Announcing "PandaCast" - Panda's Official SteemIt Podcast - 3-5x Weekly, Featuring You, Your Stories, & More (& Funded by Our Very Own Loan Shark @Neoxian)

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Finally, it's arrived:

PandaCast - A Panda Powered SteemIt Podcast (backed by our very own Loan-shark, @Neoxian)


This is a project I've been "talking about" for a few weeks now - well, the time for talk is done, my friends.

This podcast will focus on featuring you, your stories, and every other cool-ass SteemIt related topic we can come up with.

What is it?

"PandaCast" is a podcast idea I've been brewing up pretty much since my first week of being a Steemian. I've been interviewed on a few podcasts myself over the past few months, and I actually really enjoyed being on them.

I thought about it, and decided ehhh what the hell - why not start up a podcast and feature my fellow Steemians on it?

This would be a great way to give back to the community in a few ways:

  • Feature one Steemian per episode, giving them some free exposure to the community.

  • Allow said Steemian to discuss an article they've written, an idea they have (contest, etc), OR just generally hangout and shoot the shit - it's their choice, and as the host I would simply just steer the conversation, Panda-style.

  • We could potentially allow sponsors to sponsor episodes, which would allow us to either giveaway prizes to listeners, raise awareness for a cause (i.e. Steemfest), promote whatever the hell else the sponsor wishes. Their choice.

  • Give fellow minnows/new Steemians on the block the chance to have their voice heard by being on the show and making some noise - you participate and the episode you're on becomes a hit, well you probably just scored yourself a bunch of followers for your blog. Maybe even some money. WOOT!

  • Allow the show, as we grow, to start offering random giveaways/contests to the community, as our way of giving back (I'm truly grateful for all the love you guys have shown me so far, and this would be another way I could show some love in return).

I have several other ideas for the podcast as it evolves and grows, but for now, this is a great way to keep it simple, fun, and exciting.

Each episode I estimate would run between 15-20+ minutes -depending on how interesting our guests are and what they wish to discuss.

At first, it's going to be chaos. Between getting down a structured format, keeping things clean and tidy and PG-13 (or not-so PG-13, as we all know I have quite the fucking potty mouth), etc - there are some challenges ahead of me/us - but, that's half the fun, wouldn't you agree?

(being in Thailand, I have to have some items shipped to me - if we could find a good Samaritan that's closer than I to secure the hardware I'd need, that'd be fantastic, as shipping costs will murder half the loan I'm about to secure).



  • A kickass PORTABLE microphone that's DURABLE (I'm using a laptop) and I travel a lot.

  • Some suggestions on potential recording/hosting software for the show (thoughts, anyone?)

  • A great external hard drive to back up copies of each episode

  • Some great Noise-cancelling headphones - I'm open for suggestions on these, like I said.

  • Please keep in mind - I TRAVEL A TON, so everything I purchase HAS to be compatible with a laptop with limited ports, be extremely lightweight, and be durable.

    I would love if you have any feedback/comments/suggestions/etc - please please please, drop them as a comment below.

    I want this podcast to be a success, and I also want the entire community to benefit from it! It's a new project for me that's supposed to be something that's FUN, helps release some stress, that can also help other members grow and help shed light on members and initiatives taking place in the community that DESERVE some more attention for the good that they are doing.

    All proceeds from this post will go towards sourcing the equipment listed above as "needs" to make this show a reality - ideally, I would love to produce at least 3+ episodes per week.

    Fat Panda AKA Your Host


    If this thing kicks off and does insanely well, then I would see to it that we are running full throttle putting out epically awesome episodes 5-7x A WEEEK - if that's what YOU, the community, wants. I guess we will know based on the amount of upvotes, comments, resteems, and all around love I/we get on this initial post.

    I originally found my start as a small minnow member of Minnow Support Project / MSP, the brainchild of @Aggroed and backed by some heavy-hitters such as @Ausbitbank, @TheProphet0, @Coconut-Canadian, @TeamSteem, and others.

    And I want to repay their favor to me, by branching our into the world and helping others just starting off to grow their name and get some exposure in the giant world of madness known as SteemIt. It can get crazy out there, and it can be especially discouraging when you spend hours on your posts, only to get 3 views and earn $0.13.

