Thank you for posting on Steemhunt. Unfortunately, your hunt cannot be approved and your post has been delisted because your post does not fit following guidelines:
#9 - No Duplicate Allowed
Steemhunt does not allow the same product to be posted twice. The website automatically checks the URL, but it is still your responsibility to check that the product has not been posted earlier.
Here you can see the previous post of the same product. Remember to check if the product has not been posted earlier. You can do so by searching multiple variations of the product name and brand in the search bar at
#3 - Product Link
We only accept these four product links:
- Official product website
- Major app store link (AppStore, PlayStore, etc)
- Crowdfunding sites (Kickstarter, Indiegogo, etc)
- Github, Bitbucket repositories for open source proejcts
We do not accept any other product links including e-commerce sites ( e.g. Amazon, ebay, etc.), affiliate marketing sites (e.g. Canopy, Awesome Invention, etc.), newspaper or blog articles, and social media posts, etc.
#8 - Quality of the Post
As a hunter, you need to post a cool product with well-structured comments and screenshots so that the users can see the benefit of the product quickly without needing to check the products website. Your post will be hidden if you:
- use non-related words/descriptions about the product.
- attach non-related screenshot images or videos.
- attach low quality product images.
- share any scams or highly suspicious cryptocurrency/fin-tech products.
- share porn or anything under the #nsfw category.
- share illegal products.
- share an ICO which currently has no live product.
- share a product that is no longer available (except for pre-order stage).
Please visit Steemhunt Posting Guidelines for more information.
Steemhunt is a community-driven ranking community for cool new products. Please join in Steemhunt Discord to discuss anything you want for Steemhunt and/or if you have questions.