I - Writer

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I am a writer. It's what I do, it's what I've done every day (almost) for eighteen years.

Over that time I have honed my skills and practiced my writing to the point where I can tell I am a far better writer than I was when I started this 'career' back in 1999.

On Steemit.com I believed I had found a place where I could not only continue to share my writing but to also develop new stories and help other writers to get where they would like to be.

If a craftsman in woodwork spent eighteen years practising and perfecting his skill, would a person expect to buy a piece of furniture for the same price as they would have paid on the first day he started crafting wood?

I'd say not.

Someone has taken offence at me earning $60 for work that I wrote in 2012.

I've just explained that I am not the same writer I was back in 2012. I have learned, I have practised and I have made myself a better writer. Because I know my work was not up to the standards it would be if I wrote it today, I go over every single word I post. I read, edit and re-write every single post. I find appropriate images and I put them all into the post to make it even more interesting.

I give value in every post I write.

@transisto doesn't seem to like reading 'stories' and therefore, he/she has decided it's his/her place to stop people that do like my work from making their appreciation amount to any more than he/she believes it's worth.

The advice I would like to give to @transisto is this:

If you don't like what I post, move along. Don't read it. Don't bother yourself with it. Don't waste a downvote on me, on my posts.

Seriously, if you want to do some good on the platform, flag those that spam, post one word comments and then upvote themselves. Flag the real abusers, not the writers that are giving unique and original content.

I was starting to believe this could actually be a career for me, that my efforts would be rewarded, but according to @transisto that's not how he/she wants this platform to work and so it won't work like that.

@Whales, @Witnesses, We have to talk! Here@transisto has posted blogs saying

These days it seems like most of the whales don't care to police the other whales

It would appear this is entirely true because the only people that seem to have anything to say about this are people that have read and enjoyed my work.

My work doesn't get the massive rewards I've seen from others - it never has. My work has never hit the overall Trending page, only the trending page in Writing and Fiction etc.

I never minded about that because I get great feedback and fabulous comments about my writing.

Unfortunately, @transisto seems to believe he/she is justified in flagging my posts and negating other people's views on what they think my posts are worth. That's why I'm no longer giving my work to Steemit.

I'll post it on my blog elsewhere and my followers and fans can find my work because I'll be giving the links to my work.

That's it I'm afraid. I've done. I'll curate and post links and replies from here on in and you can thank @transisto

Thank you so much to everyone that has shown their support here, on chat and in other ways (FB) I sincerely do appreciate it all.

The only way I will be able to reconsider sticking around and only curating is if @transisto removes all the flags from my work and goes and does something useful with his/her votes instead.

Of course, @transisto could put his/her money where his/her mouth is and if he/she really does believe the rarer the content, the more it should be valued, he/she could always delegate half of his/her Steem to people who actually DO get people to join Steemit.com

If I've persuaded you to join Steemit.com please post your reply here. Let's see what the actual value of my promotion of Steemit is.


Why write for so long while completely disregarding everything I wrote in the other thread?


I considered that the size of your viewership did not balance out with the reward that were allocated. Notice that I also didn't fully flag your post and flagged only a few of them.

Even after my flags you have $620.71 pending author rewards.

That's 620$ more than nothing.

If it's all it took for you to leave then good riddance!

It would appear there are more people that like my serialisations than agree with your self-imposed and I'll-conceived policing methods.

How about unflagging my posts?

They are original, well-written, good quality posts that give value and add to the platform's appeal. I'm not sure why you have taken such offence at 11 of my posts but popular consensus seems to disagree with you.

The people who vote on my posts like my writing and the way I put my stories on here, why not admit you may not have thought this out quite as much as you could have and remove the flags?

I'd think more of you for doing that and I'm sure I wouldn't be the only one.

popular consensus seems to disagree with you

Popular consensus isn't how this place is governed.

Steem is a very efficient transfer of value system, If these people want to support your work they can always send you Steem directly.

Then what, you will punish them for sending her Steem? They already supported her by upvoting her posts. Popular consensus, although not embedded in Steem's design, remains an important factor in how the platform is functioning. That's what a blog is, right? To ignore it based on the blockchain's technicalities will not reduce the backlash you're getting.

Then what, you will punish them for sending her Steem?

What's the rational in this?

What backlash are you talking about?

All the commotion this flagging has created? Backlash?

