Making Curation more Rewarding + Compelling Reasons Why You Should Be Doing It Regularly + Ways to Avoid Passive Following Habits

in #steemit6 years ago

This post will discuss manual curation. I certainly appreciate those of you who have placed my posts on auto-upvote so let me clarify that. Manual curation is different in that it is exactly what it sounds like. This is when you are manually going through and upvoting/commenting posts. It takes a lot more time & can be tedious. First lets talk about why you should be engaged in regular and planned curation. You need to be making use of your valuable voting power (also known as STEEM power.)

How to know if your SP/VP is being used adequately? There are many tools out there that allow you to check your current voting percentage. Everyone will give you varying parameters at which to have your VP. I personally don't like letting it run below 68%. As I type this post, I am at 76.43% VP which means I definitely have been sharing the love! Go to yourusername to check your VP. If you are 99%, probably a great indicator you aren't getting out and about enough.

Real talk - there's only so much time in the day and as afore mentioned, curation can be time consuming and tedious. I will share my method. I am certainly NOT claiming that this is the best or only method. To me my current method is the most fair however to ensure I am sharing the love with all those that I follow. I currently am following 155 people. Steemit has such a nice way of organizing this list alphabetically!! That gives me 4 pages of people to keep up with. The 4th page only has a few people on it given that I'm following 155 doesn't give a complete fourth page. I literally do one page a day, generally speaking. Since it alphabetized it makes it easy for my OCD brain to keep track of who I've curated - since I think it's important to spread the love evenly! I do them in random order so it's not monotonous page 1, 2, 3. I might start on page 2 for instance.

Using my method which does have your curating daily, you will ensure that you know exactly who you are following and what they are up to. Unfortunately, I think many people who have adopted the "follow for follow" mentality really have no clue who they are following. This is passive following & does you (or those you follow) no good. Simply visiting the trending page and thinking you are fulfilling your curation dues by curating there does not cut it. Don't be a passive follower. Stay engaged with your fellow steemians, especially the ones you are FOLLOWING! We are all, for the most part, in the same boat here & we need to be supporting one another.

If you use my method of doing your curation in batches, you will find it's more rewarding & hopefully less overwhelming. Also, sometimes doing a whole page a day is too much for me. Therefore you can break it down. For example - today I will do all users I follow starting with an "s." Whatever method works for you that you are able to capture your entire follow list on a regular basis. Batching makes it more simple. My method has you revisiting the same people every few days and this really allows you to get a good sense for who you are following and what they are up to.

This method is a bit OCD, but it works for me. It also allows me to know conveniently exactly where on my list a few select steemians are if I need to go and catch up with a certain individual for example (i.e. end of page 1.) There will always be deviations and you won't always be following a set pattern. However, making a habit out of becoming intimately familiar with your followers will be rewarding not only in curation REWARDS but you can build friendships & that is perhaps the most rewarding of all.

I challenge you to get the most out of your Steemit experience. Become more acquainted with your follow list. Figure a way that in a weeks time you can visit everyone. You may find that you have become a passive follower and that you are following a whole host of people who are perhaps inactive or not posting the quality you find worthy of curation. This will help you to tailor your list and get the most out of your interactions on Steemit.

Lastly, I will touch on the voting slider. If you have >500 SP, you will have a voting slider. You will not be able to upvote everyone at 100%! LOL. To keep from exhausting your VP and potentially bringing on our beloved "transaction broadcast errors", I have found keeping the slider between 5-15% is the best.

I hope that this post is helpful. As I've mentioned, this isn't the only way to go about manually curating but it's the best way to capture my whole list and maintain fair voting habits. Please feel free to drop a line or two (or five..) on your methodology! Thanks for visiting my blog.

(my header image is courtesy of pixabay)


Great tips on curating the right kind of posts. I have followed a very slightly different approach. First, through some digging i have started following people who are either witnesses of influencers. I am trying to eliminate following bots. Thus, my feed is full of actually interesting stuff. So anything that is purely market update or pic of the day or meme of the day, i prefer not to upvote. I upvote things where people are helping me learn something new or something that will be beneficial for other people because ita a post about a useful tool being built om steemit.

Lately i have also seen lots of posts from other steem dolphins and whales about content on steemit and i think manul curation is important.

And i agree, manual curation is satisfying. Not only am i upvoting good content but also learning things alomg the way.

Great post. Thanks for sharing your insight.

Thanks for commenting. I am glad you see the merit in manual curation. I will make a remark on posts of the day or memes. That is a hot topic on steemit - many do view those posts as garbage. I think that they don't have to be. Especially when one considers some of the really amazing photographers we have here on steemit like @daveks or @otage. These guys always include info about their pictures which makes the post much more valuable.

I agree with that. I was talking more about a very amateur photograph with no context or story. Photography is also an art and credit should be given to talent on steemit.

That's a nice strategy, one page a day!

I agree that there is something more authentic about manual curation, but I also use steemauto, for a select few who I know 'churn out quality' (might be an oxymoron that)...

I think 150 is probably the limit with who you can keep up meaningful connection with, maybe even less than that. Although I just followed you too, so now I'm further away from that limit, the 'deep thinker' line in a profile always hooks me in.

Then again, if we're all doing our bit, plenty to go around!

Thank you. Yes 150 is a good limit though a few of those represent organizations rather than individuals so it's easier to keep track of. I agree there really is plenty to go around. =)

a tip for all the users UNDER 500 voting power:
log in to, there everyone has a slider for % of your voting power, on posts and on comments.
Best regards
TomInformative post @chelsea,

And, by the way, not everybody has the time to check his followers, followers and followers are different.

Here you can choose a small circle of your best friends or followers, choose your voting weight and the post age in minutes, steemauto vote the posts automatically.
Very helpful in times when you have not so much time for Steemit. For not to forget your most important followers, there is a very good tool on, the so called "Fanbase".

Good to know!

I also create most of my posts on and use the tag busy, so I get a very good upvote from time by time and the editor there is much easier to handle for me.
Best regards
Tomyes, @edouard,

Thanks for the info @zanoni

A very insightful post on the art of curation. I like how you rotate the people you follow to make sure you are catching up with everyone. It speaks to how much you care about the community which may partly explain what makes you such a successful blogger.

Thanks for dropping in my friend. =) What method do you use?

I use my feed a whole lot. I used to go in “New” but not so much anymore. Oh and of course Steemit Dreamit on Facebook

Awesome post! lately I wasn't active as I wanted on this platform. I like your idea of rotating the votes and how you keep up with the posts of you're following.

Thank you! I'm glad you found it of value :)

This has a lot of really good tips! I manually curate mine, so it is a lot more work and I don't get to everyone! Boo!!

But, I try to share the love as much as I can. I may actually try your method!

Thanks again!

Happy Memorial Day!


Oh I am interesting to hear your thoughts on it if you try it.
Thanks for the comment & tip. =)

excellent post ..loving to your blog.thanks for sharing..

You're welcome

Whisper Left Upon My Lips@dswigle wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

Earn daily income on steem: @tipU distributes 100% profit + 60% curation rewards to all investors.

Hi @chelsea88! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @dswigle!

Thanks for the tips @chelsea88 Wish I were as organized as you. :-)

Sure thing and also, it's partially OCD lol =)

I'm a big fan of curation and voting sliders! I like to upvote my comments at whatever weight gives $0.03, and upvote posts at full.

The Daily Sneak.Thanks to @paradigmprospect, this post was resteemed and highlighted in today's edition of

Thank you for your efforts to create quality content!