The Old Dog Advises: Should You Resteem? If so How Much?

in #steem7 years ago

Here is a quick follow up to my comprehensive guide for new users from yesterday.

Resteeming Can be a Helpful And a Powerful Tool But be Careful!

I've put some of my thoughts on this matter into this short video. I hope that you find it helpful.

How Can You Find Out Who Resteemed You?

Here's what I do. Go to the site and substitute your username for mine. Once there look for the list of your recent articles. Click on the one that you want to check and you'll see the tabs that I've highlighted below.

Here we can see that this article has been resteemed 20 times and the names of the resteemers appears on the left. Please use it's a great tool!

What About You?

  • Do you resteem?
  • If yes how much?
  • Does it bother you if those you follow resteem too much?

I hope that this article "Should You Resteem? If so How Much?" can help you to find success and happiness on Steemit!

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

There are 2 pages

I totally agree with you. I barely resteem to be honest. I mainly have my own posts instead. Thank you that website. seems pretty useful

Yes the website is great!

I resteem very little-- occasionally I'll resteem a particularly promising newcomer's post, I'll resteem warnings and site announcements, once in a while contests and such.

I would probably resteem more if profile feeds had a "hide resteems" tab/option... it just bothers me when I look at someone's page and I really have to scroll and dig to find their content.

Thanks for your input. As a long time blogger that has used other platforms have you seen this feature elsewhere? The comments in this thread seem to indicate a need for one.

What a wonderful tool is Steemworld!

It shows just how powerful the Steemit blockchain is. So much info can be extracted and used!

Resteem could be very good when we resteem a post from a new member which we would like to bring under attention at a bigger number of steemians.
Maybe it could be good to have it limited per day.....
And Yes, seeing more then 10 resteems from one person a day; with all kind of # , doesn’t bring that much attention/effect.

It seems that you have a balance approach.

Yes, I believe in helping other people; so in that case resteem or promote could work out well.
There are on daily base so many new entries, it cant be read.
But that brings me to another thought; maybe it is good that only level 50 or higher are able to resteem,... ?

Wow, what a coincidence. I was thinking the same but might be as I am new on steemit and just joined two days ago so I can think about it as a new member but other than that I agree one should share it if it is valuable.
Followed you to not miss out on the interesting content coming from you side in future and by the way you can check out my post :p

I have been known to unfollow people who appear to resteem more content than they post. Resteeming is more about sharing content beyond your skills, talents, and knowledge. Too much resteeming, and followers will start to question what unique talents this account is bringing. Many random resteems is a big turn-off for me. I would prefer a single post with a custom review of some great posts to check out.

Balance is the key.

Great post! I’m new here and I feel I’m back in college. So much to learn... I really appreciate you sharing the info and your opinion as well. Happy 2018🎉🎉🎉

Glad that it can be of help!

@kus-knee I really appreciate you checking my post, it just made my day! Little things make a big difference😊 Have an Awesome Day!!!

Exellent article, I must register

Register? For No need for that it's open and free!

Ok I dont Know . Thank you

1-2 times a day should be..alright.

Yes I'm sure that there are many thought on that. Reasonableness and common sense will help us.

Thx, I never analysed this, but resteeming I don't use much.. only the last week I did more because my daughter @creatisa made some posts and I wanted her to have some more visibility.

Hey, you should resteem your daughter. Resteeming is great just not 100's a day!

I resteemed already..

Nice website at It shows a lot of useful information about a steem account.

I've been exploring it more and more. It really is a valuable tool.

I'd resteem A LOT more if:
a. I could have a separate tab just for resteems - this could be useful for "saving" posts too which I want to do but can't currently
b. If I truly believe it helped so much. Unfortunately, I feel that a lot of people don't really read. This is bound to change in the future!

How much?
if 1 happens, as much as I want to!!

There is a feature for saving posts if you use the interface.

Am new to this community, you have been my guild in the community, i can't thank you enough. I will definitely make a post just to thank you for helping us in the community @kus-knee

Glad if I can help!

Thanks for sharing this It answered questions I have had.

Thanks for having a look!

I resteemed your post :)
I like resteeming, it's a very useful tool on Steemit. Reminds me to new contests that I could forget, and i can find important articles easier. The number of resteems a day is changing. Sometimes i don't resteem anything, but usually do it 4-5 times or more a day. I haven't experienced the people I follow resteem too much.

