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RE: Warning to vote buyer/sellers! - Introducing GrumpyCompliance, mandatory in 14 days. (No more post-promotion allowed past 3.5 days)

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

He's right, you should hold yourself to a higher standard, but it's very obvious the boys club doesn't want any competition. You're being singled out because you're a witness here, not because of your account size or influence. Just so we are're a target because you backed BS and his unwarranted claims of bot votes, that's what got allllllll this started.....and he lied about the payout, or didn't care to get it right before posting and making 10k off the post. And you supported it, and then went on to mock those who were attacked by another witness with no evidence for his claims. THAT is why you are targeted. Don't feel sorry for yourself or your account size, that has nothing to do with it. It's like I said man, walk straight or stand by your garbage fire friend, but don't feel sorry for are the only reason you are being targeted. Get your little crew under control, and knock this shit off before everybody suffers more.Yeah you see displayed right in front of you...when you're really successful, people attack you and your business. I don't know but it could explain his business rating....not my concern. All the allegations against myself and haejin are false, and you stand by your boy..... and then this:

Disagree with payouts....fine. Lie about how the payouts come and profit off of those lies.....not ok.

And let's be real, Haejin was doing this for pennies for months before he garnered this's not ONE person voting him. It's hundreds to thousands.....don't like it, flag it, but don't do what yall did and continue to support those actions.

OHH JESUS, I just reread that, and saw you think they are bots also.....?? Good god yall are dense. We run ads and have websites, and use multiple's good planning, get over it. And I don't want to hear one damn thing about bots when you stand by the bot master who OBVIOUSLY wants to hurt people trying to do their best.


There were no lies, the site had a bug, later the site reported he was taking 1,200% of the reward pool. The developer has since fixed it, but the end result is no different, once you factor in SBD -> STEEM price, the % is actualy higher. I've already shown the math a few times.

I am not @berniesanders and I have no control what he does, but I totally agree one author getting $25K USD/day is a problem and completely support that. Feel free to twist it anyway that works for your cult.

" I totally agree one author getting $25K USD/day is a problem"

This is totally arbitrary. Why? What is acceptable?

Show your work.

THANK YOU! Holy Shit, why is that so hard to understand? guys have lost your minds. If he was wrong unintentionally, don't you think you should suggest he retracts that post in public and returns the 10,000 dollars he made off of those miscalculations that by the way also caused a wave that's still washing over us.

The number was wrong in the context but it is still accurate due to the conversion of SBD.

It is a cult, all the users follow him blindly and attack on command. They have zero investment or participation in Steem. All they do is act as an echo chamber or harass anyone who isn’t in the group.

Brother....go look at his posts today....they have no other recourse. They can't even comment to PROVE they arent bots without bots attacking them.

That's all fine and well man. You obviously don't care about the actual truth, just what you THINK is the truth, and they aren't the same thing. No need to keep dragging this out. You know what's really happening, and you're supporting it. That's all.

I stopped looking at his posts ages ago because I don’t want to see one user with 10 $382 posts a day.

If you look at steemd and see one person vote 100 times in five minutes it is pretty obvious that a human can’t do that especially when there are tons of accounts doing it.

Again you mix up my point and my involvement. Since it helps your cause run with it though. By all means.

It doesn't help anything that a witness here makes assumptions and doesn't collect evidence and make sure he's right before making accusations. I'll tell you one more time, we got here organically. Period. Believe it or don't. You ARE spreading lies about us by assuming we are using bots. Whether you know it's a lie or not, you are. So yes, we will defend ourselves from folks like yourself. And we will make DAMN SURE that you figure the truth out for yourself and stop the assumptions and lies, or make damn sure someone more deserving takes your place. Believe it or not, we've been minding our own business until these accusations started, and we would like to get back to that, and will as soon as our followers can comment freely in threads they are interested in. By the way, I'm sure it's a terrible thing for Twitter to have users that just follow people and don't interact....that's gotta be killing their business, not getting more people interested who never knew what STEEM was before following Haejin. You need to rethink this position you're standing so tall with. We have asked followers to NOT engage, and to NOT threaten anyone.....but like you said about Bernie....we can't control them, despite what you think about our cult.

You ARE spreading lies about us by assuming we are using bots.

Only takes 4-5 seconds to find it, his account is flooded with them. Not lies, everything I say I back up with facts, and proof. I never was much for talking to walls, so I'm done. Feel free to report back to your cult you were victorious.

AND AGAIN, nobody thinks you shouldn't flag for disagreements on payment. But you shouldn't make 10k off of an inaccurate article that enrages people who blindly follow the bot lies as well. That's robbery man, and you know it. Nothing is twisted here brother. We worked our asses off to get here, we are simply defending the truth. You know it too, that's the sad part.

The motto is "Do no harm". You and haejin and rancho have done that to a high extent to this platform. You guys aren't involved with the steemit community, so you didn't know that you had a voice and that it could be used. If haejin had used that voice, he would have realized that this isn't a community rallying around bernie. This is a community of individuals still in disagreement over the daily pay of analysis that benefits very few people in the grand scheme of things. Instead, you guys chose to act in the very same manner as bernie. He downvotes those who disagree, so do you guys. He continuously upvotes himself, so do you guys. He has minions, so do you guys.

You guys have just as much access to the blockchain information as anybody. You can see for yourselves. You have caused steemit great harm and continue to do so out of spite and encouraged even more blatant raping of the rewards pool. You guys threatened to leave. While I doubt that you were serious (why would you leave a platform you are leeching millions from?), I wish you would. Either that or simply cause no more harm (in compliance with your own stated motto), which includes harm caused by your daily rancho upvotes.

Also two more points.

AND AGAIN, nobody thinks you shouldn't flag for disagreements on payment.

Many of your minions do.

But you shouldn't make 10k off of an inaccurate article that enrages people who blindly follow the bot lies as well

Didn't see a 10k post. Are you talking about bernie?

I can't believe you think they are bots also......cheese and rice man, get a grip. I thought you would be smarter than that. Too much koolaid for you I guess.

I have proof there are bots just look at his votes on steemd and you will see 20-40+ votes coming from each person in short time. There are lots of accounts doing this. The bots are no big deal as they have no stern power and don’t rape the reward pool, the issue is the $300 * 10 votes from one person.

That is NOT proof man. My phone literally never stops making noise because followers ask me when haejin is going to post next, what does he think about this or that, and on and on.....they LITERALLY sit there and refresh the page until he posts. It's success, and it's being punished. Trust me, I've TRIED to make a bot, and didn't have time to fuck with that shit. We have on average 30k visitors to our website a week. Haejin certainly doesn't have time to make bots, and he doesn't even know how to anyway. He got that following through well placed ads, hard work, and doing something that I have NEVER seen ANYONE else on the web do....he takes personal requests for analysis. We got over 800 in the first four hours of the day the other day. There aint even time for the nonsense yall are making assumptions about. If the small voters arent a big deal, why do you guys keep referring to them as part of the debate? Nobody gave a shit what we were doing until he started making real money. Fair or not, you've got your recourse within the system with the flag. But this has gone WAYYYYY beyond that.