Hey everyone,
Alright, let me tell you the story of my Steemit account!
Let's GO and brace yourselves for the read. IT GETS PASSIONATE.
It started over a day ago when I finally decided I want to open a Steemit account and join the Steem block chain.
BUT! Ohohoho.... No way was that going to be easy right? Cause Fuck me. That's why.
I sign up on steemit.com like any other sane human being and receive the notification email advising me that I should get an update once the account is activated.
So here I am all happy and already fantasizing the idea of being connected to a network such as STEEM through steemit since I was watching a lot of youtube videos on crpyto currency and ended up on here.
Great and dandy, I say.
An hour goes by and I start wondering how long the whole process takes? So I started doing some digging. I dig through the web and find some comments from some other people who have faced the wait time for steemit approving an account. GREAT!
It says it could potentially last up to 4 weeks. I saw that and was like: " Uhm. No."
Turns out as almost all of you should or already know. Steemit needs to pay to create your free account. Yes. Cost is about 6 STEEM currently. Which I can understand considering the type of site Steemit.com is. Not a problem to me but this gets manually done as someone or a group of someones is paying for these accounts or so I believe or authenticating or what it is that steemit does to provide the classy accounts we love and have. Anyways, the technicals aren't the important part and little side note. Did not know any of this at the time.
I just wanted a steemit account. I was excited to join the community and could not wait. I wanted in. I wanted in so bad. I wanted the juice, the cream, the honey, the YUNK.
I wanted to bathe in the miniscule steem power I would get. ALL SIX OF IT! Or hold it in my hand... cause, you kno', its still just six steem power.
Anyways, back to the story.
AHA! Solutions must exist here and in real time too. Why? Because I know what a chat is. (Thank god)
So here I am in the #general chat. I don't need the general, I needed the HELP! BAM JUMPED TO #Help. I find a person who noticed Lil ol' me. I approached them slowly. I started with the Hello. Hit them with the Good morning. Mustered up some confidence I found on the floor for what was to be asked. Seriously, I practically believed I was going to be the first to ever ask this question.
-"Hey, so, uhm, how do I get the steemit account activated faster?" - Sent.
@TimCliff Instantly replies:" Check the pinned."
So I check the pinned. Realized Tim here got so freaking fed up of this question, which I was not first to ask by the way...duh. He made a pinned section with to the answer to my problem. (Good and detailed read by the way for the newbies)
So there it was. The only solution to my thirst, my impatience and my goal to join steemit. It was so simple.
I had to...
I had to cough up the 6 Steem to get the account. Yeah.... very anticlimactic but OHO! You think we're done? OH HELL NO! Satan had tons of free time. It's like time was all that S.O.B had that day.
Steemconnect was option number 1 - I shortly realized with Tim's guide. You need to have already had a steem account to use Steemconnect. Unfortunately, door number 1 was a flop.
OH but wait..what do we have here? Oh yes!
Anonsteem! The Grail. I found it. YES! There was a way! I quickly got into my account on Coinbase. Deposited some of that currency. Bought some BitCoin. Set up a Bitrex. Clicked on deposit. I was almost home free!
Or so I thought...
Turns out transferring bitcoin from Coinbase to Bitrex at 1am is a fuck fest of slow snails creating an even slower snail named SATANS SPAWN who delegated his work to a bloody ROCK! (No snails were harmed in the event of this transfer of bitcoin)
So to answer some of your questions.
Yes! This whole ordeal started from that morning until 1am.
What kept me from burning down my computer and my hair, you ask?
Sniffles.. You guys are the true MVP's here.Ah, good question. The only thing that gave me hope that night, my only solace that I managed to get was the #general chat. Yes. Really. The general chat. The people there were so friendly and helped explain a lot of the technicals of what was going on to my ignorant ass.
So I gained some hope again.
Just when I thought I could pull through and wait while the transfer happened so I can finally, finally get my steemit!
BAM! The fucking power went out!
That's right just like this baby. My eyes were shut. No lights. No power. No STEEMIT!
Scared of the dark and frustrated with the outcome. I went to bed.
The next day.
Woke up in the morning just fucking gleeful at the potential that maybe... just maybe steemit had set up and activated the account! I jumped out of bed ran to the pc. Openned it up. Power was back.
Aaaannnndd no...
Well on the bright side. At least that rock we spoke of earlier got the job done and I bought me sum good good STEEM.
Now after all this had happened I guess I was finally ready. With AnonSteem I could get the account in minutes. YES. MINUTES!
YES. Bitrex open. Transfer. Anonsteem. Create. Got the link paste it. Transfer!
Should of been created right? WRONG!
I tried 3 transfers all came back invalid as Bitrex kept saying this account is not part of the steem network which I found odd considering STEEM is in the name!
What do I do? .... After a very long and quite frankly, unnecessarily dramatic pause. I jumped right back into #Help. It saved me once, it could probably do it again.
And then he came....
I met an epically awesome user by the name of @drakos. Check him out. Seriously. Check him the hell out. Him or the blog. Whatever you're into.
He raised me from the ashes of my impatient struggles.
First thing he did.
Tell me that I've been transferring like a peasant. I had memo and regist. acc. mixed so none of my transfers went through.
He followed up with
Lesson learned.
Second thing he did!
He did the greatest thing ever. He created me my steemit account through cli_wallet (His techy ways) and not only that he taught me all about the different keys and what to do and what they are.
Like unbelievable! Props to you @drakos
There we have it.
This post turned into a bible size book but I let out all that iv'e been holding in the past day and a half so I feel great.
I hope you all enjoyed the post.
Check out #general #help on steemit chat for help and fun. People are great there and honestly got me aquainted with just how cool steemit is.
Check out @drakos for some useful info on steemit.
Check out the Yunk Greatness.
I actually created your account manually through cli_wallet. Steemconnect is too easy for me lol, I like the techy ways. Sadly, your case is pretty common, we encounter many frustrated users waiting for days to get their accounts activated. I admire your resilience and motivation to join Steem. In time, Steemit Inc. will streamline the signup process, after all, they're still in BETA right now, that's why the signups are taking too long to be approved.
I edited the steemconnect part to cli_wallet. Don't want misinformation. :p
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