STEEM Gold Mining: Why Everyone Should Be Dedicating Time And Effort On Steemit!!!!

in #steem7 years ago

There is gold in them hills.....

STEEM is changing the lives of millions of people. Sadly, many people do not see what is right before their eyes.

Steemit is exploding...

According to this post by @aggroed, the number of active daily users is growing at an exponential rate.

Here is the post:

As you can see from the graph, the number of daily active users flew passed 50K and is closing in on 60K. This is double where we were a month ago. This is rather impressive growth.

What is fueling this growth is probably a variety of factors. However, one thing that cannot be denied is that the recent run up in the price of STEEM and SBD means that people are getting much higher payouts than they did before. This is a fact I am sure many are relaying to their friends and family.

Exactly what type of money are we looking at?

I took a look at one of the members of my 1KSP program to see where he stands.

This is an individual who joined this site in December so he is here basically a month. In that time, he is seeing his rewards increasing substantially. Naturally, being part of the program means he is getting a couple 100% upvotes from me per day, but @jakeybrown has done a good job interacting with others especially via commenting.

Looking up his account on, we see he is earning $1,200 over the next 7 days. This is an incredible amount of money for being on here about a month. Over the course of a year, this adds up to $60K a year.

Here is another frequent reader of my posts who is also enjoying the benefits of upvotes from someone else. @spiritualmax is also became an active user his first month here. Looking at his page, we see he is also going to top $1,100 this week in payouts as the price of STEEM and SBD stand.

I do not know the financial position of either these two individuals but I can tell you that I believe that $1,000+ a week will make a radical difference in their lives. Of course, we need to keep in mind that these two are both powering up which means they will benefit from the appreciation in price of STEEM. This is a sensational wealth building strategy.

It is my feeling that many on here do not see the opportunity before them. At this time, we are seeing the ability to add a drastic amount to each person's account. Down the road, we will see a lot more users vying for the rewards pool. I believe this will be offset by the value of STEEM since it only makes sense that an escalation is in order as the user base increases. However, for the time being, there is an opportunity to not only make Steemit great, but to add to one's account.

Steemit only requires time and effort. One is not obligated to put money into it to participate. There are a number of ways to earn money on here: posting, commenting, and upvoting. This is what both of these individuals have done since I came across them.

So why aren't you putting full effort into this platform? Dedication to your future and that of your family is something we all should have at the top of the list. This is one of those opportunities that can be life changing for everyone who is involved. The question is if one is willing to put forth the effort or not?

I know it can be frustrating, especially when first starting out. Since most of us do not come here with a following, we tend not to get a lot of upvotes on our articles. That is why I suggest posting a lot of comments. There are many dolphins and whales who do upvote many of the comments in their articles. At the same time, there are a number of whales who do not do a lot of posting but upvote articles and comments. This is something to take advantage of when new. Make quality comments and you will get some SP from it.

I can tell you persistence does pay off. Over time, a following does develop if you keep posting content people appreciate. It is easy to fall prey to the belief that the system is rigged and you will never get to partake. That kind of thinking leads people away.

If you take a look at the accounts of the two people I mentioned, the reason they are getting the support is because they caught the attention of myself and another. It was through their efforts of commenting and being involved that they are now profiting in a much greater way. Each of them is on the road to 1,000 SP which will be life changing money by the end of the year.

Therefore, I would urge everyone to dedicate themselves to this venture as it was his/her business. It is highly possible this "gold rush" gets even bigger as the price of STEEM keeps escalating. At present, according to, there will be $4.5M distributed in the next week to the 40K-50K people who were posting in the last week.

With the combined efforts of everyone on here, we can make that number grow even bigger. The steem blockchain is still in its infancy. We are going to see much greater things.

The time to start staking your claim is now. Doubling your efforts on here will likely result in a ten fold increase in your account over the next few months.

And that is something I think we all would be happy with.

If you found this article informative, please give it an upvote and a re-steem.

To be receive the free basic income tokens you are entitled to and help end world wide poverty, please click the following:

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Woah, I can’t even imagine doing that well in my first month. It took a long time for my work to pay off, but it finally did.

I took a few weeks of enjoying the high sbd to enjoy creating a crypto portfolio since I had no fiat to invest back when bitcoin was at $100 and I started eyeing it, if felt good to finally get into the game.

