Old Steemers watch out! Steemit is changing rules about tags in older posts!

in #steemit8 years ago

Hi! I have discovered something interesting.

But first of all - I'm author of MEGA statistics and analysis for TOP 50 most popular SteemIt introductions [introduceyourself] - and right now I'm doing next part of this project - TOP 100. So I have opened my list to check those who I already have. And here is surprise.

Some time ago there were no restrictions regarding amount of tags. People could put as many as they like, that's why some older posts have more than 5 of them. A week ago this kind of post was shown in all of those tags with no problem. But right now there is a change.

If you had more than 5 tags, post is visible only in first 5 of them. Of course all tags are in post but that's all.

I'm talking about that, because there are some of introductions which didn't have "introduceyourself" in first five tags so now I can't see them in proper place (like "popular"). This is why some of people won't get into Top 100 introductions next time. There are at least 4 of them:

What do you think about it? Is it a good move to change the past?

And the other thing - how can I find those people?


Steem is under constant attack by haters who want to abuse every resource they can. We were forced to add limits to combat abuse while we work to improve infrastructure.

Re-Enable the Edit command so we can fix tagging in old posts.

It was only recently removed, we need it back to fix broken links, missing pictures, and now tags.
Plus, I would like to sell items, and that is impossible if you cannot edit prices, pictures, or even add "sold".

But why changing rules for older posts which can't be edited? Haters gonna hate and now it's going to be more of them.

Is it not possible to limit changes like this to only future posts? I ask because obviously those old posts can't be edited to change their tags so will be stuck with those first 5 choices.

Old posts can be edited, they just need to re-enable the command. Just post and ask for it.

Do you mean it needs to be done individually for each post - if everyone started asking then it would just be impossible for them to keep up with demand.

No. They can just re-enable the command globally.

you mean like the down votes being used like youtube thumb downs? rather than a flag for spam or copied content? i lost like $40 off a post because of down votes. They didnt even read the content they assumed it was fake based on the thumbnail.... hopefully there is a warning message that appears which states only spam and stolen content should be down voted :/ sucks so bad :( https://steemit.com/steemit/@egjoshslim/why-are-people-getting-butt-hurt-over-any-post-that-mention-any-issue-with-steemit

When giving freedom to the masses you can allow freedom in the following box ... :
[freedom area] [other stuff] ... otherwise
expression of freedom can overtake or try to do so as noticed by those who push the limits.
Keep up the great work! @dantheman

I am all for anything that stops abuse and provides a better chance for real content creators to get noticed. People who are posting for a specific niche (such as parents who are geeks) have no chance to find their audience if the abuse continues. These limits will allow for better and more enjoyable content (instead of content whose only purpose is to strike a quick payday). Thanks again, for constantly being vigilant in order to give everyone a chance around here!

I don't understand how it is a good thing to be able to stick multiple navigation relevant tags to a post. Even with a limit of 5 I see a incentive to add a few non-relevant but popular tags, just for fishing in those channels as well.
As reader I'm annoyed when having to go thru all the tag spam when exploring a subject. wouldn't a single leading tag force to choose a relevant tag and improve navigation? Or am I missing something fundamental?

I'm not telling that I understand the idea of 100+ tags per post, because I don't. But if there was possibility in past to do that, there should be a solution for that now.

Only thing I can think off hand (if of course this post doesn't bring then in) is to try sending them .001 steemdollar. just transfer and send with a message that sits on their wallet page. Nice article, good find and looking forward to the top 100

But what about people I don't know were before in 'introduceyourself'? How to find them now?

And another thing - they won't be able to change their posts...

I kept my posts to only a couple tags generally, so this seems okay with me :) In fact only recently have I really started figuring out what tags are best applied to what posts.

I'm not telling that I understand the idea of 100+ tags per post, because I don't. But if there was possibility in past to do that, there should be a solution for that now.

I am not able to post what I typed a little while ago. The "Post" button will not turn dark blue. I am new at this and I just would like to know what I am doing wrong.
Thanks! :)

Appropriate tagging is essential, specially for introduce yourself posts, so I advice users to put it as first tag, if they really want to introduce themselves to the whole community :)

That's true. If post is the introduction then put "introduceyourself" in the first tag. But it looks like not everyone thinks that way...

Sometimes people simply don't know how important it may be :)

I upvote U