what I am really saying is that Steemit is like life: You get what you put in. Steemit is what you make of it. If you really want to have success, then you have to have a good cause and you have to be dedicated to that cause. 

The major difference is that with life we have been beaten, punished, locked up, scolded, bribed, taxed, licensed, regulated and basically institutionalized from birth. With Steemit on the other hand we have a clean slate based on a free market economy!

Steemit is RIPE with potential and if we work together for the BIGGER picture we will all be rich typing “LOLZ” in our underwear!


I want to give a shout out of thanks to some people who really deserve credit for being the example of why Steemit is now thriving. I am sure I will leave out PLENTY of people, that of course does not mean anything except for that I left you out haha. Just remember that YOU can do anything, and together we can be revolutionary!

@joseph is a witness and major supporter of the big picture success of Steemit. Just recently in fact he has donated not one but TWO FULL EXPENSES PAID trips to SteemFestII! WOW OH WOW the proof is in the pudding. Alocating voting $ to help people and to make Steemit a more enjoyable place!

@cryptogee has been here since the beginning and has been a part of SOO many conversations, groups and proposals it would be hard to keep track of. Not only that but has brought very intelligent and solution-oriented thoughts to thousands of people including the high ups who have had a lot of sway. The contributions to this community are worth SO much and many people have and will make a lot of money because of it. 

@thecryptofiend has been here for a long time contributing time and valuable content to this community and is STILL here doing it. He knows the real deal when he sees it

@sirwinchester has been dedicated to quality content, responding to comments and has been about as prolific and successful here on stem as you get. He has always been positive and supportive of Steemit and his fellow Steemians even in the difficult times of the Steemit economy. 

@donkeypong has been a solid contributor to Steemit for a long time and has been bringing valuable content even in the low times of Steemit. 

@hilarski is part of the OFFICIAL marketing/PR for Steemit and has helped get exposure to thousands. He is also a great guy who invests a LOT of time into making Steemit a better place for us all!

@officialfuzzy has been a big player for a very long time and has not only made valuable articles of educational value but been a part of groups, developments and important conversations. 

@riverhead has been a witness since the beginning and has always been very honorable with his great influence. I don't really know the guy too well, but even so his contributions are vast and more importantly it is obvious that these contributions are in the best interest of steemit. 

@smooth I am not sure if I have seen anyone make more comments and be a part of more discussions on the inner workings as smooth. Not only is @smooth a witness since the beginning but has been at the forefront of discussion during all the times of change good times and bad. Even when disagreeing or disliking choices or paths Steemit was taking @smooth still was involved. 

@jamesc a major investor in Steemit early on and a huge supporter of alternative, holistic and sustainable content. He has helped many people get noticed and feel the excitement of earning REAL currency rewards for their content. 

@onceuponatime has written SOO many articles and never wavered in contributing and supporting this Steemit Community. 

@ants-david started around when I did and we both had to build our presence here without any inside connections. He has been engaged with the steemit community not just with lots of posts, but with comments on others posts, being a part of initiatives, starting steemit related groups/projects and challenging shady activity. He now has over 2,5000 followers because of his keen dedication and has stuck with Steemit even through the hard times. He now has far more more followers and higher rep than I because he has been with it ever since he started holding space for the success we now all reap!

@gtg has welcomed so many people to steemit and helped so many feel welcome and get on their feet. 

@papa-pepper one of the most prolific and helpful Steemians we have EVER had here on Steemit! So many people get real value out of his highly educational and also entertaining posts. He has also run lots of contests bringing people together and donated lots of SP and steam because of his success. 

@theprophet0 the youngest witness to ever be here on Steemit and has contributed lots of Steem to @gardenofeden of which is a truly noble cause feeding tens of thousands of FREE meals a year!

@kevinwong a smart and honest guy who has contributed SOO much to this steemit community an accurate list is almost impossible!

@acidyo someone who I have gotten along with, had some good conversations with and who has made a lot of posts with real value even if controversial, that helps set the standard for what posts of value have here in this community. He has also investigated things that need to be investigated, asked hard questions and brought critical thinking to the community. 

@steemrollin the founder of PeerHub of which has so much potential to not only help the Steemit economy and value of $steem but to shift the economy of the world as a whole. Regardless of if PeerHub is the platform to do it or not the idea is sound and has the potential for  such power.

 @tuck-fheman haven't had many personal conversations with the infamous account but there are very few if any who have stirred things up more here in Steemit and who have a piercing intelligence of which is very difficult to challenge. Not only that but no matter the challenge u have not backed down and even risked flags from whales and even other accounts hating ur account haha. U have been keeping it real since the very beginning. 

@infovore u have helped so many people get exposure and brought the community together while being generous and humble. I know because u have treated me that way and have seen u treat many others this way too. I hope to reconnect with you and help make this Steemit Community better than ever!

@ausbitbank has really been involved in shaping the consensus of Steemit, been a part of the important discussions and thinking outside the box. So many hours spent having conversations about how to improve Steemit and was there when the economy was at its worst.  Hope ur still keeping it real, challenging what needs to be challenging and bring sound logic and research to Steemit! Appreciate so much that u have done for holding high standards for this community. 