The daily reward pool is there for writers and curators and it's distribution is based on the voting patterns of each community within steemit such as those who vote for writers, photographers etc. Unless you are an elected witness here at steemit you have no authority to be 'policing' the reward pool.

I came to steemit because of Michelle, a place where I could post my work and have the possibility to earn as a social media blogging site. Now we are told the platform where we post and the reward pool isn't for us but for the investors. We can be flagged for earning too much by the same person that self votes his own comments, and we should just accept it.
That isn't the steemit I've know since i joined.

I'm here because Michelle invited me to take a look. I'm not doing as much as I'd like, but I do support her in her efforts to help writers on the platform.

I am here because you convinced me that this was a great community to be a part of to share my writing. It took me awhile to have the confidence to do so - @transisto, you have destroyed that for me and, I'm sure, for others. Michelle is an awesome writer and a huge credit to the Steemit world. I'm also a very good writer, but no longer have the confidence to share on this site. I've resteemed this post.

Sourced from Google free to use images![]

Please stay, and accept the challenge of finding a way through this. You are extremely talented, and we all benefit from you being on here.I am here because of you @michelle.gent and @s0ul - you have been an Ambassador for all that Steemit could be and should be as a platform, and you lead by example, not by guile.

Hello Michelle. I am really sad to hear this news and hope very much a solution can be found.

One of your fans @bashadow kindly directed me here, hoping that my rep number might be of some use. Sadly we both know it's all about the SP and after living exclusively on steem for 7 months, things are not looking too hot in my steem wallet these days.

On a platform where there are no rules this is a tricky one. Those with the most steem have the most power. It can be no other way.

What really bugs me is that I am seeing more and more of this kind of thing on Steemit. People with SP dedicating their time to seeking out and flagging that which they don't agree with. Based on nothing more than personal preference.

My knee jerk reaction to this is always the same. I feel as if I want to create a pool of 'good guys' who flag them into oblivion. But then my sensible side kicks in and I remember we cannot fight fire with fire and by doing this we are lowering ourselves to their level.

Like I said, I hope a solution can be found and if there is anything I can do to help, please just let me know. Am just about to turn 71 and one thing is for sure... I will be writing about this growing problem on Steemit in my so called 'celebration' post.

Thank you.

No, you cannot fight fire with fire. You can't defeat hate with more hate.

I've been bullied before, and I did give up once.

I was beaten so badly that it became a police matter and the four assailants were taken to court.

As we were all kids, it got as far as the local Magistrate's court.

The Magistrate asked me, "Are you frightened of this girl?" (The ringleader.)

I replied, "Yes." Well, why not? She and her friends had kicked the living shit out of me and I can still show you the damage they inflicted - I have regular physio for some of it.

It was later - days, weeks, months - that my mind mulled it all over (as my mind does) and I started to think on my answer.

Four of them had beaten and kicked me, yet they hadn't killed me and while I'm not dead I can still get up and fight.

I fell off a horse a few years ago and hurt my shoulder. After 2 years of pain, I went to a physio. I didn't have a pulled muscle as I'd thought, I'd torn the muscles from the top 4 vertebrae in my spine and it wasn't healing, just hurting.

I can handle physical pain and still function.

This isn't painful, this doesn't hurt. These bullies aren't actually affecting me in any way that bothers me and while they're concentrating their efforts on me, how many people that they do bother are they leaving alone?

I look at it that I'm doing a public service and some people are getting some respite.

(The SMT one) and on one of his comments to a post 3 days ago, I hope he see's and reads one of them:I doubt that it will help any, and of course I fully expect to be disappeared like a few others but I could not stand by and let this go.: posted to @ned on one of his post

Please read this postI hope you are able to read this @ned - - - Something seriously needs to be done. - - - https://steemit.com/steemit/@michelle.gent/i-writer

Here was my comment to her "That totally sucks. I as you know, really appreciated being able to read your stories. It is what I enjoy doing, reading, then to have as ass wipe drive you away, I am more than slightly pissed off. And here is the problem child:

"The only way I will be able to reconsider sticking around and only curating is if @transisto removes all the flags from my work and goes and does something useful with his/her votes instead."

Can I as a new user do anything about this, other than to inform you of the problem, he has 495,379.986 STEEM (-130,561.023 STEEM), my downvote to him would not even be noticed.

Thank you! :)

I am sorry about what has transpired. I know there is not a lot that I can do, other than try to bring pressure to bear how ever I can.

