My talk about Steem and its Ecosystem, during meetup at Crypto@Cracow Poland, with over 200 attendees | [PL] Moja prelekcja o Steem i ekosystemie na Crypto@Cracow, ponad 200 uczestników

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

Was it worth to go there from Gdańsk?
If I had to choose again, I'd start packing myself right away :)

Even though conference was only one point on my checklist, it was enourmously kind to be there. The best thing of the trip was to meet the people (including some good old friends), to give them a five and finally talk about Steem on the afterparty.

Despite the fact, that the talk treated about the basics, I've learnt quite a bunch of new things. Appreciate the the spirit to talk for more than 3.5 hours while still having willingness for more.
The only thing for the future - allowing to ask questions only on the end of the talk would take lesser amount of time.

PS: I forgot to mention, that have the most Steemish computer on the world :D

Max upvote for this comment, because it was a real challenge for you to come to Cracow from Gdańsk. That was huge!


Actually, the coach travel time was ~11 hours rather than 5... But nightly travel is a blessing here - without sleep during the ride it would be impossible to make it... But hope I'll post about it tommorrow.

I'd have to agree with you

Stainless steem

Hey @noisy, thank you for very good presentation and possibility to meet so many Steemians in one place in person ;-)


Do you remember who took pictures during after party?

AFAIR it was @olo2552 ;-)

Miejsca brakło ludzie siedzieli nawet na parapetach!

We run out of seats some attendants was sitting at window sills.

O dziwo było pełno nawet po darmowej PIZZY ;)

Many stayed even after free PIZZA!

2018-01-29 13.24.38.jpg

2018-01-29 13.24.23.jpg

Widać mnie na tych zdjęciach :) Ale czad!

To gdzie jest upvote? Po co się starać jak i tak nie doceniasz :P

Been there, seen that.
Good work! :-)

great post on steemit promo.😊

Thanks for sharing. I'll follow the suggested accounts

Thanks for the stickers @noisy - I was there with @jestemkioskiem and @olo2552 :-)

I was also hanging around, mainly talking with great Steemian @piotr-galas :)

Respect for 3,5 hours talk! Detailed and professional ;)

there were breaks :P no one would be able to listen to me talking straight 3.5 hours :P

C'mon You talked to people even during breaks ;)

that was such a long talk though you really did great

Wow this is awesome, @noisy this is just excellent excellent. I'll have this kind of attendance some day

I took quite a lot of those stickers so the least I can do is to give you "pałkerson up" under this post

carrioner w pierwszym rzędzie i w czapce, ale po co, tam nie ma green screena ;)

fuckin thief
oh i forgot we're polish

Pałkersony dla zasięgów ;-)

Drove around 720 km just to get there (not gonna say where I'm from though :P), took a cup and some stickers, learned that I can create an account on my own and been inspired to make a video about it.
Spent at least 600 PLN and spend around 16h in trains and train stations but is was worth it.
Just don't take that video that I will make too serious.

And thanks for the stickers :P
reakcja na wosp.jpg

Pałkersony dla zasiegów! :-)

This is progress.

Szkoda że mnie tam nie było.. Zacząłem się interesować stroną steemit. Od niedawna. Aktualnie ją testuję. Więc szkoda że dopiero teraz dowiedziałem się o takiej akcji. Mam bardzo blisko do Krakowa.
Pozdrawiam wszystkich ludzi.
Zapraszam również na moje konto :)

Great video, u have my vote for your hard work ;) trzymaj tak dalej kolego;)

i really thanks you to create a such informative post, keep posting like that,
and follow me @sohailomi

czy mi się wydaje czy kawałeczek tekstu jest zdublowany?

zależało mi, żeby zrobić wpis dwujęzyczny, dla polaków, jednak taki co będzie dobrze widoczny dla ludzi nie znających języka polskiego. Mogłem coś namieszać, ale jak tak patrzę, to nie widzę... co jest zdublowane?

już wszytko jest okej. pokazywało mi dwa razy fragment o slajdach i kontach do obserwowania nie wiem czemu. BTW jest w planach meetup jakiś bliżej okolic Poznania może? Coś z tej strony kraju?

Poznań też chciałbym w końcu odznaczyć :) Ale jeszcze żadnych planów nie ma. Natomiast mogą przydać się obrotne osoby, do pomocy - samodzielna organizacja eventu, w mieście, którego się nie zna - to koszmar!

niestety nie siedzę w tym temacie a Poznań mi przyszedł do głowy bo mam tam koło 100km :)

That's great. I hope some of them sign up

My talk about Steem and its Ecosystem, during meetup at Crypto@Cracow Poland, with over 200 attendees.

Wow big ups to you @noisy. This is massive and historic

It always gladdens my heart seeing people contributing their quota and giving out their time and resources into promoting and doing everything possible to make the steem blockchain and its ecosystem, the best, great and grow tremendously. You all are amazing and it calls for commendation.

Thank you @noisy for the great job you're doing for the Steem blockchain and its ecosystem and thank you for sharing this with us. We appreciate it.

Happy Steeming

Ty jak zawsze w formie :)

You as always in good shape :)

2018-01-29 13.24.30.jpg

strimi, some of polish steemians may be interested.Also been there :) I even had a chance to talk to you @noisy in one of breaks. During meetup I've learned about polish steem based service for sharing interesting links, called

CongrateWhat a attention @noisy

Hi! I am a masud. I just upvoted you! I found similar content that readers might be interested in:

Wow..this is remarkable. Keep promoting @noisy

@noisy I really thank you for such informative post you make. Keep posting such and please follow me.

Byłam i bardzo żałuję że nie mogłam zostać do końca. Fajna forma promocji i rozprzestrzeniania informacji o steemie i okolicach przy pomocy naklejek :)

naklejone już gdzieś, czy nadal czekają na swoje miejsce przeznaczenia? :)

Good job, Noisy.

thanks :)

Ale smutek , ze mnie nie bylo... kiedy nastepne w Wawie ?

żałuj, żałuj :P

@noisy Pieknie ! Kiedys bede musial w calosci ogladnac!

Couldn't be in Cracow, maybe next I will be there or if there will be some meeting in Warsaw. Thanks for uploading video - bookmarked "To watch".

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you have delivered well. maybe in my opinion it needs to be continuously done. so that 200 participants will be more understanding about what you are saying today. thank you

Good information. Thank you for sharing

Unfortunately that vid is in a language I can't understand. But it looks like some good info.

Zapraszamy do Rzeszowa z prelekcją :D