Some time ago I thought about key management with mobile devices. There is one great advanage about smartphones - they are in most cases online more offten than Desktop of avarage user.
Steemit cannot store keys on own server. At the beggining key is only stored by browser and in the backup (hopfuly).
I am wandering how SteemLogin would work, because without a key from user, transaction cannot be signed. Therefore, SteemLogin will be able to sign transactions for my only when my browser/application will be online.
But what if I trust my wife, sister, and mom enough to give them my keys? They could install SteemApp/SteemLogin app on their smartphones, and whenever there will be a transaction in the queqe awaiting for singing, then someone else could authorize this transaction for me.
With 3-4 trusted friends, I would have vary high availbility of my keys, which will be ready to sign transactions for me.
Moreover... I could even pay them some fee for signing transaction for me. Their smartphone work for me, so they could have a additionall possibility of earning money.
Of course as a pro-user I would also like to setup SteemLoginAgent on my remote server, but this is something would typical user will not able to do that. I would be much easier to avarage user to setup a mobile app to sign transactions for friends.