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RE: How To Use Steemit To Trick People Into Reading Your Poorly-Written Garbage

in #steemit7 years ago

You're quite cynical but the sad thing is you're right. Far too often I see my feed overflowing with garbage, shitposts if you will, while people who write or produce quality content far covered by it.Nice read, @yallapapi.

I'm slowly learning that I have to promote my stuff just as much, but find it hard to without the funds. So I have to attain the SBD first from posts. Meh.

Anyways, I'll probably give you a follow and might upvote your post. Not sure yet. Not like it even matters anyway.

Where in Thailand are you? I just left Chiang Mai and now I'm in Laos!


Based out of Patong. Been here for about six weeks. Need to renew my visa soon but I’ll likely be here for a few more months.

@yallapapi What country are you from originally?

You're quite cynical but the sad thing is you're right.

Here you have it @idontgnu!!

“Cynic, n. A blackguard whose faulty vision sees things as they are not as they ought to be.”