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RE: Announcing A Public High Performance Full API

in #steem5 years ago

Would you happen to be doing some sort of caching? I noticed that when I pull blog/comments from your API it sometimes sends back the same data if within ~1minute? It doesn't seem to happen when I use Steemit's nodes ... I didn't fully debug this problem so it could be something on my end. But, as of right now, I do have my fulltimebots pulling from Steemit to see if problem reoccurs (which it hasn't in past 12hrs) ...

Thanks again for running this full-node tho! I have you in my config files as an alternative gateway for now.


Hum, I do have a cache but it's only for a few seconds (within the same block). However I think I might have found and fixed an issue that could serve up a stale request while it's updating it.

Try again and let me know if that solved the issue!

I think that might've fixed it. Thank you kind sir! 😁👍