Actually this advice is more crucial for the smaller accounts. Big account owners most of the time know how to secure their accounts. That’s why they are still rich :) With the advent of bidbodts smaller accounts now enjoy possibility of having bigger upvotes. Since they need liquid steem on daily basis they can neither use savings facility nor Powerup their accounts. Even yesterday there was a steem user asking for help on SMT Telegram channel regarding his compromised account. This one and abundce of other cases tell us that it wouldn’t be logical to feel safe because you are not rich. Keep in mind that scammers also know that you think this way and you don’t pay attention to security. Big scammers might not be chasing you but there are lots of “plankton scammers” who would pursue even 0.01 steem on your account.
It’s a smart advice and i’ll take it. Better than being sorry :)
Just rich people things.
There are much much smaller accounts that can still use the advice.
Actually this advice is more crucial for the smaller accounts. Big account owners most of the time know how to secure their accounts. That’s why they are still rich :) With the advent of bidbodts smaller accounts now enjoy possibility of having bigger upvotes. Since they need liquid steem on daily basis they can neither use savings facility nor Powerup their accounts. Even yesterday there was a steem user asking for help on SMT Telegram channel regarding his compromised account. This one and abundce of other cases tell us that it wouldn’t be logical to feel safe because you are not rich. Keep in mind that scammers also know that you think this way and you don’t pay attention to security. Big scammers might not be chasing you but there are lots of “plankton scammers” who would pursue even 0.01 steem on your account.
It’s a smart advice and i’ll take it. Better than being sorry :)