@pfunk though u remain infamous your actions have shown how much you care and live to your ideals. Your contributions to the growth and enjoyment of this community is great. You have sponsored so many contests and donated so much $steem and ur not even a whale! Cheers to ya bro!

@benjojo hope ur still making those cool and unique comics and bringing the best out in other artists as well. All those collaborations have helped bring many together. 

@roelandp Thank you SO much for getting the first SteemFest together, I heard it was amazing! Hope To make it this year and experience the awesomeness first hand! SteemFest did a lot of good for Steemit. 

@richardcrill has contributed SO much time to this community. Answering questions, going advise and proposing solutions. Not to mention being a nice a helpful all around guy. 

@saramiller has been rocking Steemit with Epic Steemit Gear, Yoga Wisdom and supporting the expansion and well being of The Garden of Eden here on Steemit for almost a year now! She went to the very first SteemFest, supported it and helped it to be as successful as it was.

@everlove who has contributed so much friendship, joy and creativity to Steemit with all her art collaborations, photography and peaceful healthy wisdom! She is loved by many and uplifts the spirits of this community. 

@gardenofeden has written hundreds of highly education and valuable articles on health, sustainable living, and the thousands of meals fed for FREE to those in need, greatly increased by the proceeds from Steemit. The GOE invests 100% of all $steem to helping not just people but the eco system of the entire earth. @gardenofeden has also made hundreds of hand made sustainable Steemit Fashion Items and has the MOST items listed on PeerHub which is a peer to peer no fee no tax not regulated product listing site where u can actually purchase REAL items for $steem! @gardenofeden has hosted meetups and gotten hundreds to join Steemit.  The GOE has written extensively about how awesome Steemit it and contributed to the never ending debates on how it should work, what the problems are and most IMPORTANTLY what the solutions are. 

OK OK OK, now I feel complete with writing about how awesome Steemit and these Steeminas are, and as I said no disrespect to anyone I forgot as I am just writing all this off the top of my head. YOU can be as big a part of this budding community as YOU embody!


Hey Quinn, What fantastic work you are doing. You are truly showing the world what we can do with our waste by turning it into food with your love - respect brother! It's so nice your fantastic appreciate to this community and to those who are here to help us all grow together - as a newcomer I feel very inspired to feel this energy ;-) Looking forward to reading more of your posts ;-)

Well its a good time to be joining steemit. payouts are good, moral is high and its still early enough to make it before it goes big time!
Hope to bring content of real value worth your time~*~

PS I just went through everyone of your favourite Steemians and started following them all! - what a beautiful bunch of people - I feel so happy - like I've just found my people ;-)

You get what you put in. Steemit is what you make of it."I will take this advice to heart, @quinneaker:

I'm just new to Steemit, only joined about a week ago. I'll admit that what pulled me here initially was the opportunity to make some additional money. But now that I've been reading a lot of posts, and have started to get a better understanding of the community, I'm actually really excited that Steemit exists!

Without really knowing it consciously, I have been looking for a place to share the things I'm passionate about (mainly travel, productivity, music) and can also interact with likeminded people. Not just sending, but interacting.

Just yesterday, I was on my bike thinking about the good I could do once I have established a little bit of a following and it will be easier to get on the hot/trending radar. I know for example a local orphanage here that is always in need of donations. I could do a post on them, really showing what they are all about and the good they do, and then dedicate any money that post makes to the orphanage.

Just an idea. But something I wasn't even thinking about a week ago. And your posts about free food are what sparked it, so thanks for that!

Thats great to hear! I dedicated my self to making the world a better place and embodying my ideals a long time ago. I help more people in a year than most do in a life time. Yet I'm still doing it and its worth it. There is a special kind of fulfillment that makes almost all other "rewards" seem empty.
There is always a greater level of existence and I strive for that. Hope to continue to inspire you and hopefully many others.
I appreciate your support and hope that I live up to the standards~*~

I know what you mean, true satisfaction does not come from money but from connecting, helping others. And you seem to be doing a great job at that. Keep doing what you're doing!


Wow , great content .
Welcome Back Again :)

Than you thank you thank you!
Hope to continue bringing content worth your UPvote!

Great to see you back! Keep it up and give hugs to @everlove and @saramiller from me. Hoping to see them gain and maybe meet you at Steemfest 2?

wow somehow I forgot about Mrs Steemit hahaha though now that ur here it ALL comes back! You really chose one of the best names I have seen anyone have. A tribute to your fine intellect ;-)>
I will say hi to them for you and yes plan to be there this year!

Lol and I wasn't even consciously thinking about it when I registered, but I'll take the compliment :D Awesome! It's a must-experience

Well then its ur natural clear intuition then!
Either way GJ! AHAHHAA

...."The major difference is that with life we have been beaten, punished, locked up, scolded, bribed, taxed, licensed, regulated and basically institutionalized from birth. With Steemit on the other hand we have a clean slate based on a free market economy!.." #word. couldn't have sounded any better. thanks @ quinneaker,i couldn't enjoy this alone, so i must ;upvote,comment,follow and resteem. still a newbie,will be glad if you follow me back. thanks.

