It will go up in February I think. But in afraid it will soon on Christmas night like another coin I had last year. But gotten robbed by the btc fork then. The fork didn't payout. So maybe a moon on Christmas night (look at Christmas gifts and steemmonsters if steemmonsters takes off and sells 10 million then steem us going up really fast). But I think it will moon after February.
I just keep on posting/playing and say to myself ha look another steem again 100bucks😍 I bought in at the high and 3 bucks or so.. now I can double my investment with haha a few bucks. But if you read my forelast post there is a youtubelink in it what tells you what market manipulation is really going on. If the big guys want to join their not gonna join on 20k they do it on 3k or lower.
Keep in mind much altcoins are oversold that of I heared. 🙈