    This podcast aims to host fellow minnows, dolphins, and sometimes whales, that can offer personal experience, guidance, funny-ass stories and personal accounts of how they went from earning $0.13 for 4 hours of writing and smashing 6 keyboards out of rage, to confidently posting and knowing that they'd earn at leaast $0.25 this post!! They finally hit the big leagues! ;)

    Show a fellow minnow some love and let's get this project OFF THE GROUND!!

    -Panda, aka Fat Panda Design

    I've also been in talks with our favorite loan shark aka @Neoxian, and we are in the works of working out a potential short-term loan so that I can secure the equipment I would need.


    Ohh yea you got the train moving on this!

    Working on it bro!

    I'm thinking you've gotten yourself a possible great gig going for you here. Maybe even break outside of the crytosphere into the mainstream...dreaming is fun too!

    I hope you'll be encouraging "spotters" to help bring you great content. I'd like to be one of them. I do spend a lot of time here at Steemit surfing my feed as well as the feeds of others and see some great stuff. This being a prime example.

    Hit me up next time you see me and maybe we can spitball a few ideas to determine if I might have the "right stuff"...won't you?

    resteemed...and they say "break a leg" in the pod cast genre?
    ...break a tooth? ..split a lip? ;p

    ~smiles fer miles~

    Ohhhh Crypto - your sense of humor always puts a sly smile on my face ;)

    I love your idea of having "spotters" and I'd be more than happy to have a chat with you regarding this - we could absolutely use quality curators to help delivers some amazing content that we can bring to the attention of the community.

    My idea would be for each episode to feature one guest, and then I'd do a "short" (5-10 minute) "interview" or what-not with said guest - then, they could join me in checking out some other content that's "on the desk" (Cue content spotters) and we'd quickly check out our top content picks/share the links to them//etc - each episode would have the embedded podcast link for listening, as well as all links/authors/notable mentions/sponsored content as viewable/readable text in the body of the article.

    Shoot me a message on Discord when you get a chance - I love your idea mate ;)

    I'm on it...look for me on Discord...I'm going to tap a couple contacts and see where it leads. ;-)

    I've found someone you may be interested in interviewing next week...I'm not sure you're a gamer...I'm not myself...but this is someone(s) who's launching a Steemit centric game...hopefully this weekend. Maybe you heard about it.

    Not going to name drop here...but this about the support of the indie gaming community Anyway...I'm watching for ya in Discorse...DMed you already.

    There's a few others I still need to the gamut of interest so I'm not sure the content you're looking for...other than as already stated...helping the community grow.

    Let me know if this one is of interest to you @fatpanda ...or just get yer furry face into Discord so we can do the do. Just want to bounce a few interview ideas off you before I get too involved here. I do want to help...and I'm asking nothing in return.


    Like I mentioned in my last reply to your message a moment ago, I'll be on Discord a little later. I'd definitely be interested in checking out this friend of yours that's launching this game - would make for a really interesting podcast episode I think.

    I'll be on in a bit and we can chat if you're around. I'm very grateful for your willingness to help me out - and I will make it worth your while, even though you're not asking for anything in return. I'm trying my hardest to pay it forward and give more than I get.

    ahh ic...well I'm at Discord now...let's talk then shall we?

    ~smiles fer miles~

    Great job :D, I love podcasts

    Thank you! Looking forward to more feedback from the community. :)

    you're welcome

    Sounds like it could be fun, go for it!
    We have a few regular seemit podcasters already, but it's a big ecosystem with a lot going on so I think there's plenty of room for more :)
    Upvote and resteemed

    Top stuff! FYI: you've been featured here :-) Might be a little early, but it never hurts.

    Let's get it rolling bro! I am all on board with this idea!

    Thanks for your support man! Glad to know you're on board. Any ideas or suggestions for me?

    I think you could do a general Q&A that you keep pretty standard so that the listeners can get a feel for your guest, but then I think it would be best to let each podcast flow into what you and the guest feel is the best direction. Got a cooking blogger on, definitely talking about some recipes, something like that you know. Obviously a cool thing to do as it grows is have the guest maybe pick a few folks that they want to share the spotlight with as well, help them curate on top of your curating. I'll keep thinking of more and more ideas.

    Great idea - this is something I need to develop (and would probably change over time as I work out the "kinks" in each episode - but yeah, I definitely want to let each episode sort of flow into a natural conversation - the Q&A would be questions we'd discuss prior to the interview just as a sort of "launchpad" to the discussion - I want my interviewees to feel very natural, the conversations to just feel relaxed and calm - just like I'm hangin' out with a buddy and we're shootin' the shit, you know?

