in #steemchurch6 years ago


Parents have a lot to play when it comes to upbringing of a child. A child can not learn everything in school only at home he will learn more and shine higher.

Parents are to avoid anger, harshness, bad language, malice and vindictiveness when correcting their children.

We can actually get this study texts in the book of :

Deuteronomy 6:7
Proverbs 22:6
Ephesians 6:4

Parents responsibility at home are to teach their children, provide for them, train them, control them instruct and correct them. In carrying out these things, the Bible warns us not to do this things in anger or wrath or in a provoking manner.

For example when a child go against laid down rules and regulations at home, church, school, they should be disciplined. In Nigeria parents tend to hit their children as a form of corrections, most times is good that depends on the way you hit the child. This implies training, which involves rules and regulations enforced by rewards and punishment.

When standards are set, follow them up and then hold your children accountable to them. If they meet the standards, we reward them, but if they violate, we punish them. By so doing we will b helping them see the consequences of their actions.

To discipline a child we need not use abusive language or corporal punishment that will lead to injury. It should not also be a denial of legitimate rights like clothing, food, education or denial of good things in the family.

We are to nurture children in the ways and fear of God. The Bible said

but if any provide not for his own, and especially for those of his own house, he has denied the faith and is worse than an infidel. 1Timothy 5:8

Lets pray
Dear lord we pray that our life will be for your glory, give us the zeal to serve you, give us the knowledge to train up our child we children give us knowledge to act on things that are right, i pray for steemit and the blockchain higher we shall grow, nothing can stop steemchurch we are all way up, thanks dear lord, you are indeed our provider, our Savior, our Lord, thank you lord for in Jesus name we pray amen. God bless you

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