Thanks for the support and appreciation. I hope to be able to continue to bring content of real value worth your up vote!

"With that being said, the greatest success I have had in my life has had nothing to do with making money, but striving to live by my ideals of improving this earth for not just humans but all of life itself." Love it!!!! :)

Bless it be Bredren~*~

:)))) ;)




"Steemit is RIPE with potential and if we work together for the BIGGER picture we will all be rich typing “LOLZ” in our underwear!"

:) Perfect! ;):)

I am going to be in Tepotzlan, Mexico from Sept-December.. should have couple of extra rooms, in a nice place.. maybe we can have a little Steemit weekend jam of some kind?! I'll keep in touch when I know more and can make the official invitation, but if you are still in Texas, would love you to come visit and tell me more in person about all of the amazing things you've been doing and continue to do.

I am open to all possibilities. Be in touch and let me know what ur proposal is.
Hope to see u around Steemit regardless!

I'm a Quinn also :) Followed. :)

Ur name is Quinn???
Thats cool, are u a male or female?

You are really amazing and one of the happiest persons I think living in the present moment.

I am thankful you see that and even more thankful that it is true I am so happy. Happiness is priceless and the real value of life.

Is that a digiridoo?!?! My life would be complete

It sure is!
I make them and that is one of my hand made didgeridoos! I make lots of stuff actually ;-)> I even have some recorded meditation music and stuff too.

Youre a gold soul brotha, keep spreading the light in whichever way you see fit!!

check out my recent post <33

Appreciate the support. I hope I continue to spread light worth ur up vote!

You're always influential and motivating... Welcome back

Thank you for that!
I hope to keep inspiring and bringing real value to your life worth your UPvote!

Its posts like this that make me feel good for making the move here. Im just 2 days old, and it is exhausting trying to get followers, but I feel good about the future. Thank you.

And if you like the strange and hidden....

Oh yes, its not necessarily easy but gotta look at the big picture and lets face it. If ur not really committed u don't deserve the $steem anyways.
Wish u the best. Hope to see u around and bring content worth ur up vote!

such an inspiring words. keep up the good work.

Thank you for the support and appreciation. It means a lot to me. I hope to be able to continue to inspire and bring content worth your up vote!

Awesome, I am happy to follow you. Much love.

Really appreciate that.

Wow! What a great job u do and so inspiering :0) followed upvoted and resteemed. Thx for sharing. Amazed

Thank you!
I really appreciate the support and hope to continue to bring real value to this community and world. Hope to see you around and inspire!

Thank u :0) I will se u soon.

nice to have you back! check out some of my posts you will surely like them :)

hahaha welcome back!

very amazing... come to bali @quinneaker :D

Anything is possible!
Though I don't travel just to travel anymore, did that for years. I only go places for fulfilling my purpose and projects.

I am waitinh you in bali hehehehe

Hahahhahaa NICE!

Great work! I love the t-shirt! :-)

Your words are Golden Virtue "Thriving Energy and Enthusiasm" ~ Steemion's are the future!!

Here here!
We are the power~*~

Your pretty stylish lol.

Thanks, I have been designing clothes for 12 years and had my own clothing line for 6 years and the New Epic Threads Steemit Gear fashion line for about 9 months!

Exciting times my friends, and we are all beyond ground floor. :) tell your friends, tell your family , GET ON STEEM

Hmm...well, then...

Hmm well then what???

I think you forgot to add me to your list of awesome people! Oh, well. I'll try harder for next time!

Did I?
If I did I will go add u in real quick as ur def a pioneer for this community!

Nah...I wouldn't go that far. I'm more like the guy who harasses the pioneer because he's pioneering all wrong.

At least that's the story that people will tell years from now. That @ats-david troll, you know...

Yea, I got ya in there now and said something along those lines haha

By the way...

How did you ever get started playing the didgeridoo? It's there an interesting story behind that?

Got ya in there now!
And yes there is a VERY interesting story, actually one of my MORE interesting stories.....

Love Your Enthusiasm!

Thank you!
I am high on life indeed ;-)>

The best kind of natural high!

Mmmm Hmmm =)>

Smelling the Steemit success.

I love your enthusiasm for life and I share it with you. =)

Yeeeeee HAWWWWWWWW hahahha

yeeeeeeee haaaww :D Thanks for the energy burst haha

hahhahaahahaha YEA!

Welcome Back!

Ohhhh YES! The Quinn is back! I love how you recognize the power that is Steemit, and some of those who have really made a major contribution to its success. This community is becoming stronger and stronger, more connected, more alive and more empowered. I'm grateful that what you have to share reflects all of those things through your posts and through the example set at @gardenofeden.

I'm grateful to be a part of your world and to experience both of these communities into thrival. Blessed by the value you bring to the world. May your return to Steemit shine the light for many.

Oh so much love <3!

where did you get the logo shirts from?

I'm glad to have you back. Steemit is going viral and we get to witness the glory. Once in a lifetime opportunity. I feel blessed.

Yes indeed!
This is our chance!
NOW is the time!