
I haven't heard a lot yet but did anything crazy come out of the Hack-a-thon?
Anything super interesting?

I spoke with the winner who had a system to easily tag posts with a location so travelers could easily see posts spread across a map created about specific places. Pretty cool concept. I got too caught up in conversations to participate much (and I was jet lagged for not having any sleep since the night before).

That location tag system sounds pretty cool!

This is a pretty open ended question but based on what you saw and talking to the Steemit INC and other 3rd party Devs do you see a ton of opportunity in creating profitable 3rd party apps on the STEEM blockchain?

Also are you going to post any pictures or videos of you surfing? Rumor has it you tore it up out there! LOL

Steemit INC

One thing that was clarified for me recently is that the company is Steemit, the website is and the blockchain/token is STEEM. I think they are dropping the "inc" part as it's no longer needed for clarity.

ton of opportunity in creating profitable 3rd party apps

It's hard enough to make anything profitable, let alone profitable in the speculative environment of cryptocurrency. I have no idea, but I think Smart Media Tokens do have the potential to shake things up a bit. Ultimately, if a company is providing value and can do so at higher rates their their expenses, that's where profit comes from.

I don't have any pictures of me surfing there (but I did take the sunset picture I put into this post). The waves weren't that amazing anyway, but I have an older post with some pictures of me surfing in Costa Rica which you can see here.

Yeah I had seen those Costa Rica pics before! You look pro out there!

pretty cool kid with a good story. is the site for the guy who won the hackathon. @martibis

Nice! Thanks!