I'm so glad I saw your comment. I have been trying for 20-30 comments a day and have seen a recommendation for 100! Your 50 idea seems hard but I'll keep working on it.
I did back down to 1-2 posts a day since they are so difficult to create. I'm not trying for 4!
My question to you is about upvoting your own posts. Can you tell your motivation? I've seen people slam others for doing it and I stopped when the default option changed. I heard of the downvote bots too, but they are for people way bigger than me. I think 1000 steem is the limit before you get dinged.
But I really don't know the arguments for or against upvoting yourself. Thanks for all your good advice!
@fitinfun, just a few minutes ago, I came across this blog by a whale (atleast he is a dolphin, if not a whale, I am not sure). https://steemit.com/selfvoting/@neoxian/self-voting-policy-1-3-to-me-max-and-2-3-rds-for-everyone-else
And neoxian has over 106,000 SP and each of upvote is worth close to $20.
So if he has this 1/3 self voting policy, that itself explains it all.
Please read the blog, he clarifies a few things.
Don't bother much my friend, 2 post per day means 2 self upvote per day out of 10. (Once you get a slider for upvoting in %age of each vote you get to share each upvote over multiple blogs . Then you can upvote any number of blogs by upvoting a small percentage of one full upvote....But for that you need to accumulate some significant no. of SP (to get slider )).
So it is fine 2 self upvote don't harm anyone.
But as I said above, DO NOT UPVOTE your own comment or reply in any blog (either your blog or somebody else's). Self upvoting a comment/reply is unethical and wrong.
But self upvoting your own blog is just about within the realms of ethics because you spent lot of time n effort in creating that blog and a teeny weeny bit of $ in self payment is quite gratifying too and also gets a push so that others take interest and read your blog. It's bit of self gratification and marketing too.
I actually stopped doing that for a while and my blog payment showed $ 0.00 for a long time. It actually demotivated me a lot. So I restarted self voting (only 1 blog per day and rest 9 for other worthy blogs out there). Seeing that small $$ on my payment tab made a whale of good to my self esteem and motivation.
So just go ahead and do it till you get some good traction and following here. Then you take a call. I would say once you reach a reputation of say 60 or above, take a pause and relook at this self voting thingy. Till then you need to promote yourself as much as possible. So go ahead. Don't feel guilty. Even dolphins n whales do it. We all are after all insignificant minnows. Yet !!
That was truly eye-opening. I resteemed it and upvoted :) BTW - I already follow that guy and he's one of the big ones that helps little ones often. Def a good steemer.
Thank you so much for sending me that way. Very interesting and hopefully more big people get it if the self-feeding is a big issue here.
One key thing it explains to me (a broke person) is that people are buying their way to power instantaneously. That puts a whole new spin on everything. I did not know this because I just didn't. The thought had not even occurred to me for whatever reason. (Brain overload)
Thank you again for helping.
For some reason the second part of your reply was hidden. Thank you - I get it about the upvoting on my posts and I'll go back to doing it. That makes total sense and should be something noobs turn on when they get here. I need all the motivation I can get!
I would never upvote my own comment. Never thought of that at all.
Well I just went through your profile. I had to dig deep n long to see your post. You are over resteeming and over upvoting.
Please restrict your upvote to 10 or less every day. More upvote dilute your voting power and finally it means nothing just $0.0 . So if your upvote has to be meaningful please restrict it to 10 or less daily.
Then please do not over resteem. You please visit my profile page and check. You will see my blogs and get to know a bit of me in an instant by my subject. Bcoz I don't resteem. But I tried to check your posts. It is very hard to find one. It is somewhere deep down.
Please understand that you are here to promote your blogs first, then resteem other good blogs. Your blogs should get visibility. That is not happening.
Keep your profile page as clutter free as possible. Resteem only really very very good blogs and not everything that you come across. Keep a limit for resteeming per day too. Keep it less. Get inspired by those blogs, but keep the focus on your blogs. If you want to grow, then you need to focus on your work more and make it more visible.
Everything that you do on this platform can either help you or hold your progress back. You need to diligently think and take every step.
I have written a blog called from resteem to maxsteem. Check my profile page and Please read it. That's a beautiful round about instead of over resteeming.@fitinfun, I just upvoted one of your reply above.
I will definitely do that and see what you are doing. I really value your help and opinion.
I was usually resteeming two for one as well as noob posts to help me, but in the last couple of days - I had some personal tragedy and did not post at all. My head is not here but I thought I should still do something.
I'm keeping my power between 75%-95% at all times now and all that resteeming did not take me below.
Also - I use fitinfun as my 5th tag on all posts to be able to find myself here. I saw the trouble you mention in the feed and I thought my tag would help that problem. But I definitely am going to your feed right now. Thank you for the upvote :)