More than 900,000 Steemit accounts / Mehr als 900.000 Steemit-Konten

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)
And again there are 100,000 new accounts. All these accounts were created in less than a month. But it is noticeable that the growth in new accounts is not as even as in the early days. Currently there is a regular change of phases with weak growth and phases with extremely strong growth.
Und schon wieder gibt es 100.000 neue Accounts. All diese Accounts wurden in weniger als eine Monat angelegt. Aber es fällt auf, dass der Zuwachs an neuen Accounts nicht mehr so gleichmäßig ist, wie in der Anfangszeit. Aktuell gibt es einen regelmäßigen Wechsel von Phasen mit schwachem Wachstum und Phasen mit extrem starken Wachstum.


9000002018-03-27 20:26:54sublea
8000002018-03-03 02:30:54gregogm
7000002018-01-30 18:06:24zoraidalrg
6000002018-01-11 13:55:24buhl2
5000002017-12-15 20:37:33bestdronevideos
4000002017-10-06 21:11:12btitrex
3000002017-08-05 13:22:21yanickite
2000002017-06-16 13:16:54spaarzha
1000002016-10-01 04:44:39shasoezseche

active accounts

active in ...number of active accounts
last 24 hours52977
last 7 days112327
last 30 days244430
last 365 days784762

I use these values to determine the activity:

  • last_post
  • last_root_post
  • last_vote_time
There are 2 pages

I think that #deletefacebook action works very well and this is just beginning of the big wave.

I'm pretty fresh here and not too active by publishing posts, but I like to give some up votes under topics that are interested to me.

For me it's not the place to earn money but rather another generation of social media and maybe I'm still on facebook but this time is ticking out. Recent events shows that is time enough to leave this sinking boat.

That kind of social networking project is pretty fresh idea, but with the time people will realize how worthy is to be here and will appreciate steem.

I think also that this is very good time to put some effort and help steemit to get more popularity and maybe even convince friends to try it, show them alternative...


Instead of paying for social media (facebook ads etc) here you can earn money, as user, as artist, as publisher... I think people will realise sooner than later

Fully agreed,this is an amazing platform where we can explore our talents.

I completely agree. That's essentially what got me back into Steemit

Facebook is stealing content and should be subject to criminal proceedings.

nice growth! on the other hand, the MAU is a lot smaller than all time users, which is a bit concerning. we need to do something to increase the retention rate!

Steemit is one of the very few succesfful projects in the blockchain/crypto universe... More and more influencers are switching to it and its ecosystem.

🚀 🚀 🚀

god bless dezentralisation

👍 👍 👍

I'm proud to say that I brought 3 new accounts this week =)

Hey :)
Weißt du wie viel davon ungefähr deutschsprachig ist? ;)

Nein, leider nicht. Aber das würde mich auch interessieren.

ist doch eine super sache! mir ist letztens auch aufgefallen als bitcoin und alts down gegangen sind, war steem sehr bitcoinresisten und ist erstmal nicht all zu sehr runtergegangen vom preis, später ist steem dann doch mitgezogen... immerhin eine woche der inflation standgehalten, das sind für mich klare anzeichen, oder was meint ihr? Syntax Error

Auf jeden Fall.
Hängt aber auch damit zusammen, dass sich aus Steem nicht so schnell die Investitionen ziehen lassen.
Deine SP brauchen 13 Wochen bis du damit handeln kannst.
Auch dass Steem eher auf PoB anstatt PoW basiert, zeigt sich da leicht..^^

genau, bis du die steem powers wieder rausgezogen hast ist der preis wieder oben :D it works

Its just crazy how Steemit is growing so fast. \0/

haha awesome :D

Yes, but how long can this go on?
Most accounts are created by @steem and each new account requires 15 Steem Power. Since @steem currently has only 432,015 SP the SP is sufficient for about 28800 additional accounts.

Also, how many will stay if they realize that the value of their vote is 0.0?

fast? not fast enough.
steemit exists now since about 2 years (happy birthday :D). other platforms had a multiple of those numbers after 2 years.

Incredible! that is to say that Steemit could easily exceed one million accounts during this month of April/Unglaublich! das heißt, dass Steemit in diesem Monat April leicht eine Million Konten überschreiten könnte.

We agree - that's totally realistic at the moment.

Wow thats awesome. Steemit could reach a million next month.

Yeah, thats should be possible :)

yeah! exponential curve ahead @ciberghost @ned @dan

Nice!!!! after all these new accounts do you think the price will go up???

I don't know if I can hope on that

What is your source? I'd like to do some time series analysis.

Soon we celebrate one million @Steemit accounts.

Wow! So there is still less than 1 million people who use Steemit. Glad to be one of the first million :-).

I think it's to do with general Bearish sentiment at the moment, twitter noise has also dropped dramatically - there'll be another surge as soon as BTC can get back on track for $50K

On our way to million!! Let's go!