I’d like to get back to powering up though. I had been waiting for another sbd explosion in relation to Steem but I’m starting to think it may never come, Steem is not going to drop low again any time soon. In fact, this may be the last chance to buy Steem with sbd at a rate better than 1 to 1...

I have to agree on what you said it is a gold rush with the rise of Steem and SBD that I held the last three months and the price of both skyrocketing last December I did a test pay out and converted about 15 SBD and got about 150 USD which amounts to about 7700 Philippine peso. A little gift to myself for the holidays as well as proof that earning in Steemit is not a scam.

Unfortunately here in the Philippines, Facebook is king. We have one of the heaviest concentration of active users who average at least 8 hours of use a day. Whenever I talk to people about the merits of Steemit all I get are answers that it's a scam that how would we monetize our content because we are ordinary people. They could not believe it and they go on spending their time looking at their phone tapping away and commenting their while Mark grows even richer with selling their viewing and selling habits.

Then I posted proof of my payout and the unbelievers started asking how?? Nothing motivates people like seeing proof.

75% of what I get I hold here and it revolves around contests, bots and powering up. I am just obsessed with stackin power! I want to reach 1000 SP but right now I bought delegation from @blocktrades to power me up albeit artificially.

25% I use to cash out some to buy steem in exchanges, some other alts and ICOs. Some times again I reward my self.

In a month I have cash out just 50 sbd and that is about 400 usd which is about 20 grand in pesos. The average minimum wage of a person here is about 200 usd a month. I got 20 usd from one post, one day that I made a quality content post. That is how hard things are in a third world country like the Philippines is. So showing that it can be done we got so many people who started in Steemit last December.

From 10 people we are now at 100+ in @steemitfamilyph. That was one of the reasons I bought delegation to be able to help teh New ones.

We gave them the expectations that Steemit is not easy. It's going to take time, good quality posts and building relationships. So they can't expect making 100's right away. But nothing demotivated people more than seeing zeroes so with my delegated power I am able to get them to at least a dollar amount. 7 dollars or 350 pesos for doing something that they would normally waste watching a video in Facebook or comment on the latest drama they have with friends and family seems that getting that 7 dollars is better.

The two examples you gave getting a grand a month made me hungry to get that! I'll continue getting people, building relationships and writing good content.

It is a gold rush and I am in and will be a Steemit millionaire in the Philippines in account of my creativity, marketing and relationship building. It is mine.

Thank you for this post @maverickinvictus.

This is wonderful and if you keep posting like this, you will soon be at the 1,000 in a week mentioned in this article. It is possible.

Congrats on getting some involved. I work with a guy who is from the Phillipines and got him involved in Manna because that is exactly the area we want to help. If you havent done so already, please follow the link at the end of this article and sign up. I would suggest you then use your referral link to sign up all of those people you got involved in STEEM here. Manna will give them crypto currency for that is designed to help eliminate poverty around the world.

This story that you told is what gets me excited. To know that your life was changed and that one vote from me can make such a different in your life. It is wonderful to see.

Thank you so much for the comment.

Omg I am floored!! Thank you so much and indeed that vote will go to my road to 60 fund where in I'll have increased visibility, voting and curating powers!

I have also registered. I am an addict on New coins, air drops and bounties. I will spread it!

I wish I hadn't missed the opportunity to join the 1KSP program, I presume it is closed now :)
As a side note, I just watched an episode of gold rush the other day and was thinking of how much work some people have to put in to get ahead in life. We are fortunate that all we have to do is harness our creativity.
I hope you have a great week man!

I love the fact that steemit has brought the cryptocurrency world down to a "common man" level. You don't need to put in money, you don't need to know how to mine. Now, because of steemit, you can actually "mine" crypto just by posting, commenting and curating. It pulled me not only into the world of crypto, but also online like never before. I've even called steemit the "spider" that finally got me caught in the worldwide web!

Nice job @taskmaster4450! Keep it up!

Thank you @papa-pepper.

Steemit is a wonderful on ramp for most people into the crypto world. While I had some coins before joining here, my knowledge has really taken off since I joined here. There is so much information from people who really know what they are talking about when it comes to crypto. Each of us is better served by the wealth of knowledge shared on here.

I will keep it up...this has turned into a passion for me....there is a new path being laid and it is up to all of us to carry the torch forward to all the rest.

