Edit: I'm sorry, for some reason when I responded to this (probably before coffee) I thought you meant the proposal quote that mentioned how much money it would bring in.. apparently I can't count. It was pointed out that you meant the one containing the names.. which even though the thought I believe was transparency, I understand what you mean now.
If I would have actually realized that earlier, and the way it was being seen as.. I would have suggested an edit. I apologize. I am not sure why I was confused. Which is why I said I didnt see how saying they would bring in a profit was "advertising their project.".. I edited my comment above.. I feel like a doofus.
Thank you for bringing it up, it seems they saw it and then they requested an edit.
Haha, thanks @llfarms - I am used people do not understand me as of two reasons:
1 - My english is crap
2 - I am male
Thanks fpr checking in again.
Nah, that wasn’t you.. that was all me. I reread your comment and it made sense. I should not answer questions first thing in the a.m., not sure how I goofed that up.
Anyways, thanks for understanding and I hope that requested edit helps things, as the focus very much should be the structure of the proposals themselves.. not people’s names. Sorry again about that. Have a good one!
No wonder no one listens to you...
any time.