Resteeming is a useful tool. It seems that you have found a nice comfort level as to how many you like to do. Thanks for the resteem! :)

I resteem posts that I think deserve more exposure, especially if the author has a small following. I just don't want to flood my feed so people can't find my posts.

It's great to help others by resteeming them. That is super helpful of you and it's the right thing to do.

In the example that showed the member had resteemed about 200 posts over the course of an hour or so perhaps thinking that this would somehow benefit her.

As you mentioned if we resteem too much our own posts will be lost. Like finding a needle in a hay stack. We will also flood our followers feeds.

Great to have balanced and thoughtful Steemers like you!

I get people commenting 'resteemed', but that has little value if they are not engaged with their followers. We need interaction too

Yeah I will like to agree with your point. It is good to resteem so that It could reach to larger audience. Addition to that, we have very different variety over here on steemit so sometimes if I have followed one person and I receive his posts but if randomly I will receive another post which is not of my interest but it might surprise me and I end up liking it. You know sometimes you have to do somethings which you don't do on regular basis.
I don't have much knowledge about it as I joined steemit two days ago so I hope someone will also resteem my just created post about my Afro :).
Followed you to not miss out on the interesting content coming from you side in future.

Welcome to Steemit!

Steemworld is awesome I had no idea when I saw an upvote on my post how much it was like it could be one cent or it could be 2 bucks. Steemworld let me know so I could return those big votes with a bunch of votes and comments and a follow. I love the site

It is an amazing site and it shows the power of the blockchain!

I resteem posts that I would like to refer to in the future - like bookmarking them in my blog roll. The secondary effect is that some of my followers may benefit from stumbling upon these interesting posts. I resteemed this post, by the way!

Thanks for the resteem. Quite a few mentioned resteeming as a way to bookmark. The interface has an option to save/bookmark a post.

Thanks for the excellent tip! Will be getting busy with (corny pun intended)...

Don't mind but i don't do resteem but there should be some sort of option to filter other's resteem in the home page as the home page which we follow other people and only resteem are often seen we need to find out posts from in between

Many have suggested the option of a filter. I assume that eventually it will come.

this need to come soon otherwise home page is a mess

I resteem if I find the content valuable and one that my followers would also benefit from reading.

I have noticed that there are some accounts that resteem content more often than others. I don't want to make resteeming a "bad habit." If that's even a possibility. I gain quite a bit of insight from reading steemit content and adding my own thoughts on the information provided.

As a fairly new user to the platform, I find commenting more often and posting my own original work more rewarding than resteeming other people's posts. I also think there may be a few who don't want their stuff resteemed? I'm not sure, and sort of curious about that myself.

Personally, I don't see anything much wrong with resteeming, however I do see the point in being careful and considerate in doing so. I don't mind my content resteemed as I am new here and could use additional readers.

I think everyone is happy to have their articles resteemed. Resteeming is great and helpful if we find a good article or want to help someone once in a while. However if we resteem hundreds of articles a day can it possibly be sincere and will we upset our followers? I think that the answer is clear.

I agree most everyone does want their content shared with others and it is worthwhile to share content with your followers so that they may see it too, and gain some benefit. As you pointed out in your comment above, I do think overusing the resteem option may have a negative effect on some accounts.

I want to add to the community, but not abuse my privileges.

It's definitely annoying when someone is resteeming too much. The only time you should resteem when you think the post is too good and valuable that you have to share it with other people so it gets the attention it deserves.

That is my thinking but of course balance is needed.

Nice tab with useful information. I have not seen this the first time checking steemworld. Thank you for highlighting.

Yes that iamazing!

I usually don't follow those who primarily resteem because I feel guilty that I can't reciprocate and read their work. And, if they do post, it's difficult to find their posts.

I resteem very little and my reasons for it would be to help boost a posters writing. If I want to save something for myself, I bookmark it.

You have a balanced view as to how to resteem but please let go of the guilt! :) @lellabird60 is the same way.

By the way I spent part of my youth in the Tilsonburg area. Are you in that neck of the woods?

