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RE: Where does all the money come from on Steemit fully answered -- Can it continue? -- Absolutely yes!

in #steemit7 years ago

Even though Steem token(s) are potentially created every 3 seconds, its inflationary rate is a fraction of that of most other cryptocurrency networks. This rate of inflation was believed by the developers to be sufficient to reward the authors, curators and network operators with sufficient revenue, yet not be so dilutional as to cause the tokens to become worthless. I concur!

Hi @bycoleman, really really great post. I appreciate it a lot.

Can you please explain the difference in Steemit's inflationary models in comparison to others?

I am a beginner. I don't even understand when is it important to have an inflation or deflation rate in the first place. Thanks.


Hi Buzz,

Thanks for the kind words.

As for the inflationary rate, that is a huge subject, not something I can answer in a comment. There is a lot of information out there on this.

One thing to do is look at the tokens in circulation on
