Million transactions per day (outranking the nearest competitor by mile)
Two hundred and fifty visitors.
Yes this is truly the epitome of real world adoption in the current cryptocurrency world :-) I haven't been on Steemit very much in last five days and this is the first time I have heard of reaching the 1 Million mark accounts, Thanks for that!
As you mention Steemit legitimizes not just the Steem blockchain but the cryptosphere as whole for a lot of folks put there. Real world use is something that Steem blockchain has shown the world of cryptocurrency how to do.
When I heard of Steemit I wasn't very interested and it took me a month or two to get onto the platform. But even after getting here I hadn't looked into the platform at deeper level. A couple of months I took real interest and started reading more and more and what steem has done with Delegated POS and it was an eye opener (considering that I an still a newbie in the crypto world)