Thanks for the update!

It seems that the activity of the platform is very dependent on the price of steem and the market in general. Also many current users have decreased their posts due to the reduction of the rewards, but in reality this is an excellent time to post because we can receive more steem power.

I have 2 friends who tried to sign up March 1st through Steemit.

  • They still haven't got their activation emails.
    • What should they do?
      • Just keep waiting?
      • Sign up through
      • ??? ??? ???

BTW Thanks for the heads up about crossing 900k users.
I like data! haha

  • I'm plankton # 712,873 and I signed up 51 days ago...

It past a long time for your friends, I have waited for a week to join. Maybe they should try to create an account again.

Hi, it took me 3 attempts over 2 months to join. In the end I had to make an account at Steemit Chat and ask someone there, they have a link in the 'sticky' section for who to contact about stuck sign ups.

I think the person is @drakos, once I filled in a stuck signup form it was approved in a couple days.

thanks for the info @tradergurl

  • we will try that

more info as it's not obvious >

click the 3 dots in the top right, looks like a 'settings' icon and just says 'more' if you hover on it
select 'pinned messages'
instructions are in there.
hope that helps !go to

btitrex phisher spotted 👀

Nice update.......steemit is growing and moving forward

It is interesing that the activity has been reduced despite of the rising number of accounts created per day!

Please share abandonment rate for new users. It has to be extremely high. 100k new users translates into how many daily active users? Due to the barrier to entry being so high for new users to get noticed and engaged, my guess would 5% remain while the other leave and never return. Something like this. Who has the data?

It's probably too early to treat this data as meaningful. Give it a few years.

Is there any way to know the numbers by country??

+1 that would be really interesting !

growth is immensely high strange as well as great too.your wrapup is really good keep informing us thanks a lot

wow......thats nice
steem the fast going social side
i think facebook deleted and join steem
DQmZsshK2Wn2HBwi3MJXw8cE7DmGBLj2JxTnKEExxr4kog9 (1).gif

Do you think this could be people who deleted Facebook and they're looking for something new to fulfill their social media needs? I just deleted Facebook about two weeks ago. I just joined Steemit this month. The two don't completely coincide for me though. I had considered deleting Facebook for a year! And I had become interested in Steemit through research I was doing into blockchain journalism startups. But anyway, my story aside, some of these new Steemit users could have migrated over from FB!

Great Post its nice To see Steemit's Growth

and more than half of those account are inactive. There are less then 200,000 users which are active each month

I am also newly registered, not how to operate, find a master! Thank you very much!😊

very useful stats for steemit.

great information given me ,thanks sir .

What is the way to spread steemit in France, I'v tried to share a link en fb, to get my contact to follow us on steemit, but it didn't work.
It's a shame...

Its a great news and thank for sharing with us. By the way why its not effecting Steem price to go up?

The price is being influenced by institutional investors :)

Aquí en Venezuela, ha sido la ventana hacia la luz, se está viviendo una crisis económica insostenible y steemit ha sido de gran ayuda, tal es mi caso. Buen Post.

It's incredible, almost a million steemians, great.

actually disappointing if you ask me. what if #facebook had 1000000 users

This growth is nice to see, but as your statistics show, many of these accounts will be unused. But this is kind of normal I would say. Even if only 1% of these accounts stays permanently active, we would make a good deal.

Thanks for the update, resteem!

Amazing! I am a new user and still learning my way around. Hopefully, I make a big deal here.

This is a great news. There is a steady growth of steemit. I just recently join this community after a friend convince me of the potential of this great community. I believe with time people will gradually move away from other social platform like Facebook and join this platform.

Yeah, there is a steady growth on steemit ...


I love that scam account BTITREX - actually quite smart idea :) shame they didnt block it

Wow thats awesome. Steemit could reach a million next month.

I am glad to be one of the new accounts here at Steemit.
Can't wait to see what the future holds.

Do you think the irregularity might be based on the latest media mention

good information thnk you for you

Thank for sharing this articule. I am new user and i need all of help

social media is massive psyop to spread FUD.
It is the television multiplied by infinity
mimetic warfare, trust nobody
nuclear steam generator
mind your eyes,
so the "reptilian" overlords can't eye your minds.

Gotta admit. @Steemit is one hell of a good concept, Good to see it progress. #deletefacebook

Thank you for these numbers. They are helpful. I am curious: how did you find these numbers? Thanks!

Amigo me parece muy bien la idea de que se incremente el número de usuarios en steemit, ojalá y todas las personas piense en lo mismo que es ayudar a los nuevos (como es en mi caso) para que mas adelante cuando venga otra generación de nuevos usuarios seamos nosotros quien sigamos su ejemplo de poder ayudarnos unos con otros. Me gusto mucho tu post éxitos.

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