Its a tough slog but will be worth it in the end. Ive been here since august and have managed to grow slowly.
It does take time and effort but to be honest i enjoy it way more than any other social media or online site that i have used.
The interaction and effort put in by the users is fantastic, so its great to see the rewards that are coming at the moment. When there are 1 million users on the site its going to be a lot more scarce so its worth trying to build now.
Unfortunatly while ive tried to talk many of my friends into joining and trying their hand at the experience only a couple have joined and have yet to really get involved.
I will keep at them though and they will eventually be hooked like i am.

You're exactly right on all accounts.

I've seen posts on Steemit, from obviously very new users, saying that "Steemit is a scam," or that only the whales make all the money. That's (obviously) not true. I rarely post, not because I don't want to, or I'm too lazy, but because I just don't seem to come up with good ideas for quality posts.

However, I've done (I believe) fairly well by just curating, and leaving honest, thoughtful, comments. You really should do a little better than, "Good post." lol

I haven't done as well as the two examples you gave, but I remember that I started with absolutely nothing! If people keep in mind that every reward that they earn now, will almost certainly be multiplied many times over in the future, it may keep them interested.

I look at it like we're building something great here, and getting paid (potentially) a large sum of money to do it.

Thanks for your post.

Regardless of what you make on here, I feel it is more than you would get off Wordpress, blogger, reddit or youtube.

Those sites are not known for sharing the wealth with the average Joes and Janes.

If people can take a long term view, they will quickly see there is incredible potential.

Yup, I recently cashed out some SBD's and I earned more from Steemit in the last two weeks than my monthly salary. But again, let's say Steem price comes down to 1 or 0.5, we still should be writing with dedication and consistency.

If STEEM goes down to $1 or $.50, I will be buying a ton of STEEM...I can assure that...and so will so many people on here.

Exactly, will do the same, even if I have to spend fiat currency, i will do that! This platform is the only light see in the darkness of my life!

Your article is very motivational and some of your response comments are exceptional.

I would like to add my own experience, even though up until now it has not been explosive, it has begun to move more quickly. I've been here almost 8 months, actively participating on a daily basis. I made some errors by posting my introduction too early and not learning how to make an effective introduction, not formatting my content well until I finally learned how, etc. Despite all that, I'm still doing (in my mind) quite well for someone who hasn't been here from the very early stages of Steem.

I run a weekly contest intended to support those with smaller accounts and it struggled to get noticed, but in the last 2 weeks there has been quite an increase in the number of participants. I suppose that could be because my VP is now giving out decent rewards and I up-vote all valid entries so that everyone that participates gets at least an up-vote. With the value of the SBD up so high, even my relatively small prize pool is also worth more now.

I also run a daily zombie adventure game. Although the game takes a lot of my time to manage it, I think it ads value to the platform in that people can earn rewards simply from having fun playing an on-line game! Due to all the time I spend managing the game, I have not been able to create many other articles, but I'm still growing my account faster now than I have ever done in the past.

It seemed like forever to gather my first 100 Steem, but once I reached that goal, I attained my 2nd goal of 500 Steem very quickly. My next goal is to have 1,000 Steem and I'm confident that will happen soon enough. I think it is like starting a snowball; at first it takes a lot of effort to get the ball started, but once it reaches a certain size, it picks up more and more and gets bigger faster, simply by keeping it moving. If it rolls down a hill, it could grow huge all by itself! That "hill" would be the price of Steem going up!

All great is not a get rich quick scheme but rather a process where each action builds upon the next. Do something today and you will build upon it tomorrow. Each SP that enters the account is multiplied in additional VP which will net you more SP. Over time, with effort it can grow.


People are starting to realize the greatness and numerous benefits of Steem. The revolution is coming and Steem's price and user base is not slowing down anytime soon. It is a shame people still hold the belief that Steem is a get rich scheme and don't put any effort into it but expect tons of money. However, those people are quickly becoming the minority and Steem will play a big part in the revolution and taking down banksters. Keep up the awesome content. I have been slacking but I will get back to writing very soon.

You bring up valid points @notoriousrebel.

There are so many who believe Steemit is either a get rich scheme or a scam. It is neither. What is required is dedication and effort. Some might end up making a ton more than others but all can profit. There is no reason why everyone who comes to steemit cant have their lives altered.