    I definitely like the idea of allowing them to "phone a friend" or "tag-team-interview" - that's a pretty awesome idea. Thanks man!

    I am so excited with all of the possibilities, and I can't wait to hear from as many people in the community as possible - we all have things we can learn from each other, and my aim is to help pull at least 1+ thing out of each person that others may not know and can benefit from (as long as the person is comfortable sharing, of course). This could also be a platform for someone to come out sort of like I did, about my addiction - I came out on a big Digital Nomad Entrepreneur/tax podcast about my heroin addiction for the first time (conversation just ended up there and I decided to dive into it, never looked back) and it made it one of the best episodes they said they've ever done.

    I am really trying to build a potentially large platform for people to speak freely from here!

    There is a ton of potential here and I can tell you're going down the right path here. Best thing to do at this point is probably dive in and see what happens. Like you were saying no more just kicking around ideas, time to make those ideas happen. Let me know what I can do to help you out!

    True that man - I'm gonna have a lot of fun with this. Just spending the rest of the next few days tying up prior obligations/researching some good portable mics/etc - putting together my basic script and getting a list of people in order - and then it's game time! :D Would love to have you on as one of the early guests if you're interested bro!

    I would be honored man! Definitely interested in that. I'm excited for you to have this up an running, there are so my possibilities for you to take this!

    We should have a "slam segment" where each episode we find one plagairiser and call them out live. They'll be destroyed!

    That'd be awesome! I saw that Cheetah-bot regularly posts a giant list of people that commit the offenses - so we could see her recent list and pick someone who's offended multiple times and do the SLAM DUNK ON YO HEDDDDD callout. Good idea!

    Ooo, I dig that

    Fantastic @fatpanda, I have a feeling this is going to be a great gig! Building on cryptologyx's idea, spotters could be grabbing some undervalued posts that deserve some attention and seeing if they want to participate in the podcast too.

    Absolutely - I was thinking we could do a, "best of series" too for those that are found this way. Think steempearls, hidden gems, etc. It's gonna be epic! So excited to start this - I guess other higher ups have been talking about a podcast too over the past few days? I'm done talking and ready to walk! Was trying to get official group support but no one wants to vouch - so I guess it's on me and whoever else wants in on the action!

    I'm guessing "vouch" is akin to "patron"...just not sure what you're meaning here. Is this about reputation, followers or financial backing?

    "best of series" is a monthly must...votes on the blockchain...split the love 50/50 for the top vote winner and to support the cast.

    Great way to gage how engaged...and geeked out...the listening audience is as time goes on...imo



    This! That's right man...doubters gonna doubt 'N haters gonna hate...I've never said that before but I know it to be true. Ignore it...there's so much more to Steemit than MSP.

    None of my business really but I'm willing to make it my interest...if that's what you gotta do then you start small and work your way up/over/around/under/through anything that gets in yer pithy quotes here...but my own..."nuth'n to it...but t'do it"

    Let me know how I can help...hit me up in Discord...or we can just hash it all out right here. You've obviously got some support from some good peeps...from what I see in the comments on this.

    I'm to me...

    ~may all hatred cease...let there be peace~

    accept externally


    I have a big project in tge works and would be happy to share it with the community in your podcast

    A wonderful project - a lot of positive things.

    Yes Panda!!! Go for it brother!
    Pandacast it has a certain ring to it :)

    interesting times to come

    how about you use sia as backup?

    sia? do you mind elaborating? I am not sure what that is.

    sia coin.
    It is a cloud storage company based on blockchain technology.

    I mean kind of a blockchain podcast stored on a futuristic :-)


    oh now I meant as a backup

    also I have to admit it was more meant like a joke.

    I know sia as a cloud storage service is way cheaper then amazon fe. and you dont need a hardrive so you would travel a bit lighter.

    But thats actually all I know

    Great idea Pandaman.
    I think it'll go massive.

    Yes! I'm just going to upvote and RS'd the crap out of this in my best efforts to get the word out!

    We got this

    That's the spirit! No better time to start a movement than right now.

    Which of course, I talked more about last night:


    Sweet deal, amigo! Let's something up soon.

    Love the idea, particularly if you can deliver it as well as you kept my attention during that post.

    I do think keeping the episode length short will be better. I like podcasts but rarely spend the time listening to anything over 15 minutes, unless they have a guest I really want to hear from. Maybe a weekly special at 45-60 minutes, and the rest stay around 15?

