Importance of joy to a believer

in #steemchurch6 years ago

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Weeping may endure for a night but joy cometh in the morning,Nehemiah 8:10 still taught us that the joy of the lord is our strength.

Definition of joy using Bible as a guide.

Joy can be defined as the natural heart feeling of a true believer to Gods mercies,blessing and benefits. It is a Gift of God through our lord Jesus Christ,and is one of the principal consequencies of true salvation. Joy is almost inseparable from gladness and heart felt or inner most feeling. John 7:3 says that he that believes in him ,as the scripture has said,out of his belly shall flow of living water,the flow rivers of living water is talking about joy flowing in our heart.
Let talk about the following below...

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*True joy
*Wrong joy
*Joy as a substance
*final joy

*True joy - Joy can spring up from several source ,but true joy comes from only one source. True joy is God induced,God sowed and God centered.
{True joy has God as its object just as joel 2:23 "So rejoice, O children of Zion, And delight in the LORD, your God; For He has given you the early [autumn] rain in vindication And He has poured down the rain for you, The early [autumn] rain and the late [spring] rain, as before}.

*Wrong joy - All other joy not sourced from God is fake, temporary and unreliable. Many things present themselves as source of joy but in fact and sadly too,they are sources of woes and torment. These include wealth, educational attainment, position in life, connection, etc. Lots of these fake religions and occultic groups promise joy ,but instead all they deliver to their believers are sorrows and disappointment. Through the clever device of Satan, many times have pursued fake joy all of their life. Some discover at the twilight of their lives,that the ladder of their lives have been placed on a wrong wall,all along.

Spiritual prowess in itself, Jesus Christ warned, must never be the source of a believer's joy (LK 10:17-20). Demons trembling or witchcraft manifestation at church service or prayer meetings should not be a source of our joy but rather because we are sons an daughter of God.

*Joy as a substance

*Joy needs to be guarded from being stolen -(john16:22). Part of the eternal strategy of Satan is to cause people to trade off their true joy for ephemeral things.

*joy has level - (john 15:11). These things i have spoken to you,that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.

*The final joy -( Heb 12:2)

All the joy we experience on earth are for a season. However,there is another joy beyond the river, across the bridge where sorrow can never inter-lase. This joy is reserved only for those who would hold on till the end. The ultimate for every Christian is to be a part of this final joy.(Rev 7:17).

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As christian joy is made available to every believer. You and i should always live our christian lives with the full consciousness that our arch enemy is always at the corner waiting to steal our joy . He is that power that propels stormy gale and the attendant frustration that blows against our joy.

We are happy and Thank God that he wish and desire for us ,is for his joy to remain everlasting and permanent with us

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Hi there

<p dir="auto">We found your post valuable to the steemchurch community <p dir="auto">Thanks for sharing on joy <p dir="auto">Resteemed <p dir="auto"><code>STEEMCHURCH

I think this is very important as an issue and I feel the personal significance of it. It has changed what Christian life looks like to me. It means sanctification has a rationale to it that it didn’t before to me. So we need to pursue our happiness in Jesus, and I want to use that word pursue. This is something we can’t simply sit back on. Paul in Philippians 3:14 uses strong, striving language. I press on towards the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. It is an active thing. He wants to press in to know them.

A well said here "As christian joy is made available to every believer. You and i should always live our christian lives with the full consciousness that our arch enemy is always at the corner waiting to steal our joy . He is that power that propels stormy gale and the attendant frustration that blows against our joy" thanos for making my day a brighter one.

Joy is meant to be a hallmark of the Christian life. It is a fruit of the Holy Spirit and a gift of God. We best receive this gift when we focus on the truth of who God is, commune with Him through prayer, and rely on the community of believers He has provided.

Joy is indeed very important to believers.. Thanks for this message @preciousigwe

Living a fruitful life gives you joy in all ramifications

<p dir="auto">Thank for sharing <p dir="auto"><code>OS <p dir="auto"><code>STEEMCHURCH

This is a wonderful message. Joy can be defined as the natural heart feeling of a true believer to Gods mercies,blessing and benefits. It is a Gift of God through our lord Jesus Christ,and is one of the principal consequencies of true salvation. Joy is almost inseparable from gladness and heart felt or inner most feeling. John 7:3 says that he that believes in him ,as the scripture has said,out of his belly shall flow of living water,the flow rivers of living water is talking about joy flowing in our heart. All other joy not sourced from God is fake, temporary and unreliable. Many things present themselves as source of joy but in fact and sadly too,they are sources of woes and torment. These include wealth, educational attainment, position in life, connection, etc. Lots of these fake religions and occultic groups promise joy ,but instead all they deliver to their believers are sorrows and disappointment. Through the clever device of Satan, many times have pursued fake joy all of their life. Some discover at the twilight of their lives,that the ladder of their lives have been placed on a wrong wall,all along. All the joy we experience on earth are for a season. However,there is another joy beyond the river, across the bridge where sorrow can never inter-lase. This joy is reserved only for those who would hold on till the end. The ultimate for every Christian is to be a part of this final joy. This is so helpful

Joy is indeed very important to believers.. Thanks for this message @preciousigwe

Righteousness, Peace and Joy in the Holy Spirit. Joy means to spin around. Joy proceeds from God and is one of the fruits of the Spirit. Happiness comes from the outiside. If life is going good, we can be happy. When things are going completely wrong we may not be happy, but we can be joyful because that comes from within.
God Himself experiences Joy.
Zep 3:17 The LORD thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing.
God is joyful when we believe and obey Him. When we believe on Jesus.
Great post
Daddy William

great to hear from you @preciousigwe a debt of gratitude is in order for sharing

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