That totally sucks. I as you know, really appreciated being able to read your stories. It is what I enjoy doing, reading, then to have as ass wipe drive you away, I am more than slightly pissed off.

I'm so sorry to read that you are being attacked so unfairly. I could use your kind of support and love reading what you share. I will look for your Facebook, but I'm not using it much at the moment. Hoping @Ned sees this and brings support.

I am here because of you although it did take a while for me to get going.

Yes, you're a great support <3

I am glad you are not closing any doors.
We need to all look closely at what you are doing and learn new ways.
I plan to stay in touch with you.
Sorry, this happened to you of all people. 🌹

Some people that know me refer to me as 'Evil Genius' because I can usually find a way around a problem. I'll find a way around this too but it'll be for my benefit and the benefit of people that support me in my writing and whereas I have been putting the platform first, that's not the case right now. I'll never bad-mouth the platform because I believe it may have a few wrinkles but it's nothing permanent, but I'm afraid it is not my priority right at this moment.

It has taken a great many years to get my head around actually acknowledging that I have talent and worth but today that confidence has taken a battering and I no longer take beatings dished out by people that believe they are bigger and therefore better and can do whatever the fuck they like.

I love your writings....maybe because l write too..keep sharing more dear @michelle.gent

Sorry to hear that but what i want to say is that i am your new follower and what i get is ,your posts are awesome and you are a good writer with good writing skills.
But you have the ability and guts so you don't need to do anything about the flaggers time will taught him a lesson beacuse you have the ability.
Have a good day.

So this is what Steemit is coming to? Driving away good legit authors? 🤔
(transisto is a man by the way)

Please try to help. message @ned, message a bigger whale, message everyone you can, we need to stop the madness.

Michelle you have been an inspiration to many, I am appalled at what I am reading here. I don't know the details of what happened but for the good of the platform I hope some people with influence lend some support to your writing.

I am so sorry this has happened. Reconsidering what I will post here in future. Please let me have a link to your blog or Facebook where I can continue reading your writing.

Thanks Muxxy, I'll be posting the link to every new blog post I make.

I'm a writer too. I hit Follow right away.

This totally sucks. Whether it's something that we wrote previously or recently, we are free to share whatever we like on this platform. I don'T understand why someone would choose to downvote you for sharing something that you wrote several years ago, especially if it was previously unpublished.

It's your right. You should be allowed to post whatever you want on here, doesn't matter how much you earn or don't earn. Readers read, writers write. We write because it drives us forward, we are passionate about it.

I totally relate to how writing today is better than many years ago. We get better over time, but our stories remain our own and readers appreciate the writing regardless.

Keep posting, don't let one person gain power by pushing you away. Let those who are happy for your work and success continue to show you their appreciation.

Thank you.

In the spirit of transparency,

wrote several years ago, especially if it was previously unpublished.

Some of my work is published - it's for sale on Amazon and a few other places, including bricks and mortar bookstores (I've done book signings at Waterstone's, for example) but it's available here for everyone to read for free and it's available nowhere else for free.

I believe that's adding value to this platform.

Uh yeah! I was just reading a book about Self-Publishing in Canada, as I plan to publish my first book. Anything else I've written has been online, so has not undergone the same process. I have not done it yet, but I've read the complexities about it. And how pricey it can be just to get something published.

As I understand, you're not just writing portions to entice people to buy your book from a book store, you're publishing the whole thing (in portions obviously because I don't think a Steemit post can handle a full book in one post) and it's free. The upvotes are like someone giving you a tip, thanking you for your free work. If someone chose to donate to you or go buy the book in the store after reading, that would be their decision. They upvote, that is their decision. You are not forcing it upon anyone.

You're not bothered by the potential of losing sales, you are sharing your work and people are showing their appreciation of it. What's wrong with that? Nothing.

That's exactly what I'm doing, sharing the whole book - the first is 200,000 words. I think you're right, Steemit.com couldn't handle all that in one post :)

Good Luck on your Self-Publishing journey.


And for what it's worth, keep doing what you feel you want to do. Don't let one bully who might be jealous of you change that. And hopefully, something can be done about it so that this person is dealt with.

I will! Thank you.

I don't think this guy is jealous - or at least, not jealous of me.