    Great advice, thank you for this - perhaps you are right. Short and sweet for our daily episodes, and then a "Weekly recap/digest" episode with a more anticipated/highly followed guest for the long haul episode?

    Say a Thursday night special 1 hour podcast episode. Damn, I actually like the format you just suggested a lot.

    And THIS is why I have been bugging people for feedback - this is a big change and I actually really like it!

    I'll be sure to keep this one jotted down and definitely highlighted for discussion with my little team - thank you so much!

    I'm around anytime you want great ideas. ;) You know where to find me.

    Thanks Justin. I just took a peek at your new project - I wish you the best of luck on your endeavor! I look forward to having you on the podcast - it would be great if you wanted to share your project (would generate some more exposure for it and hopefully bring you some more devoted followers!)

    Let me know :)

    That's the idea! Should make for an interesting discussion once I've raised some controversial points in the series. Good luck with the podcast 'til then, and let me know if I can help in any other way!

    Perhaps Wednesdays?...weekly OverTheHump PowerUp 'N Resteem Steemers

    But Thusday's r cool too...just spit ball'n here...not try'n to take anything away from @justinchase 's's an excellent one!

    Feedback IS the juice that keeps everything moving forward...

    ~may all hatred cease...let there be peace~

    Thank you for your feedback. Perhaps you're right - I guess the initial challenge will be finding people that want to give my podcast an initial chance upfront - seems everyone wants to differ so they aren't the "first" ones to be featured - now that MSP has announced their podcast.

    Hopefully more people step up! I really want to get this ball rolling, but need some people to interview!

    Would you like to be interviewed, perhaps? If so, let me know - I am also donatign 50% of all SBD generated each week from all episodes towards a charitable organization or a Steemit Community member in emergency/dire need.

    Thank you for your feedback :)

    I haven't a clue who/what MSP school of thought is "ignore your competition at your own peril" ...another is keep your head in YOUR game and force the first rule on those who run against you.

    Then of course there's running "with" each other...helping guests get more know...the circuit. That's what competition's all about...getting noticed. Yes/no?

    Hmmm me on a put it in the words of a certain fatpanda I hardly even know...and hope I'm not insulting..."Bahaha"

    jk man...but I'm surprised you're having difficulty finding peeps to step up...hmmm...I know you're wanting to go tomorrow...right? I may be wrong on that...I do have someone in mind..but haven't even broached the subject with him...controversial subject...could really blow you up...both ways to Sunday...if you get my drift.

    I'll watch for your reply...maybe check Discord to see f you're around...I'm just up and need to get my second cup of coffee into me. I'm a bear in the morn'n sometimes...and this is someTIME for me...this too shall pass!

    ~smiles fer miles~

    MSP = Minnow Support Project. The Discord channel that we first chatted in a bit back.

    Alright man, I understand. Clearly I'm not clicking very well with anyone tonight - nothing but flack from all angles.

    Take care.

    Not flack'n ya at all man...I've DM'd you there at PAL on Discord...I'll hang there...'n here.

    Head up...chin in my friend...nothing worth having is easy to get! There's gonna be some bumps along the way...but you'll get there if that's what you want.

    ~smiles fer miles~

    Resteeming cuz this is just so flipped awesome!!


    Yay! I'm excited for you!

    I'm always available for a chat, you can consider me your steemit ear! 😸😸😸✊️


    Hehehe it's all good! I know you're coming from a good place.

    Let me know what I can help with? I'd be interested to help, not sure if I'd be good at podcasting but I could help with anything else! X🐼🐼🐼🐼

    Sounds like a great idea. I'm still new to Steemit myself so I can't be of much help but I can upvote and resteem.

    Great idea!!

    Peace, Abundance, and Liberty Network (PALnet) Discord Channel. It's a completely public and open space to all members of the Steemit community who voluntarily choose to be there.Congratulations! This post has been upvoted from the communal account, @minnowsupport, by fatpanda from the Minnow Support Project. It's a witness project run by aggroed, ausbitbank, teamsteem, theprophet0, and someguy123. The goal is to help Steemit grow by supporting Minnows and creating a social network. Please find us in the

    If you like what we're doing please upvote this comment so we can continue to build the community account that's supporting all members.

    By the way, do you have an email address I can reach you at ?
    Might have a good way to cross promote each other. Thanks!

    Hit me up on Discord - FatPanda :)