This is a place will be the centerpiece to so many will be incredible.

Thank you for yet another shout out and your continued support @taskmaster4450. I've done my best to balance a full time job, 11 month old, house upkeep, and still spend quality time with family and friends while getting my start here.

The best advice I can give for someone just starting is comment, and don't just comment to comment. Comment when you either a) have something add to the post, b) something to ask, or c) something funny. Just the other day I had a $66 payout on a comment because I took the time to write out 3 paragraphs and hit on the topic. It's not a frequent thing to get upvoted by whales, but it does happen.

One other obvious thing is introduce yourself, you can wait til you have a few followers but it always helps to have a post up for people who become interested in you from the comments you post.

Don't say follow for follow, don't only say nice post, don't comment in something uncomprehensible. Find people who post articles you like and follow them. After you gain a small following you can start posting with moderate success. Post consistently and you will gain followers consistently. Find out what you can add, write what you know or post your projects. Follow people who set a good example of success. I'm about to toss @spiritualmax a follow because it looks like he has some quality stuff and he knows the power of gifs (copied ya).

Don't expect success right away, just add value consistently and it will come.

Wow, this is inspirational. I can imagine how much that much money would mean to me and my family. I have decided to do just as you suggest and treat this as a business. I will put time into what I put forward. I will step up my game and try to be more creative. I will listen to those who give me suggestions to make a better 'product'. I do not do this just for the sake of making money may I say.
The things I decide to put time into such as music, making entertaining videos from gameplay footage(Machinima?), blogging or interacting with the community in all matters, are things I truly enjoy doing.
I have been trying to find a way to make income from my computer since my first one 17 years ago. I feel like this is the realest opportunity to do so I have seen. I have tried all of it, online surveys to YouTube. I approach this as a true life changing opportunity that I will not let pass me by.
I have been trying to understand a much as possible the in and outs and expectations of this new world. I appreciate any tips or suggestions. Thank you for the article. RESPECT

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I am without words that one of the bloggers I most admire in this platform mentioned me... really @taskmaster4450 . As a Professor I have brought some students to Steemit already, and I always recommend following you... that's how highly I think of you.

On the other hand @underground is one of my closest friends and he deserves a mention. If any of you readers wonders about who my "Steemit Godfather" is, @underground is the man.

Finally, I can attest to what Task is saying, I only work and Steem lately. I have a brand new VR headset that I'm dying to try, but I still didn't get time to really play with it because Steem demands all my free time.

The way for newbies to begin getting traction is by commenting a lot. My average on my first two weeks was 70 comments per day. Now I'm 28 days old and my average is still 30 comments per day, so there's a lot of value there.

So, thank you both of you and I'll keep seeing you around... Hopefully I'll be in a position to offer you guys good Christmas gifts this 2018 :D

Seventy comments per day? Wow I need to get to work.. How do you find relative things to say consistently, without sounding like a drone? I imagine being a professor helps, ha, but I'm an author and I ought be able to!
I find myself just scrolling through Steemit a lot of time, looking for content to comment on, but I rarely do actually comment, just simply scroll through wastefully; I don't want to risk looking a fool.

I really liked this post @taskmaster4450 because you certainly embodied the message of "Get to work, nows the time!" How interesting that you chose that name haha. So, I'm going to continue to do the @freewrite contests and other contests too, uploading pictures and videos, but 70 comments, as you say, is really the way to go..... That's fine :D No stress no best

It isn't easy. But see the posts, stop and think. It gets real boring really quick, but if you have to grind you have to grind.

Yes... I like how you used the word grind.
Thanks. Following all of you now x D

Thank you for the follow. And yep, it gets grindy some time... but it is totally worth it.

Yep Steemit is changing the lives of so many people. It is so easy to make some easy money on this website, it seems almost too good to be true. I love cryptocurrencies and writing, and this website allows me to do both while making quite a good amount of money. I believe Steemit will become one of the top social media platforms out there, and it will definitively take over Reddit and maybe facebook in the future.

Really enjoyed reading this post :D.

Would be greatly appreciated if you could provide any kind of feedback on my blogs, whenever you get a chance. I just posted my first real blog about crypto. It's crypto bloggers like you that made me realize I love talking about cryptocurrency so much more than life-related things. So, I decided to change up my blog posts a bit. Would really love to hear what you have to say about my posts. Thanks!