I also don't think anything can be done about it c'est la vie ;)

I like your attitude which is shown in your article somewhere. You are staright forward about your article . I like it. You have lots of time as a writer. I hope I will learned from you many things as I started writing . Could you read my article and give me some advice to improve myself . This will be honoured for me if you give me this fever. Thank you if you read my reply.

I am trying to come up with something supportive to say, but all I am coming up with are expletives regarding the current situation.

As an author on steemit, I used to see your posts in the trending section (yeah, they totally made to the general trending page) and think: "If I work hard on my writing and invest time, one day I will be like @michelle.gent ". I am sure I am not the only writer on steemit to think that. So what are we supposed to think now? We can only do as well as the whales allow? We can only succeed over time if our content pleases the men in power?

Or to express my feelings about this whole flagwar:


It's not at all a flag war, it's just a few downvotes.

Most fiction writer are wasting their time expecting to be paid long term solely from the reward pool. Better they learn now.

What additional work is it for them to copy-paste their text onto Steem? Almost none, so it's nearly fee extra money.

Why are they wasting their time? At some point, they spent countless hours writing their content, whether it's a recent work or an older one. There was effort put into it, they deserve to be rewarded. Doesn't matter if there get 20 or 1000 views. That's not a meter for quality.

So steemit is not the place for my fiction. Won't even think of posting it here ever cause I got just about enough of a flogging from bernie for having an opinion. So no opinions and no fiction. Noted! Thanks for the clarification!

This Post? Don't you think that post, contains the only report of the flagged post, is overvalued? You should flag that too rather upvote. Also, The reward pool is for writers and curators, Any user wants to support an author's work they should utilize the reward pool rather sent steem him from his/her own pocket. Also If you support yougotflagged work why did you send steem him/her wallet?
@transisto, If @michelle.gent is overpaid for his work, Then what are you doing by upvoting I totally agree with @drakos.

There was effort put into it, they deserve to be rewarded. Doesn't matter if there get 20 or 1000 views. That's not a meter for quality.

It's to reward the hard work of @beniesanders and promote the concept of giving out downvotes while giving out the reason.

I would have upvoted much stronger if I could have had.

Rewards in my mind is not just for good content but for initiatives that help Steem gain in usefulness and value.

You speak for many of us. If they attack Michelle, what are they going to do to us minnows? Absolute power corrupts absolutely. No one should have this kind of power over creativity.

I have to post this one ... minnows unite

LOL That's just about how I feel right now.

I have always hated being told what to do and how to do something when I'm bumbling along minding my own business... this, however has gone beyond the pale.

Today is exactly 7 days since I wrote my "I am quitting steemit" post. But I am still here for the same reason you are - peer pressure and support from my followers and other steemians.

I've given this a lot of thought and I think that what we need is a platform like utopian-io but for creative writing. Get a bunch of us editors, authors and avid readers, and disrupt the online publishing world. If we put our power together somehow, and get support from the good whales like utopian did...

I wish I knew how to code such a thing.

Your here cause your broke and want money... stop playing the "I care too much" card. Its quite pathetic

My what is here? My what broke? :)

We need a safe haven. A place where we can work and get feed back from our peers. Steemit is becoming very unsafe. I didn't come to steemit to be chewed up and spit out by some whale who thinks he has the right to be Gestapo.

Safe haven? Are you guys done with the whining?
All you care about is the clams, bones, greenbacks... cash.

There are plenty of safe havens, but you wont get paid like steemit. So really, when you post a 10000 word essay on why you will leave, but then dont leave...
It means you care about the money steemit pays you.
Like you seriously care about your followers... lol

It's amusing how every crypto enthusiast on here who can't write more than a blog post on some currency market of what not goes around attacking authors, blaming them for being greedy and whining.

Basically, you're just jealous.

Lol, that was just a pathetic attack... Basically, your a pathetic shill brown-noser trying to get noticed...

That comment just makes me laugh... lol.
Sorry i dont write stories and yeah, i like investing soo...
Wtf, how does jealousy come into play here?

@techslut thanks for voicing what I have thought more than once about a site for writing and arts.

Know anyone who can code one? :)

no ... I am very non tech .. sorry

I am an ex-tech-journalist. That's about as techy as I go. Will keep looking, though.

Stick around, I'm sure we can work something out.

Of you're on FB find me and join the group I set up to mentor newbies to Steemit.com.

I found you. No group though.

Message me I'll add you :)

Done. But I should really sleep. It's 3AM here in the Holy Land.

Thank you for reading and commenting.