
Thanks for your reply. I obviously phrased my question badly - I meant does the person flagging with the lower reputation get affected negatively for flagging someone with a higher reputation?

Oh sorry, I didn't get that. You phrased it just fine, I simply didn't read properly ;)

Will it affect the flagger in a negative way if the other person has a higher reputation?

No not at all! It won't have any negative impact on the flagger's account.

Flagging does use your voting power for a downvote just like an upvote would, but that's all there is.

Oh cool. Thanks for explaining that.
I thought I'd read that people flagging someone with a higher reputation could end up being worse off for it.

Thanks for all you do. It's most needed and appreciated. :)

You should consider it when being alone and flagging someone who is higher up in reputation, because their potential retaliation would be very dangerous to your own account.

In a situation like this one right here, where you clearly have other users in your back, such consequences will easily be negated!

Right now I'm getting it!
Safety in numbers!

Thanks for all your replies. Much appreciated.