
"Then they added more centralized tools. Facebook login, Google analytics, and much more. They tracked you, while giving your data to big corps, and perfected their marketing techniques until you believed their lies good enough.I only know what I read in @heimindanger 's post. You need to explain this to him than I guess.

Then they started collecting your emails, with the innocent excuse that they want to alert you when a new stream that you follow starts. And you gave them your emails. And now you're getting spammed." <- his words not mine. I do feel you should have given those people notice either way. Also why were you not decentralized but never told anyone?

Honestly I would be inclined to believe you if you had given people more notice of your exit. But typically it is hard to trust people who pull fast ones on loyal members. So I am going to go with @heimindanger on this one. I wish you guys all the best. Don't shoot the messenger. I only know what I was told.

I have corrected the word sold to gave to exactly quote above more accurately. However I have no clue what was done. Only knew what I read. I do know you ditched thousands of users who built a massive following with no warning. Sorry the truth is not pleasant but 'facts don't care about your feelings'.

Lastly why would you use tons of bots to upvote your own comment if you are so honest and fair? Your trying to make it appear as if people agree with you. It is really lame. If you were being honest and lets say you were for a moment you would not need faux accounts to push what you wrote to make it appear better than my comments. My words aka the truth do not need 'bots' to be validated. Your actions on Steemit are worth more than a thousand of your bots in validating the truth that is written above about you by @heimindanger. Go pick on someone your own size. I am just a Mom trying to create content. I have never used one bot in my whole life much less ELEVEN of them on one of my own comments. Lame lame lame. Oh wait it has since increased to FIFTY bots. Truth can stand on its own two feet it doesn't require bots. Please quit while your ahead. You are making me loose brain cells.


Check my Steem wallet... I didn't bot my comment? 50 bots for $.01? C'mon now~

I was simply stating we were not selling your information. I did not attack you in any way. You sure did get really defensive for no reason?

Sure hope you're able to tighten up those loose brain cells.

Best wishes~

No it wasn't for the money. It was to appear as if your words meant something to people. None of those accounts have content from what I saw. Nor do any of them have any rep. Your use of bots is shady. Please quit while you are ahead. My brain is too intelligent for insanity.

There is 10 of your "people who agree with your comment ah hem lie". I would do this 40 more times to prove my point further but I would not want to waste the pixels on anyone's device screens more than has already been wasted on this nonsense of leaving thousands of people high and dry like you have. I will only continue making you look silly if you persist because I have truth on my side and you Sir do not. You show us there is no honesty in your actions and your excuses are as fake as your 50 "upvotes". Your problem is I have too many brain cells. Not a lack of them. I also have the ability to speak my mind. I think many people are afraid to say the truth out here and are being way to nice to people who left them like hot potatoes. Your fake accounts upvoting your fake excuse just proved that.

Believe whatever you like, but the fact of the matter is, I honestly don't care enough to bidbot a comment for additional support. I was only here to point out the fact we're not selling your information. Nothing more, nothing less.

Paying bots for support is not the support truth would require. If you stand in truth people will see it and upvote you. Living breathing human beings.. you know 'human beings' like the ones you left like pieces of meaningless garbage. It is no different than if a president pays people to vote for him, or uses dead people to fake vote for his or her presidency. If he or she was a qualified candidate they will find the support of the people. Stop it your nose is growing.

Johnny what is happening here is your team is getting targeted by curation sniping bots because of how they were paid with comment upvotes.

Its actually kind of funny.