Earn $1439 Per Day On Steemit Without Even Trying!

in #steem9 years ago (edited)

How to Get Rich Quick without lifting more than 1 finger.

Tired of Working All Day?

Who isn't?! We all want the easy cheese and now you can have it too! You may be saying, "but Tuck, I don't write gooder like the top 10 guyz". So what! Our system is proven to work 99.95% of the time and you don't have to leave the comfort of your favorite computer chair ... or hell, your sofa or toilet if you have a laptop or mobile phone!

I Want Dat SWAG Doe

And you shall have it my friend! Our system will give you dat swag with very little effort on your part ...

But you must hurry! Time is limited and you must act now!

Have you ever thought to yourself, "Man if only I could catch a break and get rich like Jay Z, but I don't have any talent ... le sigh". You're not alone! 99% of the population will never be like Jay Z and will never have sex with Beyonce outside of their thoughts.

You're Only a Click Away

But don't fret, there is a system designed to help you earn your financial independence and give your boss the finger, while using only the finger right next to the middle one you just gave your boss! And we are going to outline that system for you today so that you too can start your new life!

But How Can I Get Rich?

We're getting to that, but first we want to force you to read a bunch of meaningless text to get you all fired up, because our system is so f@cking easy you wouldn't be as hyped without it! Are you hyped yet?

Of course not! So here's some more hype for you!!!

Have you ever dreamt of making over $500,000 per year? Of course you have, that's why we added that line into this pitch! Well here's your chance. All you have to do is follow our simple guide below to begin earning over $500,000 per year without doing anything more than clicking your mouse!

No F'n Way!

Yes F'n Way! If you don't earn at least $1439 per day, every day, we guarantee to give you a 100% refund!!! You can't beat this deal, so be sure to act now before others discover this breakthrough method of securing financial freedom and ruining it all for everyone!

Where Do I Sign?!

The best part is, you don't have to! All you need to do is read our simple guide below and you'll be making more than top strippers do in a single night; and the best part is ... you don't have to give a fat horny guy a lapdance to earn that dough!

Tell Me How!!!

OK, OK ... here's how to do it.

  • Stay up for 24 hours straight, 365 days straight.
  • Make a comment on a post, any post.
  • Use your favorite index finger to click your mouse button and downvote yourself every minute of the day.
  • Repeat the above steps until you've achieved your desired earnings goal.

That's it! It's that simple! You will earn nearly $1 every single time you do this[1] and as long as you don't sleep for the next year (or create a bot to do it for you), you will earn over $500,000 per year!

[1] That is until the Dev's fix the glitch that we've been reporting for nearly a month. I bet this makes them fix it, because asking them to repeatedly with normal post isn't working. There is also the possibility that this is simply a reporting error on Steemit.com and you're not actually earning anything with your downvote. ;)


nice post, thanks for this

Hey, where's my obligatory non-explaining-anything video, that text is too long!

I expected this to be an intro for a new Tim Ferris book

Where do I send the CV for downvoting job :D ?


It appears they may have fixed it soon after this post was made. Let's give it a try with full voting power today and see!

Nope. :) The job is still open.

This could ruin my entire day's schedule now. How do I stop downvoting myself when I'm earning $59 an hour? =b

awww damn. now we need to figure out what makes it stop. Perhaps it's a timeframe issue. If it's done within 60-65 seconds. Who knows, but happy testing! :)

Lets try it...

I'm pretty sure this has been fixed by now. It was a simple GUI glitch anyway. ;)


There is also the possibility that this is simply a reporting error on Steemit.com and you're not actually earning anything with your downvote. ;)

Me getting started now!

Aww damn. My voting power is gone so you just get a cheap ass $0.00 downvote. :/

Update: Oh no that's not it, you have a bot on you that is defeating your earning potential! lol

Plus my voting power is gone. :/ Not sure what makes it work at times and others it doesn't. Perhaps Dev has fixed it already?

I don't know, but I voted for something earlier and the payout number went DOWN.

Ya we've seen it happen where something that's downvoted first earns .90+ cents and then an upvote reduces it down to .03 cents. Strange.

downvoted to see what happens, it's already at 0 so, is the glitch happening only when you downvote your own post?

downvoted to see what happens, it's already at 0 so, is the glitch happening only when you downvote your own post?

Not sure what triggers it or what makes it stop. Beginning with full or near full voting power seems to help. I was able to go two deep today, then it stopped. I did notice my voting power was drained rather quickly afterwards, so perhaps it's a matter of once you reach a certain voting power percentage it no longer works. More testing is required. ;)