We used to live in Waterford for a few years but now we are in Waterdown just outside of Burlington. I know the Tillsonburg area well. I miss Norfolk County and the big skies....just can't get the same feel here.

nice, I learned something new today :)

He you keep that up you'll be beyond genius level in no time! :) There really is a lot to learn when it comes to the blockchain.

Grazie del post utile ! :-D

Oooh thanks for you visit!

Thank you for the info!!!! :-))

Great great advice dear brother. Unfortunately I did press the unfollow button a lot due to mass resteeming by some users. I think mass resteeming makes feed feature useless for our steemit blogs. I like your videos as I can hear your great voice dear brother though your articles are equally interesting and informative.

Yes you are right. It would be good to have a filter so we could see a persons posts without the resteem as well. I immagine that it will arrive one day.

I was wondering, how is your back these days?

Yes, I hope soon we will be able filter the feed the way we want it. My back is back to normal!LOL. Just back from India and trying to settle down the day night difference. Thanks a lot dear brother, you are so caring :))

That is the COOLEST website! Thank you for posting it! 👍👍

Yes, I love it!

Thanks for giving the chance to enjoy this beautiful news!

Wow great succes you on steemit i must resister ..Thanks for sharing ..Carry on your creativity ..Resteemit done..✌✌✌✌✌

Thank you very much my dear sir @kus-knee for sharing this helpful post . have a nice day.

Thank you very much for this valuable information


Thanks for having a look!

It had a very nice share I have very good ideas for this post thank you @kus-knee

I found this informations helpful because have been wondering how I can benefit from resteeming others post.. thanks you for sharing this

Thanks for having a look!

It's informative that'll help to next level! I watched your vedio!
Thanks for sharing! @kus-knee

thanks for the info .

I think the resteem is a useful tool but there are some that do it way too much and it tends to clog my feed. I do it myself but I usually don't resteem any more than I create my own posts.

My main of of resteeming is so more persons get the chance to view the great content i've seen and I'm definitely resteeming this

Yes friend this is a greatest advice for the people. Resteeming of post of great steemian's may not make one successful,it looks like a begging of votes, which is not fair for everyone. Thanks for sharing such a valuable information, which must become benefited for people. Wish you a very happy New Year my dear friend.

I do not resteem. It does not contain kai profit , Only the second post appears in our file. There is nothing else, Another friend has to be respected

he took "steem" out and just went la-la with "re" ....
lol xD

very good post thanks :)

I resteem few posts! And is because I want to have my blog with my contributions in first place. Thanks for sharing.

Maybe you are interested in a mathematical analysis that I made about how to optimize your upvote.

I only resteem when either request. When it is a post that is on trending or hot I do not resteem. Also I avoid resteeming in general because the stories can be found as long as I have a short list of memebers I follow.

I think way back in the beginning when I started on steemit I was resteeming a lot but got overwhelmed by the amount of resteems on my own blog that I did not have my own content easily found on my blog page. Thanks.

As with everything it is the right ballance that is important concerning the resteeming of posts, I think. And is a wonderful tool - we can hardly thank @steemchiller enough for it :-) Cheers from the Seven Mountains in Germany

Excellent work dear friend @ kus-knee of much interest as all the jobs you post.
The reesteem is a very useful tool, and there are several ways to use them, in my case I use it in way of thanking the author for supporting my work, in other cases I use them to help promote the good work of a little-known author, in other cases as a memory aid of a work that interests me and others for the sole fact that I liked the topic that has been published, I know that these reesteem makes my posts lose visibility, but this is in the background in my way of seeing things . Anyone who wants to reward my work with a vote, nevertheless, finds my publications.
Thank you very much dear friend, for giving us the opportunity to express our opinion
I wish you a wonderful day

So much to learn here! Thank you for another informative article, as a newb, very much apreciated and hoping to learn more, will check out next to see if I get a better overview of things, and resteeming this obviously 😀🤗

To be honest i resteem only few posts per month 🙄🙄🙄😔😔. I don't know why but they confuse me, they mix up in the bundle and it's hard for me to keep tracking my own posts.

i agree with what you are bringing into our attention...i normally don't resteem so often..anyway i agree with the cons and pros of resteeming..thanks for discussing such simple things but which matters alot

So you can see who resteems, interesting!

There are 2 pages