the European Union is interested in technology blockchain

in #steemit7 years ago

last episode dated the war of socialism international against high finance and lucrative workings, the Commission Brussels launched Thursday the Observatory and forum blockchain of the EU, with the support of the European parliament, in order to follow stepper developments of this technology that allows you to circumvent these institutions conservation safe data what are banks and other agencies notary. as has also shown the bitcoin now widely copied by other crypto-coins the blockchain allows to Exchange and sell currency virtual or use them as a means of payment short-circuitant totally means Bank. some wanted to see in a way to escape to power banks and the high finance. this is not not wrong but at the same time we are seeing a virtualization growing and undoubtedly also a way potential centralized control unprecedented, and a rush of large institutions globalistes on the phenomenon. the blockchain to bitcoin, tool dreamed against the power banks like world economic forum, the European Union does not hide his support for this very recent technology that allows you to take into account and transmit documents so absolutely safe (provided that it is possible on the Internet!) by validate each operation by a computer network holding keys digital necessary. everyone fun well in fact the fact that these are operations extremely energy-: limit emissions co2, it'll a while. totally traçables, impossible to change, the data in blockchains can serve as well to financial institutions, insurers, to health information, the administrative services as deposits brand and other patents. and it for a lower cost, boasts Valdis dombrovskis, vice President of the Commission responsible for the financial stability, financial services and of the Union of capital markets. thanks to this Observatory, did he explained, the Commission means better determine its policy. the Commission of Brussels finance research on the blockchain the EU seeks therefore set up a single market digital. as explained mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for the economy and society digital and benjamine of the Commission - it Eve including the policy against "fake news" -, the idea of single market will allow everyone to benefit, "better than a patchwork initiatives." the aim is displayed altruistic, but there is especially will control. the European Commission finance projects related to blockchain thanks to the variety of research programs of the European Union since 2013, engulfing up to 340 million euros money taxpayer's to stay at the height and create projects that s'appuieront on this new technology. among his concerns, the role of public authorities, regulators and monitoring in relation to these innovative practices. global governance need not banks: she wants to the power to when the creation of a virtual currency European? to when, since we are, the creation of a virtual currency world? in 1988, reminds bitcoin magazine, the magazine British the economist announced the possibility that in age 30 - we are - the world or in any case the richest countries can make their races by means of a single currency to which he gave the name hypothetical Phoenix ... in voting with their portfolio, said then the author, actors of the global economy, large and small, facilitate the passage to monetary Union total, at the cost of a "strong loss of sovereignty economic". the economist predicted well as the world supply of this "Phoenix" of his dreams could be fixed by a new Central Bank, possibly inherited the international monetary fund - institution which would have hand on the inflation rate world and even, to a lesser extent, on the inflation rate of each nation. or global governance in Act.