Thanks for sharing this @taskmaster4450

It is good to know that #steemit is the positive change we have been waiting for and to make things work here it requires some time,committment and energy. though it might not be easy to combine steeming with other time consuming job but steemit deserved to be given its time because it has changes many lives and is still changing lives. Steemit all the way.

Regards @funkylove

I sure did find this post helpful. Steemit has indeed changed my life. I never expected to make money as easy as it is here on steemit. Not only has it made me potentially richer, it has added value to my intellect and the way I think. My writing skills have improved and I always get to learn more about topics I felt I knew before making a post on it.

You’ve got to take some of these projection numbers with a grain of salt. According to I stand to make a bit over $300 over the next 7 days, but estimates it at just over $500. Both drawing their data from the same blockchain.

Meh. Either way, it’s a lot more than I’d be making on Reddit or FB.

And I’m just a sporadic poster who’s not all that prolific by nature. Making ballpark $400 a week, while the site is still in beta.

The expansion of the scope of Steemit, is interesting to watch, I just found one of my posts on another website. Along with Steemit comes its natural extensions, such as DTUBE and I thing Steembay (?). The point is that Steemit is creating an entire ecosystem. Its somewhat akin to colonizing a new land. The first to arrive get the choicest pick of the land.

Great post. A lot of good information and motivation here. I'm just getting started and I see the potential of Steemit. It's hard not getting discouraged with the low early payouts and seeing how much others have benefited from getting here early (did I miss the boat), but I'm excited to be a part of this community and putting in the time and effort.

Thanks again and good luck to us all here!

The party is just getting started....we are very early in the game.

Do not forget that the amount shown is not in dollars but STU which means that it is much higher in dollar value at this time.

Thanks for the encouragement! Any other tips? Things you've found to be helpful?

Keep positive and focus upon posting commenting and upvoting.

Ignore price action...that will go up and down.

Stay consistent being on here has much as you can....consistency is the lets people get to know you.

I agree completely with your article. Keep up the good work, if we keep people stimulated the platform will keep growing. I am trying to comment as much as posible and upvote the posts i like. Since i have started doing this my value has gone up aswell, wich of course is nice to see.

I want to share with you one story. It is very relevant to the topic of your article. By the way, I could not resist and made Resteem. Today a friend called me, with whom we did not communicate for almost a year. Word for word and I told him about steemit and how much I earned here. I did not see his face, but by voice I'm sure that today he will register for Steemit. Good luck to you and good.

Хочу поделиться с Вами одной историей. Она очень подходит к теме Вашей статьи. Кстати, я не удержался и сделал Resteem. Сегодня ко мне позвонил друг, с которым мы не общались почти год. Слово за слово и я рассказал ему о steemit и том сколько я здесь заработал. Я не видел его лица, но по голосу я уверен, что уже сегодня он зарегистрируется на Steemit. Удачи Вам и добра.

Thanks for sharing this @taskmaster4450

It is good to know that #steemit is the positive change we have been waiting for and to make things work here it requires some time,committment and energy. though it might not be easy to combine steeming with other time consuming job but steemit deserved to be given its time because it has changes many lives and is still changing lives. Steemit all the way.

Regards @funkylove

I’m very impressed at how the two newbies you mentioned are doing so well! I looked at their accounts (because following by example is a great way to learn) and they are so active! My coworker friend told me about Steemit and my first reaction was, “I don’t have time to blog!” Life with work and kids will do that. Then I stumbled on an article about Steemit and really liked the concept. What won me over was the fact that everyone in this world could share in the success. Someone posted about his vote now being $5 when people made that in a day in his country, and I thought wow, this is worth learning about. We can all help each other on here! It was hard to find time to engage so I bought some Steem and figured I’ld just hold onto it.

Little did I know that I would later invest in SP and am now committed. What I enjoy most is the supportive people I’ve met so far on here. It’s so much more than a platform to share creativity. There are some genuine, good-hearted people on Steemit.

I don’t think I will ever reach the level of the two aforementioned Steemians, but I plan to engage and “steemit” the few stolen moments I get to come on. There are an abundance of creativity and talent on here!

