Obama Said Everyone is Walking Around with A Swiss Bank in their Pockets.

in #steem7 years ago

or Steem for that matter.


Pulling out my phone and sending Steem from the eSteem app is just as easy as selling Bitcoin or Dash. Easier as a matter of fact.

Obama has always talked out his ass. Very rarely has anything he said actually been accurate. We have not caught any terrorists due to the vault7 samsung back door. No, there were not any child porn or trafficking arrests until after Trump took office. What about tax evasion? Well I don't want to pay for our invading forces in Syria or to arm Isis anyway.

But I ran across this

And I can't help posting it. Mr. Obummer has nailed it. Bitcoin is equal to everyone walking around with a Swiss bank in their pocket. Steem has an even easier account number. Send it to @htooms - instant, free and easy.

Thanks for describing bitcoin. Can I use that?




Twitter: @at_htooms
Email: htooms@protonmail.com


@htooms you wanna keep going on this flag war? I'm having a great time, but, it is voting power I could be using to reward people. I've got another 1.2m I can power up if needed. It's up to you. You can comment and I won't flag, this time.

Hey Bernie. Whats up?

I am totally defensive. I have continually say that I would much rather spread positive energy around Steemit and make it a place where people have fun. To protect my investment. You protect yours by... not sure on that one.

I thought I was clear.

When you skipped flagging these two. I ceased to flag you back.

When you flagged this one, I returned fire.

The ball has always been in your court.

If you continue, Steemit loses as I drag you and Steemit through the mud. Pull my investment out. Daily Constant Bad Press On Twitter, Gab, Facebook, LInkedIn and others. All your choice.

If you stop, then I stop. Proven by my past actions. Your call.

Done. Although I encourage you to keep selling, we both know that's the best move at this point.

Great demonstration of greatness Bernie! I really appreciate it. I think we all love Steemit and we do a lot for this platform. You made my day happy with this comment. Have a great Wednesdey, man!

Interesting little video. It will be interesting to see how those who currently hold power will deal with, maybe cope with is a better term, the coming decentralization wave. I think we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg at the moment. Every institution will be challenged by blockchain and crypto technology in the years to come, banks, industry, finance and even governments.

Whats wrong with a Swiss Bank Account in your pocket?

You telling me their is more Bad people than Good?

Dirty politicians don't want competition.

I hear you @gavvet

But they must be starting to worry about regular folks walking around with a Swiss Bank Account in their pocket?

Why is that soo wrong?

Obama is wrong, what we really need is some concession on hanging socialist/Deep State traitors ;>

Steem has an even easier account number. Send it to @htooms

lol, let's see who falls for that one :)

Wait..people still use swiss accounts??

It's a word that great

Eh, Obama said some good things and some dumb things. He was certainly no fan of encryption, and no friend to the internet. However what power hungry ruler is? The internet, and crypto currencies especially challenge the governments authority, it should actually be flattering that they are so afraid.

So interesting little video..
Great work.!!
Thanks for sharing..

Most people are unaware that shell or shelf companies are completely legal.

Its OK for their political class to have offshore accounts, but everyone else? Oh noes.

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이 정보를 공유해 주셔서 감사합니다. 인터넷과 cryptocurrencies가 게임을 바꿀 것입니다. 그리고 결국 우리는 평화와 자유를위한 우리의 싸움에서 승리 할 것입니다!

In the end we will win our fight for peace and freedom, because the internet and the cryptocurrencies are about to change the game. Many thanks for posting this.

Obama is listing all of the specious justifications the powers-that-be will use in their coming attempts to demonize or even outright criminalize cryptocurrency. It's the usual litany about terrorists, child molesters, and horror of horrors---tax evaders! Nevermind that Citibank, HSBC, and other TBTF banks, have been caught red-handed money laundering for Mexican drug cartels on a routine basis. That's just business as usual for them. Nevermind that even with the police state/Big Brother surveillance society that most of us live under, terrorist attacks still occur and often by perpetrators 'known' to the authorities who did nothing to stop them. It only makes sense when you realize that the goal of the government elites isn't to protect their citizens from terrorism and crime, it's to maintain control over them at all costs. Throughout the last century or two, when people wanted to protect their hard-earned money from the ravages of war and tyranny, they sent it to Switzerland if they had the means to do so. Now with crypto, everyone has the means. Freedom--get some and put it in your pocket.

hahaha, great word

Selling Bitcoin is not tis easy .......... still have my 100 $ stuk in the blokchain ..... its so damm enoing . Steem is much more faster in transaction and last time i pay 6$ fees for send just a bit over 100$ with steem its free !