Letting off the pressure of the devil:

in #steemchurch7 years ago

Proverbs 18 vs10

The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.

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There’s pressure on the people today which the naked eyes cannot see. It’s on everybody, both young and old. We’re living in a neurotic age.
You see a situation where the wife says little thing, the husband wants to fly off tempter as quick as possible, and also when the husbands says something little the wife fly off tempter and so many others. There’s pressure everywhere in our today’s world. There’s pressure of the father and mother over the children, no more listening ears. The parents do not give the children time to express their feelings anymore, they leave the home for work as early as possible, and come home late. The children had got no good home training anymore because they were raised up by the house help. The pressure on the society has caused everyone to be in a hurry and haste. The whole society is fixed with pressure and ready to burst. These are all signs that the prophets foretold many years ago.

Depression & pressure on the youth

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Take your mind back when our elders was very young, or in the days of our fathers, life was easy and simple. I Believe there was no much pressure on them. If you will agree with me. But in these days, people wants to get the latest cars, clothes, phones, and so on. All this happens because of pressure.
The pressure is overcharged, it seems something is pursuing you, when there’s nothing pursuing you. People are chasing things that are not there. Things they cannot catch.

Revelation 3:10

Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.

Now you can imagine the children are growing out of control because of pressure. All sort of atrocities here and there. You see a little child picking up a gun to kill his colleagues for no reason. All because of pressure of the end time.
No body wants to learn anymore. No body believe in the word there’s time for everything

Here’s are some guidelines for us to overcome the pressure of Satan.

One thing we have to know Ian that we are in the world and therefore we will have tribulation, or pressure. It is an inevitable part of life on this earth. In the beginning, God didn’t put any pressure on Adam and Eve. All they needed to do was obey Him. Pressure came by the temptations of satan.

(Ephesians 6:12)

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places”

Through the infinite mercy of God, he has made a way for us to overcome the dominion of the god of this world, and that way is the cross. By the forgiveness of our sins and also the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, we can let down any pressure that Satan brings upon us. God has given us victory over every circumstances, even death has no victory in our life. Christians don’t need to fear death,because if we die; then our spirits will immediately go to the Lord, and at the return of Christ(second coming), we will receive our resurrected bodies.

God bless you all. I believe this is a little encouragement to you all running the Christian raise. In this world we have no continuing city. God will see you true in Jesus name.


Beautiful writeup. There's so much pressures out there which could lead to depression. Yeah, it's just like some people are trying catch the wind. Thanks for sharing this.

So much pressure everywhere these days. This article is one that takes consideration of activities around us. Thanks for sharing.

Upvoted & Resteemed

I will love to send you a private message
Don't know how to go about itHello @steemchurch

He , Jehovah has made a way for us to overcome the dominion of the god of this world(Satan), and that way is the cross. By the forgiveness of our sins and also the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, we can let down any pressure that Satan brings upon us. God has given us victory over every circumstances, even death has no victory in our life

It is sad to see how an end time spirit is working tirelessly against the youth today misleading and causing their downfall. In my own opinion, Prayers need to be offered to liberate people everywhere under satanic pressure and bondage @tyreik

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places

We all know the devil is cunny and so we need to digest the word of God at all times because this would be our only saving grace in times of trouble.

For us to overcome the pressure of the devil Christians need more than enough of the grace of God to be sufficient in other to withstand the devil and all his pressure.

Too many out there from Satan, depression and different type of pressure but remember we serve a great God that can help us , to over come this we need constant prayer and build a real relationship with God

The whole society is fixed with pressure and ready to burst.

You are very correct, so much tension and the bad economy is not helping matters, people are pressured by needs, they are in constant worry.

I really love this verse :

Proverbs 18 vs10

The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.


Just as jesus said in the bible come all ye that labour and i will give him rest. Come to jesus today and summit all your troubles to him and you shall find peace

The devil is always going to come with his armour and expect us to drop our shield but in the name of God, it will cause our shield to be made strong and he'll be our strong tower.

The devil always has a way of suppressing our inner happiness with pressures of all kinds from diffetent place even from our family but we have a great weapon to rebuke him which is the name of the most high just like he was rebuked in the bible.

Devil has a great power but we should be able to resist the force from the devil .
Christ should be in our life for we to be able to resist it

Resist the temptation from devil and accept christ

So we have keep hidden in that strong tower. We have to keep submitted to God and constantly resist the devil and crucify the flesh. We labor to enter into God’s rest!
Great piece!
God bless
Daddy William