Really great post @taskmaster4450! Many newbies get disheartened just starting out but I’m a firm believer that we can all succeed if we put in our respective share and effort.

What an achievement, steemit make a new record in rapidly, where all other will be back down, it's time for teemit @taskmaster4450

Thanks for encouraging us, Minnows! I will do the best of my ability to engage, engage and engage and comment and finally post my content.

You always have something to say amazing.
Thanks for sharing it
upvoted and resteemed

I'm strange to seeing this graph, what to do in near future by steemit, so grateful

I can tell you persistence does pay off.

Oh yeah! ;)

Wow those 2 members that started in December are killin it. And I thought I was off to a decent start... Slowly but surely.

Well observed @taskmaster4450 and the compliments to @spiritualmax are well deserved. I was fortunate to have been his teacher a few years ago and he is now my colleague on his own merit (in fact now he teaches me :-P). I've been calling him Wizkid...

You are always accurate with your posts. I've been here around a month, or less, but I haven't caught the attention of no one who can really "support" me like you do with these accounts you mention, but I won't stop till I grow more and more!. I believe in Steemit, even though I don't think anybody in my family or my circle of friends truly understands in what I am getting into, but I won't stop ;)

I have been preaching about the merits of Steemit for almost a year now. It was tough at first, but once I showed some friends how to use it, they have gone in deep! With the available of SP delegations, increased SBD and Steem prices, they so get it now! The advent of SP delegations has helped too.

Great post. It hit home with me!

It is only going to get more valuable as the price of STEEM climbs due to the activity on here.

I agree completely! 2018 will be a big year.

It is so wild we went from about $1 to $1 USD to now $1 = $10 USD the payouts right now are simply massive. I've been finding it hard to buy more steem though at these prices lol instead I rather earn it at the moment.

I am with you at this point @bitcoinflood.

It is hard for me to pull out a couple grand and get only 300+ SP....I still believe there is at least a 10 X there but after buying between $.85 and $1.30 for the most part (I did have one order at $2), it is tough.

Steemit is such a platform, the more time you give it, the more profit you get. One important thing you have said here is that there are many ways to earn money: posting, commenting and upgrading, I will try to follow it completely now. Thank you, nice to share an article.

Italian community is very small just now, but there are a group of italian people working to make it grow as fast as possible.
Thanks for this post, i will resteem it.I agree with you @taskmaster4450. I wrote several post in italian language to teach italian people to approach Steemit in the right way.

That is awesome....Italy is a country that could really be assisted by Steemit...the people there are wonderful yet suffering since the North tends to want to separate itself from the South in the EU.

Keep up the good work.

I spent hours now developing my steemit account since I don't have large amount of money to invest in steem power. I see potenital in steemit and I am spending a great amount of time developing my account. I wake up to steemit and visit steemit before bed daily.

I think a slogan for the steemit platform should be 'the more you give(quality content), the more you receive.' Steemit is a really great platform and we all hope this 'lifechanger' would last forever. Being realistic now...@taskmaster4450 how long do you think this is going to last?

Most excellent and highly motivational. I've been one of those folks who hasn't put in the work simply because it seems as you say, I came here knowing only a couple of folks and wasn't growing. I'm going to make a solid effort to do the needed work to lift myself and Steem.

That’s why i always have time to see your blogs. You always have something to say amazing! I think you are one of the successful individuals here on steemit. I wonder how they able to earn that big amount tho huhu 😭

It’s been 21 days since I started posting here and I hope I can keep up. You can see my estimated value is still 300+

I joined last week. It has been so much fun getting to know the platform. There are so many good articles on here. Looking forward to what the future has in store.

Let's scream steemit until the whole world speak it.

1k per week and I am ready to steem from a beach bora bora. ;)

I am among the lowest earners but I am learning from you guys. I have yet to get known into my niche. So I am experimenting a bit. But being active. Hoping to have some impact on myself and my work here. In between learning a lot from you. Cheers to steem future :)

It helps to power up...this makes your vote more valuable.

Amen and Halleluja! :)) I´m falling in love with Steem everyday more and more! <3

Steem will go big this year! :)

Really nice post. thank you for >>> @taskmaster4450

Saya jadi ingin makin giat sama kalian

Good post.
Thanks a lot for sharing it.
Upvoted and resteemed

Good motivating post, thanks for being cheerful :)

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