I somehow went over 200 followers, and wasn't aware of it!. sorry for the inactivity, school keeps me very busy! I hope I'll find the time to get more active someday! I have been doing podcasts with my friend, so here's a link on that! :) please check it out!
I pretty much have my project completed, I just need to find the time to publish and publicize it! :)
Feel free to ask on what my classes are... I won't have motivation on posting a post about it unless someone asks for it :P (I'm being silly :P)
Thank you for everyone that's educated me on this site and that have been supporting me! I's been noticed :)
Feel free to like, upvote, comment and check out my youtube: youtube.com/c/DoubleDeeYT ! :))))
Image source https://excommunity.becomeanex.org/blogs/wianno9616-blog/2017/03/25/200-days-of-freedom